Chapter 4

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You're still pissed at (b/n), so you completely ignore his advice and do three more shots. With a deep sigh, (b/n) walks over and takes the fourth shot away from you, downing it himself. Putting the glass down, he looks at you. "What are you so angry about anyway? Did your boyfriend not give you a good enough compliment about your dress?" You glare up at him, but you don't answer him.
Raising a brow, (b/n) crosses his arms, "so it's me you're mad at... what the hell did I do?" You roll your eyes and move to walk away, "nothing, just forget it." (B/n) stops you, grabbing your arm and turning you towards him. Looking into your eyes, he's searching for what you aren't telling him. He's running through every thing he's done in the past couple of days and he comes up blank. "Just tell me, (y/n). I can't exactly fix whatever it is if I don't know." You shake your head and pull your arm away, "it's nothing! Just drop it." You leave him and join people who are about to play truth or dare... and (b/n) is right behind you. Of course he is. He'd jump at any chance to get dared to kiss all the girls, you really shouldn't be so surprised.

Making out seems to be the top most used dare in this group. So far you've only had to kiss one guy, but (b/n) has already kissed three girls and each one piss you off more than the last. Why did he have to join the game?
You're starting to feel all the shots you took, everything swimming a little whenever you move your eyes. You're not quite paying attention at the moment, just looking around, and staring at (b/n)... actually, mostly staring at (b/n)... and he's caught you looking multiple times, but so far he's stayed quiet about it.

You're brought back to earth when someone says your name, looking at them, you ask for a dare... which, thinking back on it now was probably the stupidest thing to do right after you've been staring at someone. Of course they dare you to kiss (b/n). Your eyes widen, mouth falling open in shock and you look him. For everyone else he seems calm, nonchalant even, but you can see the tension in his body. His eyes find yours. With a shrug and a smirk, he's quietly daring you to go through with it. He should know better, you never back down from a challenge you know you can win!
Crawling into his lap, you straddle him and wrap your arms around his neck, smirking down at him as you bite your lip. (B/n)'s eyes widen, hands resting on your hips. He must have really thought you wouldn't go through with it. You gently run a thump along his bottom lip before leaning in and kissing him softly.

(B/n)'s hands tighten on your hips, his mouth opening for you, letting your tongue in. The kiss is sending waves of heat through you and down between your legs. You forget all about the party, (b/n)'s lips against yours is as delicious as a dip in the pool on a hot summer. You let out a needy hum, pressing your body closer to his. In response, (b/n) presses your hips down on him with a groan. You realise he's hard. Pulling away, you look at him, slightly dazed. (B/n) seems just as dazed, his eyes on your lips... wait... You scramble off of him, fixing your hair and dress and clears your throat... that wasn't supposed to happen... shit.

You can feel (b/n)'s eyes on you as the game continues, but you're doing your best to avoid looking at him. A few turns later, someone else is dared to kiss you. The kiss is boring, too wet... ugh. Before either of you get to pull away, (b/n) has pushed the guy off and he's dragged you up, "that's enough of that". You stumble a bit, ending up leaning into him, and (b/n) wraps his arm around your shoulder and leads you outside to a secluded area. He pushes you up against a wall, eyes boring into yours as he cages you in, pushing one leg in between yours. You gasp from the contact, hands fisting his shirt, and you bite your lip... and you can feel his hardness against your hip. This is getting dangerous.

"Did something happen between you and your boyfriend? Is that why you're downing shots and playing truth or dare?" (B/n)'s voice is low, needy, but he's keeping himself in check. You don't wanna lie to him, but you also can't tell him the truth... not yet, so you just nod your head and swallow thickly. (B/n) sighs shakily, "does that mean you're single again?" Once again, you just nod. "Okay... good..." his eyes lock on your lips and he asks breathlessly, "can I kiss you? Please?" You watch him, waiting a bit before answering in a soft whisper, "yes..."
(B/n)'s lips find yours. He's being gentle, cupping your cheek and placing his other hand behind your head so you won't bang it on the wall by accident. Heat spreads through you again, and you press down onto his leg.

When your hands travel to his pants, he stops you, holding your wrist, mumbling against your lips, "no... I'm not letting you do any of that when you're drunk. I won't risk you waking up tomorrow and hating me more than usual... I can't. You're too important for that." You look up at him in shock... what did he just say?
(B/n) doesn't elaborate further about what he meant by you being too important, and you don't wanna ask, worried this moment will be ruined. Gently placing your hand on his neck, you kiss him again, slow and sweet. He follows your lead, his body melting into yours. You two stay like that for a while, holding on to each other and saving every minute to memory.

When you two get home, (b/n) makes sure you've eaten some bread and drunk some water before helping you change and get into bed. He's being so gentle and patient with you, and your heart is bursting with affection for him. With a kiss to your forehead, (b/n) leaves, the smell of his cologne lingering in the air around you, lulling you to sleep.

The next morning, things are weird... or maybe they're too normal and that's what's weird about it. (B/n) completely ignores you when you walk into the kitchen. He doesn't look at you, doesn't speak or even acknowledge that you're there. Even when you say good morning, he stays quiet! You try to hide it, but it hurts deeply. You two eat in silence. You do try to ask him questions a couple of times, but the only reaction you get is a glare. You look at him, hurt and confused. Did he lie to you yesterday? Did he just use you? As tears well up into your eyes, you quickly leave the room. You get into the shower to act like everything's normal... but you cry. Every kiss and every touch he placed on you yesterday? The way he helped you? Apparently it was all just a game to (b/n). And his words about you being important? Fucking lies! You're done trying to get him, he's not worth it.

After that morning, you stay far away from (b/n). He comes into the kitchen? You leave. He knocks on your door? You ignore him. You've even had to lock it after he didn't take a hint the first time. Thankfully he hasn't tried to get into the bathroom yet. You still use all the hot water, now making sure it's absolutely icy when you're done. You don't answer when he speaks to you, no matter what he says or is asking about.
Two days after the party, (b/n) has the nerve to bring a girl home again. It's tearing at your heart and fuelling your anger, making you blast the loudest, most obnoxious children's music you can find, completely ruining the moment for him. You can't help but smile in satisfaction.

Every time he brings a girl home, you play the music, and every time, (b/n) is banging on your door when she's gone. You never open of course. No matter how angry you are with him, seeing the signs of another woman on his skin will hurt. You're not gonna do that to yourself.
Two weeks of silent treatment makes (b/n) desperate. He waits outside your classrooms, sits in the cafe during your shifts and he's even gone as far as writing notes and making someone else hand them to you so you'll open them and read them before you realise it's from him. You only fell for that trick once. Now you know not to trust notes from strangers.

One day during lunch break at school, (b/n) pushes you up against the wall, anger clear in his eyes, "talk to me! Your silent treatment is getting fucking old, and your behaviour is super childish! Grow the fuck up and talk to me!" You glare at him, try to duck under his arm but he stops you. You try again, but he still won't let you go. Looking up at him again, you talk through your teeth, "Let. Me. Go."

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