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Yn pov

"I I'm sorry sir this will never happen again, please please please. Sir, I need this job, please"
I begged in front of him, this job is the way of my living. If I loose this job, how can I run my house and Yana's expenses?, the bills? Oh god why this always happens to me?!!

"I continuously reminded you for this meeting and told you it's very important for our company, didn't I?! I trusted you and gave YOU to handle it's presentation. But no, how irresponsible you can be. Yn?. And not only today, you gave a long time holiday to your schedule, I guess! "

Its true, it's all just because the maid wasn't at home for a week and I had to prepare food and all for us and at the same time yana's school. I had to manage all this...
"I'm sorry , sir. I promise, I'll never let that happen again" I did my head low..

" As you properly know. I hate late commers and irresponsible employees. And I don't even talk that late wasting my time with them. But I really trusted your punctuality and smartness. I don't want to break the reputation and rules of my company. So, out! "

As expected! I sighed and left that place. Wtf I'm gonna do now! I have to search a job for me..

Right now, I don't wanna go home. And probably yana left for school.
I prefer just to go at the cafeteria..

I sat at a table and started thinking what should I do next? I can't sit idle.
And at this time I need someone who can understand me. And listen to me.. I'm in the dilemma 'what to do next' whenever I think about my condition, it breaks me inside. Why do people always leave me at the half..

Suddenly a flashback plopped in my mind.

"Aahh it tickles baby" The lovely couples who was Laughing and giggling spending there perfect rare time with each other...
" No, I want a kiss or I won't leave you! "

" What if I refuse " She teased him in a cute way..

"Then I'll not leave you unless you give me a kiss"


"Yessss "

"Ah you are really so mean kookie, "
She sighed and kissed him at his cheek .

"Here? " He pointed on his pink pulpy lips. Making her cheeks turn red..she shyly smiled at him at how adorable he is..
She connected her lips with his..
Getting melted in that touch they kissed each other passionately..

"I love you Yniee"
He said between the kiss pulling her more close to his chest making her lips curve up in love..
"I love you more my precious baby"

Flashback ends


hy? Why on earth can't anyone digest my happiness!!?
I miss him,I miss him so much.. It's have been five years we separated or 'got' separated. But whenever I think of him, my heart aches. The one I loved the most more then life, the one I adored the most, with whom I dreamt of spending the rest of my life... Left me!

Everyone left me!



nd I realised that I was crying, I can't stop my tears. I want him, I want someone.. But I guess, I'm not destined to!

I was in my own world without thinking about the surroundings but suddenly I heard a familiar name.. Some peoples are gossiping around..
I tried to pay attention what they were talking about..

"Do you know, that big industry of soel name, umm yeah ' The Jeons' ? "

"Yeah, I heard multiple times about the company. But what with that? "

"See that person, he's the owner of the industry. His name is Jeon Jungkook"

Shock Shock and Shock!
When I say Shock. I mean it. My heart is going to die. What did I just hear! No no he must be someone with the same name. And Jungkook don't owe a huge industry! As far I know, his father was a simple business man. When we were at college. I think I overheard.

Reassuring myself, I took a sip of the coffee and stood up from my previous seat. I headed to the counter and paid the money.
And turned my heels to the exit point. I simply moved my gaze to see the person who was busy talking with someone. May be a client. Heh? At cafe? Of course, idk.

I turned my eyes to look at him but as soon as I saw his face my legs froze.
This isn't be real. I blinked my eyes multiple times but no. It's him. He changed so much. Now his hands are having tattoos all around And piercings. Have well built muscles.. He grown up to a very manly man.
But still he is having his cute bunny.

Oh how badly I want to go to him and hugg him tight.. And kiss him..
But- no. I have to stay away. He might probably have his family now. And if he asks who's yana, What will I reply to him? Better stay away.

I turned with a sad sigh, and stepped towards the exit door. But a voice stopped me. Familiar voice.

" Yn? "

𝐎𝐤. 𝐎𝐤? 𝐎𝐤𝐚𝐲!
𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝, 𝐯𝐨𝐭𝐞, 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞 (๑ت๑)ノ

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2022 ⏰

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