7. Trust

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You walk out of the bathroom to hear your phone buzzing on the counter. You see Ransom's name and contact picture and smile slightly to yourself, picking up the phone.


"Y/n, get to the hospital now, I'll explain when you get here."

"Holy shit, are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, just hurry please. It'll all be fine, you just need to get here."

"Alright, I'll be there in a few minutes."

Without a goodbye, you both hang up, leaving you to rush to the hospital, head spinning with questions.


Ransom is waiting for you in the lobby and brings you to the elevator after you check in with the front desk.

"So everything will be ok, but your father was shot."

"What?! Why the hell were you with my father? Who shot him? Why? How did-"

Ransom cuts you off by gently holding your face and making you look at him, effectively flustering you into silence. "I was an ass and was going to apologize. We don't know who shot him, he was shot in the back at home after we left. We don't know why."

You just silently nod, still staring up at him. The elevator dings as it reaches the selected floor and Ransom leads you into a room where your father is laying on a bed, just looking bored.

"She's here," Ransom states, sitting in a chair away from the bed. You take the chair closest to the bed and sit, looking around and trying to process everything.

"What happened?" you muster finally.

"I do not know. You both left and I heard a window behind me shatter before I was hit. Ransom found me quickly enough and drove me here."

Ransom just keeps his head down when you look over at him. "Why did he need to apologize?"

"Because I was an ass and picked an argument with him when he just wanted to make sure you were ok," Ransom states simply and looks over at you, ashamed.

"And he saved my life, I do believe that is an adequate enough apology," your father states sincerely. You could swear he sent Ransom a slight smile.

Ransom looks back to you. You purse your lips slightly and just nod to let him know you wouldn't be holding any grudge about this. He sighs in relief but gives you a look, urging you to bring up the un-discussed topic.

Blanc clears his throat slightly to break the silence permeating the room.

"Dad, we need to talk," you begin, slightly nervous.

"Congratulations," he nods.

"Yeah, thanks, but seriously, I need to tell you the news. I didn't expect it, I mean, we weren't really trying, but-"

"Y/n," Ransom speaks gently, pulling your mind from your panicked rambling. You look at him for a moment before your father's response sinks in. You look over at your father to see him smiling, slightly amused.


"Ransom may have slipped up slightly and I was able to draw my own conclusions," Blanc confesses. You sigh, too relieved to be upset with Ransom for a slip up.

"And you're ok with this?"

"Of course, Y/n. It's your choice and if this is something you're ready for and want to take on, I'm here for you."

"Thanks, dad. I'd hug you if you weren't freshly, uh, punctured." Blanc chuckles at that and Ransom smiles slightly.


After a bit of time to talk about the newest development in your lives, Lieutenant Elliott walks in, followed by Trooper Wagner of course. You can tell they mean business.

You watch from your new spot in Ransom's lap as he had moved to your seat earlier to talk, leaving you to sit in his lap. Blanc raises his eyebrows, waiting to see what they have to say.

"I'll be blunt. Ransom was the last one with you when you were shot and seeing as he's already going to trial for an attempted murder-" Lietenant Elliott begins, only to be cut off by raised voices of disagreement from you, Ransom and Blanc.

"Why would Ransom try to kill me, only to drive me to a hospital in time to save my life?" Blanc begins. "And besides that, I trust him. Y/n trusts him and that's all I need."

"Fine, but I think we should really consider-" Elliott tries again.

"No," Blanc shuts him down firmly.

After a bit more back and forth, Elliott leaves, tailed by Wagner, deciding against pursuing a case against Ransom for this.

You gently play with Ransom's hand as a silence falls over the room once more. Ransom is the first to break it, looking over at your father. "You trust me?"

"I wouldn't have believed it any other day myself. It makes about as much sense as slinging a hammock between two cornstalks. But I do. I owe you at least that after today, not to mention how happy you've always made Y/n."

You smile slightly and gently intertwine your fingers with Ransom and squeeze gently. Ransom rests his chin on your head.

A/N: Two chapters in one day? Inconceivable

I'm guessing there's roughly three more chapters to go ya'll and if it isn't clear somehow, this is where we start deviating from the actual Zodiac case purely for my storytelling reasons but I hope you're enjoying this nonetheless. I appreciate all your votes and reads and even more so your comments, I do see them all and love reading them

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