Seeds That Grow

389 28 12

24th October 2007:
(Back at HQ, while Misa was at the Yotsuba Office for her ad campaign interview)

"Oh man, I wonder if Misa Misa's alright.. Maybe we should've wired her or used something to track her movements.."

Matsuda's voice never stopped echoing through the HQ, but at this point, it had just become a white noise that everyone was used to - to the point where the room felt unusually tense if Matsuda was present but didn't say anything. 

Today, however, it was a different story for Light.

Matsuda's continuous rambling did nothing to soothe the sheer restless in his mind, he was far too deep in his thoughts for anything to help him. 

"Just as I thought.. The Kira before I was detained and the one that surfaced afterwards, they must be two different people - the M.O. clearly doesn't match. This Kira is killing criminals as soon as they've had their crime broadcast on T.V. regardless of the situation. 

He's punishing people who never intended to kill, those who sincerely regretted their crimes, or people with excusable circumstances. The original Kira never would have punished those kinds of people. That's the sorta distinction I'd make.. if I were him..

The way the original Kira acted.. is disturbingly close to my ideals..

Ugh, what the hell am I thinking?! I'm not Kira. Something's gotta be wrong with me if I'm seriously comparing myself to that murderer! Why can't I remember?! Why can't I just seem to remember?! I don't even know what I've forgotten, but it feels like I've forgotten so much! I-"


The boy snapped out of his thoughts immediately, only to find Kiyo standing next to him, a slightly tense look on her face. Light decided this expression didn't suit her. He was going to try his best to get rid of it.

"Yes?" He spoke softly.

"Can I speak to you for a minute?"

Light could see from the corner of his eye, the way the detective sat next to him shifted slightly in his seat. 


Kiyo spared him a quick fleeting smile before turning on her heel and walking out of the control room expecting Light to follow, which he did immediately. Turning a few turns and climbing a few stairs, they reached a room, not very well lit. Kiyo held the door open for him and shut it behind her when they were both inside. 

He could hear her breathe a sigh - a deep, long sigh, before she spoke with an uncharacteristic quietness to her voice, "Light.."


"What happened yesterday.. with Misa I mean.." Kiyo's voice trembled slightly, her fingers playing with each other out of nervousness as she stared at the ground, "I really appreciate the fact that you stood up for me.. and supported me.." That made Light smile, but Kiyo's next words made his heart drop, "But that just makes me wonder even more.. aren't we doing Misa wrong? You're still her boyfriend, you know. And we've been spending so much time together.. I can't help but feel like what she said about me was true.. 

Am I really.. really stealing you from her? Light, I feel horrible.. how can we do this to her?!" Her head suddenly snapped up to look at Light, her eyes wide and filled with guilt and it made his gut wrench. 

Did she really think he could belong to anyone but her?

"Kiyo.." He stepped forward, taking her hands in his, gently, softly, lovingly. He guided her to the bed in the room and sat her down, kneeling next to her as he stared up into her eyes, "You can't steal me from anyone.. You can't steal something that is already yours, now can you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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