10. Not Innocent, But...

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A few months later...

Not guilty.

Who would've thought? Your father pleaded the Fifth, not willing to testify against his son-in-law. Wagner and Elliott followed suit, not believing they could offer an unbiased recount given Ransom's heroic saving of your life as well as your father's. Unfortunately, Wagner happened to 'lose' the recorded confession from Ransom. Without any evidence, no one could charge Ransom beyond a reasonable doubt and he was ruled not guilty. He wasn't innocent but he was not guilty.

The trial with Colin was expedited and he was found guilty with an abundance of evidence uncovered as well as a confession to all the murders, including that of your mother. He had attempted to kill your father with that gunshot, but thanks to Ransom, he failed. The teenagers weren't intended to be the victims, Colin had thought the girl could be you. Ransom was of course there to save you as he promised, taking a bullet for you to protect you. Of course, you wished it never came to that, the image of him bleeding out in your arms is still burned into your brain.


You get home from running some errands and manage to get the door open despite your arms being full of bags. Dodger runs over to greet you at the door.

"Dude, you're gonna make me drop something!" you laugh, trying to avoid him. A majority of the bags are taken from your arms, clearing up your field of vision enough to see Ransom in front of you, holding the bags. He smiles at you.

"Finally making yourself useful, huh?" you tease.

"Hey, I was babysitting our child all day while you were shopping and I am recovering from a traumatic injury," he whines dramatically.

"It's been months, you're fine, drama queen. You've got a scar, you'll live," you laugh and put the bags down in the kitchen with him.

Dodger runs off to sniff at the playpen your baby is in. You watch from the kitchen as Dodger wags his tail, earning a giggle from the baby. Ransom walks over to you, wrapping an arm around your waist and watching Dodger and the baby happily.

You hear the front door open after a quick knock. Three sets of footsteps enter and your father, Wagner, and Elliott walk into the living room where the baby is. You and Ransom walk over to greet your dinner guests.

"Y/n, I just finished your latest book and holy- I won't spoil it for anyone that hasn't read it, but that twist at the end? With that hound and the fog? Blew my mind, I never saw it coming," Wagner excitedly rambles. You decided to have a small dinner party to celebrate your latest book release which had been a huge success. Harlan would've been proud.

"Thanks, Wagner," you laugh happily.

Your father is already holding your baby as usual when he visits and is telling them exciting stories of some of his cases, which were certainly not age appropriate, but they wouldn't understand yet anyways.

Ransom rests his left hand on the small of your back. You feel the outline of his wedding band against your back and smile slightly to yourself, looking at your own.

"Speaking of my cases," Blanc begins as he looks over at you causing you to look back at him, "I'm a bit stumped on this latest one. I was hoping for a fresh perspective to help me out."

"Well, I only work with my trusty partner here," you send a smile up at Ransom which he returns.

"I wouldn't have it any other way," your father nods approvingly.

The end


So there you have it (finally)! I hope you all enjoyed these two stories, I appreciate you all so much for reading, voting and of course commenting. I do kinda wanna write more fics, so keep an eye out and feel free to drop ideas/requests of characters but no promises, I do have a few ideas already...

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