Information about the other 6 leaders

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1. The Electronic Trolls: Electronic Trolls are known as the cousins of the Techno Trolls. They're known as the Energetic and Confident than the Techno Trolls. But their music is bit more faster, upbeat and energetic than theirs, it can have lyrics and don't have due to their advance skills. It said that they have the ability to heal themselves or to others.

They live in the under the ocean, their city is like a future modern city but in the underwater. Their eye sight is better than Techno Trolls, they could see clearly and better whenever they saw a distant things, creatures or trolls on their sight.

Their heart are the same like Techno Trolls but difference is they change colors based on their emotions, for examples: if they're angry, their heart turn red; if they're disgusted, their heart turn green and etc. Electronic Trolls has 3 patterns on their arms instead of 4. They're Confident, Carefree and Energetic almost similar to Pop trolls and Techno trolls. If one troll or vicious creatures attacking the Electronic troll, they will create a thunderstorm and/or tsunami.

2. The R&B Trolls: The R&B trolls are known as the Kind, Smart and Cool trolls. Their home has modern technologies than the Funk Trolls, even their weapons are more like Technology. Their music features a distinctive record production style, drum machine-backed rhythms, pitch corrected vocals, and a smooth, lush style of vocal arrangement than Funk. It also combines the elements of Funk, Soul and Pop songs.

Unlike the Funk Trolls, who have long neck and has quadrupeds. They also had an Animals like Features, they still look like Pop Trolls but they have animals like ears and tails. They also have Animals like Abilities based on their Characteristics, they possessed great strength, agility, sense, visions and etc. They live meadows to the ocean and has special connection to the Electronic Trolls. They are two difference between them: For Female, they had a lighter color and small tail and ears; For Male, they had a bigger tail and ears also they have natural colors than the lighter ones.

The R&B Trolls are Easygoing, Carefree and Adventurous but they can be smart and creative due to their Modern Technologies. If someone dislikes their music or their people, they would probably gonna brutally and savagely bite you like a predator who hunts for their prey.

3. The Opera Trolls: Opera Trolls are known as having a powerful and high pitched voice. They're known as the Calmest, Polite and Peaceful trolls and their music can be sad or happy due to their culture, it features such as scenery, costumes, and acting. Generally, however, Opera trolls are distinguished from other dramatic forms by the importance of song. They lived in the mountains that was covered with fogs where no one find it when it comes to dangerous creatures. Their kind are skilled warriors and loves battle when it comes to dangerous threats.

Instead of having small wings, their wings are bigger, have feathers and agile. Their culture was built for peace, family, love and music. They love acting and performance of their passion, it was built for the Theatre for watch. They are two accents they had: British and Australia, mostly these trolls have British but sometimes they have Australian accent.

They can fly faster like a thunder, using magic and using their special ability: The Sonic Scream, it can let out a dangerous, loudest screams that would probably gonna make almost everyone deaf of their loudest scream. Be careful to not pissed them off, they will probably gonna throw you off to the ocean.

4. The Pilipino-Pop trolls: Pilipino-Pop trolls are known as the Adventurous and Feisty trolls either. Also, they can be welcoming, friendly and kind at first glance or when it comes to kind people and lost ones. These trolls are mistrusting towards strangers including trolls of other tribes and can show aggression, however, they are sometimes willing to give them a chance. They lived in the deepest forest that was close and connected to the MixVille (A home of Mixed-Genre trolls). They're skilled/expert with weapons, combats and martial arts when it comes to intruders and attacks them without a second thought.

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