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TW: S.A. Read at your own discretion. I'll write this from Stahl's angle (POV) in another chapter for anyone who wants to read more smoothly but avoid the S.A.

Feuer storms out of the beautiful building and takes a breath of fresh air. The outside feels empty to her. It seems more bleak than earlier. She stands there, looking around, taking in her surroundings. She sighs and turns to go back inside before stopping suddenly.

She hears a sound. It echoes from far away. A small "help!" Feuer looks around, quicker this time, trying to figure out where the voice came from. She hears it again. She begins to walk toward where she thinks she hears the noise.

She's lead to a small building. One with no label or windows, except the tiny window on the door.

She squints into the tiny window but sees nothing. She hears the voice again and without a doubt, she is in the right place. Without hesitation, she bursts in through the door.

"Hello?!" She yells into the darkness. The light from the moons outside shine into the building, but not enough for Fire to see anything or anyone.

  She squints and looks around, "Hey," a voice breaks the silence and Feuer jumps, "hey hey, it's ok. It's just me, Caleb," Caleb steps out from the darkness.

Feuer blinks. She then glares,  "What's wrong with you? What are you doing, yelling 'help' in this tiny dark building?!" She puts her hands on her hips.

Caleb let's out a small laugh, "I was practicing a scene I'm doing for a movie. I haven't been able to get the right pitch, but if you thought I was in actual danger, I must be getting better."

Feuer shakes her head and turns to the door to leave, "Well, if you're not in actual danger, I'm going to head back."

Caleb grabs her wrist and she winces, "ow. Wha-"

Caleb shushes her, "I'm so honored you came to my rescue. Thank you so much," he pulls her to his chest and chills run down her body.

"Um.. I think I should head back..." she begins to step back but he pulls her close again. She holds her breath instinctively.

She pushes off his chest, "um, no. Look, I've really better start heading back."

He pulls her to him again and this time kisses her. She shoves him, "What the hell man?!" 

He covers her mouth and pushes her down. On the way down, she hits her head, hard, against the wall. Dazed, she can only manage to look at the ceiling.

She tries to blink away the dizziness and tries to scream.

Caleb presses his hand harder on her mouth, "you know, you weren't my first choice. I actually would've preferred that purple chick, too bad she's super weird. The blue girl would've been my second choice, but I should've known Drango would want to test me. So here we are. Do you know how many guys would kill to be in my situation right now? With a real life alien? I'm so thankful to Drango for giving me this opportunity. Really, the best wingman." 

Feuer, tears streaming down her face, panics and bites down hard on his hand. In pain, Caleb lets go, "Ow!! What the fuck????!!!"

Feuer sees her chance and kicks him away. She screams as she begins get up to run, but Caleb grabs her again.

"You bitch! You kicked me, you bitch!!" He yells and pulls her down to the floor, pinning her legs down.

Feuer let's out another scream and Caleb punches her before covering her mouth, "Shut up, you bitch," his eyes grow wide after a few long seconds of silence, "I really didn't want to hurt you. You really shouldn't scare me like that though."

Feuer sobs and looks to the door. Stahl stands there, in shock. When their eyes meet, Stahl's eyes widen and he suddenly can move. He makes his way over quickly, his legs almost refusing to work correctly, and punches Caleb.

Caleb loses his balance and Feuer pulls her legs away quickly. Caleb falls on his butt and looks at Stahl, shocked. He holds his cheek, where Stahl had punched, blood already trickling from his wound. Stahl punches again, square in the nose. Caleb falls back. Stahl gets on top of him and beats down on Caleb. Caleb starts to cry for him to stop. Stahl keeps punching until Caleb loses consciousness and Feuer manages to pull his arm away from Caleb.

Stahl looks at Feuer's tear-streaked face and messy hair. He scans over her at her ripped, useless sleeve to her bare feet.

Tears form in Stahl's eyes. He grabs Feuer and holds her tightly. Feuer inhales sharply and blinks.

Stahl holds back a sob, "you scared the shit out of me..."

Feuer laughs, "Back at you.."

They sit there, hugging.

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