Chapter 23

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Aurora walked in timidly and found Caspian staring out the window,

"You called for me My Lord."

Caspian turned, and he was not wearing a shirt.

"Where were you?"

"Lord Ethan had asked me to accompany him for a walk."

" So you neglect your duties for him?"

"No My Lord, I had refused but Madam Beatrice insisted."

"What did you two talk about?" Caspian asked and he seemed to be jealous or was she overreading this.

"Nothing much My Lord, just his interests."

"Do you like him?"

Aurora was caught off guard by his question, "No My Lord, this is my first time meeting him."

"Does not matter, one can conclude if they like someone in a matter of seconds."

"Why does it matter My Lord?"

The words slipped out of her tongue and she wished she could take them back as Caspian had tilted his head to her answer.

"Are you telling me that I need to stay in my place?"

"Not at all My Lord, I don't want these trivial matters to bother you."

"It is my place to see if a matter is trivial or not Aurora."

"Yes My Lord, I understand."

Caspian walked up to her and lifted her face using his fingers.

"Did you two kiss?" Caspian asked gruffly.

"No My Lord we didn't."

Caspian's mouth took hers again and this time he pulled her in so close, this felt very nice as her lips softened underneath him.

His kisses started to trail down from her neck, and she remembered Nadia, he was getting married to her soon and she would not matter.

She pulled back from him as she was breathing heavily and he had a question in his eyes.

"It's late, I need to go home."

Before Caspian could reach out to her again, she had dashed out the door, got on her bicycle, and made her way home.

She was appreciative of the cool air as that kept her from overheating than she already was. When she got to her place, she changed and went to sit outside.

The night sky was still beautiful and she was again confused as to what she felt? She had allowed Caspian to kiss her but suddenly stopped so did she want more?

Was he right when he asked her if she wanted love? After some time she went back to her room and went to sleep.

Caspian felt elated when he was the one who won the horse riding competition, he held the garland out to Nadia who seemed to be beaming.

Yet his attention was bought to look at Ethan who had come second, and the fuss was the fact that he had given Aurora the garland he had won.

The color in her cheeks made her more beautiful, and she was flattered and surprised at the same time and so was he.

Ethan had spotted her from the crowd, and he could see he was charming her.


Caspian turned his attention to Nadia, "I need to change I will be back."

Nadia nodded and he went to change, when he came back Aurora was bringing platters and the garland was on her head and she was more lovely than ever.

She watched as Nadia spoke to her about and her answers were disregarding herself and more to appeasing Nadia.

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