Navy Headquarters admiral Alkiji the Foracity of an Altimate Power House

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Scene cut to Usopp, chopper and Robin walking in a forest

Usopp: hey chopper did you find any new urbs to use.

Chopper: mhm, this place has all sorts of neat stuff, i got a good stock but imma keep looking in case I missed something, which reminds me I saw something weird earlier theres a little groove on the trail here but i don't know what it is.

Usopp: oh your right that is weird

Robin is scene walking along the path with a bag on her shoulder while Usopp is still talking

Usopp: it looks like a bicycle or something came threw here

The scene cuts to all the straw hats including a just waking up baby Leonia ( changed her name ) who is being held by Nam

Luffy: well that's a let down just looks like a whole lotta nothing out here

Baby Leonia: *yawn* gilehwjsh hehjeiwjw ( well no duh Luffy 😐 )

Every one then stops what there doing and looks at Leonia who just woke up after being sleep for months straight scene then cuts to a man wherein a light purple navy suit and a sleeping mask with drool going down their face 👀 anygays back to the straw hats chopper is scene next to the man on his bottom while looking up at the marine in a nice af purple suit

Random ass marine that showed up out of nowhere: hmm 🤔🧐 racoon dog

Leonia: 😦 *now y'all finna stop disrespecting my boy chopper like dat foreal man's is clearly a reindeer*

Chopper: See The Antlers Imma Reindeer says a clearly upset chopper

Leona: giw 👹 ( purr tell em chopper )

Luffy who ran over to check on chopper "saw you fall are you hurt,( just his pride ) who the heck is that"

" Luffy what's going on " said Zoro while standing behind Luffy * can you not see choppers clumsy ass fell and fucked us over and doomed us all to ice prison* thought Leonia " do you mind I sleeping " said the random ass marine " did you hit my friend " said Luffy ready to start some shit

Meanwhile our mc Leonia is crawling to the trees like 50 feet behind Usopp and Nami and yes she managed to wiggle herself out of Nami's arms and is now dipping 🏃🏾‍♀️ Baby Leonia right now " ow man that guy is huge " said Usopp " I thought we were alone on this island " said Nami " yeah wait where is Leonia didn't you have her Nami " said Usopp then Nami starts looking around till she saw Leonia in a bush 100ft away staring at her like this 🤨 Nami the turns back to Usopp and says " she's in that bush "

Robin is then spotted walking towards Nami and Usopp to get a better look then she makes the normal shocked af face 😧 this bout accurate she fell in everything 🤣 I mean poor Robin anyway pov change

Pov Leonia

So I got away I'm in a bush right now 🧙🏾‍♀️ Robin ass just fell bro like 🤨 I'm finna sit here and enjoy the show from my safe bush seat she breathing mighty heavy too 🙉

" You know him " asked Luffy with concern whatchu mean do you know him of course she do she over there having a panic attack 👵🏾 speaking of panic attacks these mother fucking civilians just popped up next to me like bitch I'm pretty sure I peed myself speaking of me Sanji must have dressed me today cause I am a fresh ass baby

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