Chapter 19

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Aurora dropped off the laundry and sat by her tree, her heart was pounding fast still and she couldn't help but remember Caspian's embrace.

It was so tight and had made her feel so safe and wanted. It was something that she could get used to but couldn't have.

She wondered what he always meant when he spoke of her eyes, a mysteriousness that she held? She also could not figure out what he meant.

The way he had lifted her hand so he could place it on his cheek made her feel warm all over. Then all the daydreams came crashing down when she remembered all the other women he has had and discarded.

To put the cherry on top of the cake he was going to marry Princess Nadia, and if she didn't keep her emotions in check it would end badly for her.

"Thinking again?"

Aurora looked and found Elliot taking a seat beside her,

"What can one do when they are left alone with their thoughts."

"That is true, care to share your thoughts Aurora?"

"Not really, it's nothing that I can't solve."

"You are sure closed off," Elliot responded.

"Aren't we all up to a certain degree, we let people what we want them to know about us."

"You got me on that one, I must say," Elliot responded.

"What do I owe your company."

"I also am taking a break before I head back to work."

Aurora nodded, "Do you enjoy your work"

"Very much so Aurora."

"What is it you do?"

"I will have to show you sometime when you have enough time and are not in a rush."

"Okay, I am curious now as to what you do so I will one day come to have a look."

"Is that a promise?" Elliot asked

"Very much so and I never break them."

Elliot smiled widely at her answer,

"As much as I would like to carry this on, I have to go back for dinner."

"Of course, same as me in the male quarters," Elliot replied.

Elliot got up and held out his hand to her which she took and he pulled her up.

"Thanks, Elliot."

"Any time Aurora, and I mean it."

Aurora headed back to the servant's quarters and grabbed her food, all her friends came filing one after another.

"I'm beat." Said Agnes.

"Aren't we all," Ella replied.

"I'm dead on my feet." Lucy chimed in.

"I might fall asleep as I eat," Evelyn added.

"I have to cycle back to my place."

They all groaned, "I feel for you Aurora, you still have to make a tedious journey." Barbara remarked.

"I have no choice sadly."

"Has the madam not said anything about the lodgings here?" Ida asked.

"Not at all, I have not seen Madam in a while."

"I hope she hasn't forgotten her promise to you," Agnes remarked.

"There is no space open yet, maybe that is the reason as to why I have not been called."

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