Chapter 18

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The eerie silence of the night made her thoughts louder but she had no way of shutting them off.

A ring from the phone and the chain was broken, " Hello?"

" Ma'am, there is a normal delivery, she is seven cm dilated. Please come here soon."

Mehek nodded and dialled the pediatrician. He had to come to assess the newborn.

Mehek had thankfully not changed her clothes. She could run faster to the hospital.

She ran downstairs and was met with her family discussing her wedding preparations. So, after the Shah's had "agreed" on wedding after fifteen days, Mehek had run to the hospital after calming down a bit. She came home a bit late, had her dinner and had just come inside the room when the call came and now she was running back to the hospital.

" Mehek, hospital?"

" Yes, Baa."

The grandmother nodded while Sunita said, " Mehek, tomorrow morning you are coming to finalise the outfits and everything else, okay."

Mehek tried smiling a bit but she could hardly make it look natural.

Her mother saw how affected her daughter was with the morning's incident but she could not do anything apart from preparing for her wedding and making sure at least her wedding dreams come true.

Mehek had driven to the hospital and had rushed to the labour room. The lady delivered a boy and Mehek had sat down to write down notes when another patient came and after a few moments, two more. And just like that the labour room was full with ladies ready to deliver.

Jigar had tried calling her twice now but everytime the phone was unanswered. He thought she was upset and so he tried again and this time finally she picked up.

" Hello? Mehek why are you not answering my calls?"

" Maam is in Operation, please call after some time.", A man replied.

He faintly heard someone in the background ask, " Who is it?"

" Jigar, ma'am."

" Give the phone to me.", Mehek said and Jigar sighed in relief.

The assistant put the phone on her ear while she saw the assistant taking stitches.

" Jigar? I'm having a very busy night. I'll talk tomorrow."

" You won't get a moment to call back?", He asked.

" When I will be free, you will be asleep. It's like after this patient the other one is already induced with anesthesia. Hardly five minutes into next section. See you tomorrow."

Jigar nodded and cut the call.

Mehek continued her work and it was four am in the morning when she was finally done.

She sat down for a few moments, went through the files and then took rounds of the admitted patients.

At around five in the morning, she went home and just tucked herself into the bed and fell asleep.

" Mehek? Mehek? Get up its morning!", Sunita shook her daughter trying to wake her up.

" What is it mom?"

" Wake up its already nine."

Mehek got up rubbed her eyes and looked exasperatedly at her mother, " Why are you waking me up so early?"

" Did you not hear it correctly? It's nine not seven!"

Mehek got off the bed and went inside the bathroom to freshen up while Sunita took out her clothes for the day. She wanted Mehek to look pretty and her looks to indicate as her being the bride.

Mehek came out and wore the clothes set aside and went downstairs in search of her mother but when she reached the end of stairs, she saw the Shah's seated in the drawing room.

Both the parties had noticed each other and so there was no escape. Mehek went and greeted them all. Her eyes met Jigar's for a moment who blinked back, a form of greeting maybe.

" Chalo Mehek, let's leave. We have loads and loads of work to do!", Sunita entered the drawing room.

Mehek nodded and all the other people that are the Shah's and the Patel family stood up. So they all were going shopping together.

Two SUVs stood outside the house and all of them got filled in. The first stop was the clothing market. The ladies went in one direction and the gents, the other.

Mehek was clean bowled when they took her to the bridal section. She had not even given a thought about her dress and she had to buy one now. Plus she had to buy other clothes for other functions and she had not given a thought about those themes and all.

The lady attendee approached them and asked their requirements. Priya replied, " We want a bridal attire for her." She pointed at Mehek.

" Any specifications, ma'am?"

" It should be modern and traditional both. Budget is not an issue."

Mehek was stupefied and then the lady started showing her the outfits but her mind, it had stopped on one conclusion.

They decided every damn theme, function and every other thing to be decided on their own. Didn't bother to ask her about her own wedding.

She just looked at the dresses with a neutral look while Priya and Jigar's sister, Kinjal searched for the dress.

Sunita saw how her daughter had turned distant and was not contributing anything if not asked for.

Daadi, Jigar's grandmother, suddenly pointed at a Lehenga. It was red in colour and so not Mehek. The attendee put the dupatta on her head and Mehek looked in the mirror.

It was beautiful, nonetheless but was definitely not her style. Her eyes were rather fixed at a beautiful red colored saree with not so heavy work but definitely bridal. But who was she to choose, right.

" Do you like it Mehek?, Priya asked.

Mehek nodded and the Lehenga was bought.

The lehenga was to be bought by the groom side and as this was done the Shah moved to the family section and checked for their outfits while Mehek was dragged to buy outfits for other functions.

By the end of the day, everybody looked happy and relieved at finishing this humoungous task.

Mehek was secretly yawning due to her lack of sleep.

" Let's decide about the parlour and Mehendi as well, today. Before going back home.", Kinjal said.

The gents had to tag along as they were the money bearers.

Soon they approached the parlour and the beautician who specialised in bridal makeup went complete mad at seeing Mehek, when the bride was pointed.

" Since when have you not slept? Look at those dark circles and those lines of worry! Oh my god, she needs three to four sessions to relax before her big day then only she will glow!"

Jigar heard it too but his mind went back to the Mehek he met ten days back. Did she have those lines of worry and dark circles?

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