Chapter 8[edited]

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I'm probably going to be switching between povs this chapter. Hope u enjoy!

Jaces POV

I walked back through the clubhouse hoping that the partying going on in the bar wasn't woken Lilly up.

I opened the door to my room quietly, walking in, I see my princess still snoring lightly and fast asleep. She looked so calm, and peaceful. Just as I was closing the door I hear a little whimper. Whipping my head around I see my girl is having a night terror, whimpering, muttering, and thrashing about. I sit down next to her and bring her into my arms hoping to wake her out of her dream. Whispering words of encouragement and sweet nothings she startles away and jumps out of my arms and runs to the closes door: the bathroom.

Thankfully she didn't run out the bedroom door and into the bar, I get up and walk to the bathroom sitting down outside. Time to talk her into letting me in.

Lilly's POV

I wake up, out of my recurring night terror, to the face of a large, scary tattooed man. Jumping up I run to the nearest door, hoping it would lead me out of this place. I can do this not again. I just escaped jonah, I can't do that again. How did I escape jonah? I can't remember.

I hear steps coming towards the door, it's then I look around and see I haven't in fact made it out. I had trapped myself in the bathroom. He's going to hurt me.

I can hear him getting closer.

Then, something strange happens I hear the stomping stop and the sound of someone leaning against the door.

What happens next terrifies me, he starts talking to me! No one has talked to me in 4 long years the only words jonah would use are those to insult me and instruct me. These are kind words.

"Why are u afraid little one? Do you not remember me? From yesterday?" The strange man asks

I just stay quiet hoping if I ignore him he will go away and I will have another chance to escape.
My thoughts are interrupted again by the man talking.

" I'm ripper darling, but you can call me Jace, we arrested jonah yesterday and we found you. "

silence covered us again.

" princess I just want to look after you. Protect you. I promise nothing bad will happen to you whilst you are here. I swear on my life, love"

He sounds so sincere but I have been tricked before.

" you can stay in there baby if it would make you feel safer. But you do need to eat and drink, doctor's orders. I leave it outside for you, any requests?"

Answering that question can't hurt right? It had been so long since I had anything good to eat. I'm going to do it.

" p-p-please could I h-h-have a burrito  s-s-sir?" I ask trying my best to be respectful and not to anger him.

I hear a small gasp from outside.

Then he answers,
" of course anything for my princess I will be gone for 10mins. I'll leave some fresh clothes on the bed if you want to change, you can stay in the bedroom if you want or you can stay in the bathroom. Whatever makes you the most comfortable"

Then I heard retreating steps and a door opening and closing.

I slowly come out of the bathroom, making sure I wasn't being lured out for a new punishment.

I see the clothes on the bed grab them and run back to my safe room.

In my heart, I know Jace won't hurt me because he is much bigger, much stronger than jonah he could have kicked that door in and dragged me out for punishment but he didn't. He let me feel safe.

So I decided to be brave. I will stay in the bedroom. Close to the bathroom to run to if I am wrong about this man. It wouldn't be the first time my instincts have been wrong about a man.

Jaces POV

I quickly go down the stairs and quickly heat up one of the homemade breakfast burritos the other old ladies have made and hurry back up to our room.

I gave her the chance to stay where she felt safe but I secretly hoped she trusted me enough to stay in the bedroom. But she could barely talk to me without stuttering. With a deep breath, I open the door.

My breath is knocked out of my chest there she is my angel sitting on the bed in the clothes I laid out for her. She looks beautiful as ever. Breathtaking. I had to steady myself on the door frame. This was the first time I was really seeing her without her unconscious.

Even with the dark bags under her eyes, the multiple bandages over her body, and the wrong-sized clothes she still looked like a princess to me, no she looked like my queen, my world.

I gently sat the plate next to her before asking her permission to sit on the bed. I was answered with a simple nod with no eye contact.

She moaned at the taste of the food and then stilled like she had done something wrong.

It was so wrong, she was still so scared of me but that moan had me readjusting my trousers.

To try to ease her worry,
" That was adorable princess, eat as much as you can't but don't force yourself we don't want you getting ill"

She nodded slightly then tucked back into her food.

I just laid back and watched her.

(969 words)

Hi guys sorry for the delay on this chapter.
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