Chapter 36

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Astonishingly, the park wasn't isolated. It was teeming with people but none of them were pouncing upon him or we weren't blinded by flashlights.

I was so confused. Is this a mirror world?

"What are you gaping at?" He asked, pulling me out of the daze.

"Nothing.... You lost your fan following or what?" He laughed at that and pulled me closer by the side, leaning to me ear. "Maybe they all got insecure by your beauty?" He whispered.

I pushed him back, "Just stop flirting, Yoongi."

"Call me baby," he insisted with a dorky smile and I couldn't believe him. He was just acting different than what he usually is. Is he drunk?

"Get lost," I grunted and bit my bottom lip.

"Don't bite your own lips. You're so selfish, lemme do it for you."

My teeth instantly left my poor lip. I walked ahead of him, brushing my shoulder with him while he was grinning like an idiot.

"Wait baby, let's go together," he ran up taking my hand in his. I glared at him but ended up smiling, reflecting his expressions.

"So, where should we start with?" He asked and I looked around and pointed at one particular spot.

"NO! We aren't starting with the food court, you had your fair share of breakfast."

"Wow, come on..."

"No, we're going there," he pulled me to the other side while my eyes were set upon those alluring plates of freshly made noodles.


After like many rides. And many pick up lines he tried. P.s. he succeeded in all. We were finally in the most dangerous ride of all... The roller coaster. We were literally sitting vertically, travelling up with a slow speed.

"I hate you Yoongi. I wanna go back," I passed, my head up in the clouds, I couldn't dare to glance down.

"I think you're so scared because you're lacking vitamin me," he started off again. My gaze averted to his own hands gripping the steel rod tightly and that made me laugh.

"Are you sure that I am having a deficiency? Look at your hands, kitty," I laughed.

He was about to retaliate when someone from behind me spoke, "Well how does it feel being with someone you don't deserve?"

I didn't turn around and just managed to keep on my smile but Yoongi turned back. "It's pretty great, actually," he said making me confounded. "I didn't know if I could make it."

"O- oppa... I was not talking about you, I'm sorry," they said.

"No it's a genuine question. She was way too good for me." He smiled as he looked at me and I was so touched. My heart melted into a puddle. His hand reached my cheek and it turned my face to the front.

As my eyes encountered the edge of the high up trail, my heartbeat dropped. "AAAAA...." I yelled out loud as the coaster went down with a enormous speed.


We sat at the table, I was eating my noodles while he was sulking. Why? Not because that he forgot his wallet and I am paying. Because he thinks this is a thing I should be doing. Since I am the careless one here, duh.

"Stop sulking and eat," I said. He sighed, "Am I somehow getting your germs? Well, you're a doctor. Is it possible? Maybe-"

"Shut your ass the fuck up. Eat till I am paying or else you will just be watching me," I grunted but he just hefted another sigh.

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