Notes to Understand Better

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I don't care enough to rewrite the story to make better sense and include all of my ideas so I'll just attempt to clear some things up here:

  The teens do have powers. Wiese, Fee, and Wasser are the main few that use their powers (though technically Sen, Kampf, and Seel do as well). You mainly see Wiese and Fee using their powers. Such as when Wiese fixes her house and the ship, and uses her powers to look for Feuer; and when Fee floats around. Wasser uses her powers mainly for her crops. She created a sort of rain cloud to water all her crops and keep them healthy. It's purely family tradition and she would not even farm if her parents hadn't taught her to.

  When it comes to the others, however, it's a bit more complicated. Feuer doesn't use her powers due to an accident when she was younger involving Sen. Stahl doesn't see the need to use his powers but when it came to Caleb... let's just say there was no way Caleb could have fought back. Ele understands the dangers of his powers and doesn't use them in front of his friends (but if he needs a quick phone charge while he's by himself he doesn't hesitate). Dun's power is also fairly dangerous and they see no need for it. Luckily Dun wasn't the one to find Caleb attacking Feuer or Dun would've had a murder charge slapped on them (though the authorities probably would never find the body in the first place).

  Though, if you need further information on their powers I'll give a summary of their abilities below:

Feuer: she can spawn fire and can safely heat up her own body. If she triggers her powers while crying her tears will boil (fun fact). When her and Sen were children things got a bit out of hand and she ended up burning her brother and mother. She decided not to use her powers again and so far, has not. It becomes a question if she can even trigger them again.

Stahl: Stahl doesn't have much of a need for his powers but it's not the worst he can use them to ground coffee beans. He can form a protective layer around any body part he wishes, this, though not pointed out, can be seen when he beats up Caleb. Stahl forms a sort of steel knuckles when he punches Caleb and Caleb is absolutely done for. He's missing a few teeth because of it.

Wasser: as stated above, she uses her water powers to water her crops when needed. She also has an unlimited drinking supply which makes for a cool party trick, however sometimes she gets salt water seemingly without any real reason. It makes her a bit hesitant to drink the water she makes.

Dun: Dun's ability is a bit mysterious. They can tap into a persons mind and even transport their body to an unknown place. They aren't entirely sure how to use their power and out of fear of hurting someone they love, leave it be.

Ele: he can trigger an electric bolt. This can be as powerful as he desires, though it is linked to emotion and how strong he is feeling that specific emotion. He understands that this makes it unstable and has decided to not use when around anyone.

Fee: Fee floats. That's about it. Although, and he would hate to know anyone found out, he can make little sparkles from thin air. They disappear after around 6 seconds and do absolutely nothing but look pretty. He hates this power though and would much rather stay away from everyone, though this could also be influenced from his parents keeping him locked away from his sister in the hopes that she would be able to live a normal life.

Wiese: Wiese makes artificial plants from thin air. She can't control actual living plants but can make almost exact replicas, though they are a brighter green typically and seem almost plastic. She loves real plants but doesn't really know what to say to them so mostly stays away from them.

Sen: Sen doesn't have a power. He's pure natural, baby! It's a struggle though when everyone around you has awesome powers, so he did very much enjoy his time on Caleb's planet (but he feels too guilty to admit it).

Kampf: he has the ability to intimidate people. His sibling, Dun, understands that the intimidation is Kampf's power though, and it irritates Dun. That is why Kampf and Dun don't really get along and how Kampf and Wiese's home was destroyed in the first place (from Kampf and Dun fighting). Kampf also has the ability to fight anything. Absolutely anything. So his molecules are a bit wonky and the fact he exists is a bit questionable.

Seel: Seel mostly manipulates the mind's view. This is why she often seem to appear out of no where. She also has the ability to astral project. She often prefers this power, hanging out under a tree and beginning the process of astral projection.

  Other than powers, it's probably good to explain how everything was fake. It should explain it a bit in the next work, but these teens took work during the summer to make some easy money. It's sort of a social experiment by some college students to see how the teens would react if put into the fake environment, relationships, and scenarios. It did go a bit far for the teens, although they were given the rundown for what to expect. The teens will be living with possible trauma from the experiment but the scientists involved do get what they were looking for.

  It ended how it ended with the parents because the parents had either just found out what their children were doing, realized the severity of it all, were just unhappy with what was going on in general, felt like they had to remove their children from the situation, or had their own personal reasons and their children's plans just got in the way (Reegan's father late for a meeting). 

  For Emmanuel and Nida, their families were not concerned and were contacted afterward to pick up them. 

Feel free to let me know if I've missed anything worth explaining.

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