Chapter 10

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After a little more conversation, Boongi literally passed out on the table. And he was telling me not to drink much.

I chuckled at his state and got up, cleaning the table. I tied my hair in a tight bun and packed the remaining food. It was too much for me.

I picked up the packed food and strolled out on the streets, leaving him there. Cause, what can I do?

I walked with a smile, admiring the nightscape, finally getting to the street right behind ours.

"Omo, Sora, I thought you'll not come," an old woman spoke.

"How can I not? I was just catching up with my old friend and hence got late. Sorry," I bowed and a number of kids ran upto me with bright eyes.

"Sora Noona!" A little boy blubbered making me smile wide.

"Yup it's me. I've got food!" I grinned and they chimed.

They were around five to six kids, living in this abject poverty. It aches me, I wish I could help them in any way possible. They sat on the pavement of an almost-dilapidated house when I served them in paper plates.

"Unnie, this is so awesome," a girl complimented and I ruffled her hair in admiration.

"Eat well, guys, it's alot."

I walked up to the woman who was admiring the children eat sumptuously.

"They are cute, aren't they?" I questioned and she nodded.

"It's so cruel for them not having parents," she sighed painfully.

I pressed my lips in a firm line, "They'll make it. I'll try-"

"Oh no no, Sora, you should focus on yourself. You're already doing so much for us. Their education and all, I could have never."

"It's not like that. I love doing this. I have no where to use my money anyway," I shrugged. "And there's a provision for children, the fees is almost nothing." It's true, I earn way too much than what my needs would want.

A child ran upto me, "Noona," he questioned. His bright big eyes looking upto me.

"You want anything?"

He shook his head. "Noona, can you touch my mark? I love you," he said and motioned his inked wrist towards me.

I stifled a laugh. Love? For food? That's so ingenuous. Children are just so pure.

"Baby, your mark doesn't decolourize till you're eighteen," I responded with a smile.

He pouted, "But I love you."

I scooted down to meet his eyes. "Do we need to be soulmates to love each other? Don't you love Aunty?" I pointed out to the old woman.

He nodded. "Are you soulmates? Don't you love your friends? Your classmates?"

"We can love without being soulmates?" He asked and tilted his head. I nodded, holding his hands in mine. "Just that love is a bit different. We can care for each other, understand each other, love each other. We just cannot complete each other. You'll find the person who'll complete you. And that surely isn't me."

"Why?" He pouted again making me snort.

"Because..." I bopped his little button nose, "You're this little cutie pie and I will eat you."

His eyes widened in horror and I laughed. "Just go and eat before I eat you, my pie," I chuckled and he ran off.

"Sora, I think you should try finding a way out too. There must be-"

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