Chapter 3

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You know who is called lucky? A person who has a beautiful family, a glorious career and ample amounts of sleep.

Well Mehek was close to being called lucky but she lacked ample amounts of sleep. Sigh.

You must be thinking I keep on repeating she has no sleep again and again but then it is the reality of her life.

Last night Mehek came home late around eleven and was again called in at three in the morning. She hardly had three hours of sleep and was wide awake since then. The cups of coffee she had emptied could give the testimony of that.

Moreover, she was supposed to attend that arrogant cardiologist's lecture in the conference at ten. God knows how she will reach there when it was already eight and she had one more patient to deliver and also had to get ready. Good thing she kept clothes handy at the hospital for such occasions.

Jigar had been awake since eight in the morning and was reading the newspaper along with his breakfast. His mom called and he was surprised as they spoke yesterday night itself.

" Mom, everything okay?", He queried.

" Aree badhu first-class che!", She responded gleefully. ( Everything is awesome)

" To phone Kem karyu?" ( Why did you call then?)

" You told me yesterday to look for a girl on my own. Guess what? I found a girl in Nashik. She is a doctor, a Gujarati just like us and..."

He rolled his eyes at her enthusiasm so much for "first-class" mornings.

" Mom, good then. If you like her so much fix the things. I have no problem."

" Oh hello! You don't want to meet her but her family wants to meet you and us. We all will be there by evening and we will be visiting them tomorrow morning. Wrap up your work by then."

" As you say, mom." He sighed.

Again the same drama, a headache had started making its presence known and he chugged his coffee down.

His assistant called him up after few minutes and he checked the time, ten minutes to nine. He was late and he hated tardiness. Quickly draping his suit jacket he rushed to the car and gave a stink eye to his assistant who gulped and apologised for being late.

" Doesn't matter, I want to be there on time. Hurry up!" Jigar exclaimed.

His assistant, Pratik zoomed the car out of the hotel into the city and made sure his boss reached on time.

Jigar stepped out and was immediately welcomed by the people organizing the conference. He was led inside the auditorium and all the guests sat surrounding him.

Soon the inauguration of the conference started followed by lamp lighting and felicitation of the guests. Jigar himself recieved a coconut and a shawl along with a bouquet.

He scanned the auditorium and found it housefull. He was satisfied and soon he was called upon the stage to start his lecture.

" Hello and Good morning to all! Without any further delay let's get started. I would like to discuss the implications of a heart problem to a pregnancy and the newborn..."

Just as Jigar had begun his lecture, Mehek had rushed out of the hospital. She was late. God knows whether she can even attend the lecture or not.

Mehek zoomed her car as much as she could but the city and its traffic made her late by additional thirty minutes.

" I just hope he is one of those people who make late appearances.", She chortled.

As she reached the venue, she rushed inside the auditorium and opened the door with a bam so much so that the entire auditorium looked at her invasion.

She was embarassed and Jigar was annoyed.

' So that is how she knew that I had an early morning.' he thought.

" Miss, if you have made enough noise can you please close the door and occupy a seat without further disturbance?" Jigar said on the mic.

Flushing red, Mehek obeyed his command.

He continued with his lecture for another hour and Mehek did notice he was smart.

Once the doubt session started she recieved a call from the hospital demanding her presence and she left the auditorium without much noise but Jigar did notice her sneaking out.

Mehek, bothered about her patient, drove fast and attended the patient for the next few hours.

After finishing the OPD for the day, Mehek was tired to bones and as she was getting out of the cabin she met an elderly couple who were just going to occupy the waiting chair.

" May I help you, sir and ma'am?", She asked politely.

" Oh yes, child, she is my wife Priya, and she wants to consult Dr. Mehek, which I presume is you.", said Mr. Aditya Shah.

" Yes, yes, come on in.", Mehek guided the couple inside and consulted them.

" It was nice meeting you, beta. God bless you and Thank you!", Priya thanked Mehek who simply smiled and said to give regular follow up visits.

" Dr. Aditya Shah, I like her. She is complete opposite of our son but exactly his match."

Aditya, as well, agreed to her notion and said, " Let's hope the kids approve of this relationship."

" Don't worry about Jigar, his approval is with me. I just hope Mehek likes my haughty son."

Aditya laughed at his wife and draped his arm around her guiding them back to the hotel.

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