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21st August 2007:

"But then, I realized I could just buy them all! So I decided I would get the white one and the pink one. Even though they don't really go with my goth look, I figured it would be nice for a change, you know, dressing up all cute for you. Would you like that? I think you would. I-"

It didn't take long for Misa to realize that even though Light was nodding and humming along with her words, his attention was pinned somewhere else entirely. It didn't matter what Misa was saying, it never did once she walked into the room.

17th October 2007:

"Misa, what the fuck are you doing?!"

It wasn't her fault, she just wanted to surprise him, after all the handcuffs linking him to L had finally come off two days ago. She just wanted to see him finally come into his room all alone, look at her, and witness his eyes widen and cheeks blush a pretty pink as he stuttered in confusion yet arousal. 

But here he was, with eyes wide and cheeks pink with rage rather than because he was too shy to look at her.

And maybe he would have been shy if it wasn't for Kiyo who stood behind him, her back turned to them out of respect for the girl. 

"I- I just-" Misa tried to stutter out, 'tried' being the keyword as she was sharply cut off by Light.

"You what, huh?! You what?! Haven't I made myself clear yet? Haven't I told you enough that I'm not interested in doing things like these? Especially with you?"

That one hit her hard. It hit her hard in the chest, and she couldn't help but wonder:

Maybe Light wouldn't have been this especially opposed to her if not for the girl to who he seemed to be in some way constantly attached, mentally if not physically.

20th October 2007:

She just wanted to hold his hand and sit with him, just spend some time together while he worked on whatever he was working on. Contrary to popular opinion, Misa did enjoy her quality time in silence, expressing her love through physical touch and showing her lover her need and want to be with him.

But try as she may, lately, Light had been too preoccupied with someone else. A 'her' to be more specific. 

Misa hated every passing second she had to sit and watch Light grin and giggle with someone that wasn't her. She hated it more than anything in the world, even more than the fact that she had never made Light smile like that. 

She could only wait and watch, and hope that someday she would be able to.

22nd October 2007:

Light had forgotten about their date. Well, maybe not forgotten because he did say he might be busy. But how busy could he be if Misa could hear him laughing from almost a mile away? 

How busy could he be when she could hear him giggling while he cried out for Kiyo to 'stop it' because his 'sides are ticklish' and he had 'signed up for a shoulder massage' and not whatever was going on?

Why did it have to be Kiyo? Why couldn't he be like that with her? Why couldn't he enjoy moments like these with her? Why couldn't he just laugh with her? Why couldn't he just love her? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?

23rd October 2007:

"Alright! Let's try again from the top."

"Tell me Misa, is it true you once said that you came to Tokyo in order to meet Kira?"


Hours. It had been hours and Misa was making no progress. L was frustrated. Light was frustrated. Kiyo was frustrated. Coil was frustrated. The fucking walls were frustrated and they weren't even alive.

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