Chapter 7

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When the video reaches you, you're in class. Everyone is mumbling and looking at their phones, and then they look at you... oh no... what's going on? When you see the video, you try to tell yourself it's old and that someone is just trying to start drama... but no... he's wearing the exact same outfit he put on this morning, and the hickeys you left on his neck yesterday are visible in the video. You go pale, you don't feel like you can breathe anymore. Your heart is shattering inside your chest, your hands shaking and tears welling up fast. You run out of the room, too many eyes were on you. The hall is no better, so you run to the nearest bathroom, tears already rolling fast and you lock yourself inside... how could he do this to you? Why did he do this to you?! Why?!
When you've stopped crying, you go back to class. Everyone's eyes are following you, and you wish you could just disappear. You still don't understand why (b/n) would cheat on you. It was mostly his idea to take things slow so you knew being together was the right choice! And then he does this a week after you take that jump into being intimate with him?! Trusting him was the biggest mistake you've ever made.

Just before lunch break starts, you run out and go home, packing a bag with the most important things. There's no way you're staying here. Not only does everything remind you of (b/n), but he'll probably come home as well... and you really don't wanna see him. One of your friends from class has offered that you can stay with her for a couple of nights. You took that offer gratefully, and now you're sitting outside her door, waiting for her to come home.
(B/n) has tried to call you, but you ignore him. You won't talk with him, you can't trust a word that comes out of his mouth anyway, so it would be a waste of time... and now you're crying again. God, you loved him so deeply! What the hell did you do to deserve this kind of pain?

As the days go by, you do everything you can to avoid (b/n). You blocked his number, you leave classes early so he can't catch you, you hide during the breaks, and you only go home to shower and pick stuff up when you know he's working... but the pain doesn't get any better.

After a week, (b/n) manages to catch you. You're walking out of class when he grabs you and push you against the wall. He looks like shit. His hair is unkept, stubble on his face from having neglected shaving, he's got dark circles under his eyes, and the breath he takes when he sees you is shaky... and tears are forming in his eyes, but he quickly push them back. Clenching his jaw, his face turns angry, hands clenching next to your head, and that makes you wince. The smell of him brings back the pain he caused, and crossing your arms, you look away from him, staying silent.

But (b/n) speaks, "I know you're angry, but do you have any idea how scared I've been?! You didn't come home and you don't answer your phone! We had a rule!" You look at him in disbelief, "fuck the rule! And fuck you!" The tears starts falling again as you yell at (b/n), "how fucking could you?!" You start hitting at his chest as you really start to cry, "I never should have trusted you! I never should have believed a word that came out of your mouth!" A sob wracks through your body and you slump against the wall, sliding down and sit on the floor, "why? Why'd you do it? Why'd you make me fall in love with you when you knew you were going to hurt me? What did I do to deserve that, (b/n)?" You're asking the last part so quietly while looking up at him.
(B/n) looks shocked about your breakdown, which is ridiculous, he knew how you felt, this reaction shouldn't be a surprise. Taking a look around, he notices everyone is watching, and he yells, "what the fuck are you all staring at?! This isn't a fucking entertainment show!!" (B/n) picks you up and drags you to an empty classroom, locking the door behind him. Great... he's probably gonna kill you now as well... that would be a fucking relief, all the pain would stop... but of course he doesn't, he hugs you tightly... asshole.

With all the strength you can muster, you push (b/n) away, glaring at him, "don't fucking touch me, (b/n). You used me! What? Now that you finally got to sleep with me, you're done?! Is that what it was all about?!" You're clenching your fists at your side, stepping back whenever (b/n) tries to step closer. He sigh, rolling his eyes, "Jesus Christ, (y/n). Maybe if you would have talked to me instead of running away, again, we wouldn't be here! That video is old! It happened months ago! You really think I'd cheat on you after working so hard to get you?!"
You stare at him... now you know for sure you can't trust him. "I can't believe you just lied to me. Do you think I'm stupid? That I'm blind?! I've seen the video, I looked for details that would tell me it was old, but they don't exist! The video was recorded that day!!" "You've never worn the same outfit before?! What the fuck, (y/n)!" He's getting angrier, but you don't care... you can't care... not about him.

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