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Jasmine's POV

I was both nervous and excited. Graduation was next week.

Next week!

A lot of emotions were spiraling in my head.

Trevor said he was going to take me away once I graduate. I was nervous because I didn't want to believe him, but in all seriousness he didn't hesitate.

I haven't seen Trevor since last week when he urged me to break up with Landon. It has been driving me crazy that its been so long, especially when he kissed me twice.

On the other hand, Landon has been so clingy the past week. I like Landon, but somehow I feel like my feelings are dissolving with each day that passes by and see him more as a good friend. I sigh, if only Landon could hear me now.

It was lunch time at school, and right now all I want to do is disappear. I need to find Reese. I haven't seen Reese in a while.

I walk into the cafeteria and see Reese sitting at a table, with headphones plugged in. I walk up to Reese and tap on their shoulder.

"Hey Reese!" I greet and Reeses' head whips toward my direction.

"Hey Jasmine. Long time no see." I giggle. "Come with me, I need a break." Reese smiles and stands up. "Gladly to." Reese follows me out of the cafeteria and follows me to an entrance to the rooftop.

We sit down and look into on another's eyes.

"What's wrong Jas?" Reese asks. I sigh, "I need your opinion." I begin.

I explain to Reese all about what has happened. I felt extremely guilty for not keeping Reese up to date with my life but it just has been so chaotic. Reese has always been so understanding of me, and that is one thing I appreciate in our friendship.

Reese knows me more than anyone and knew of my crush on Landon. I confided in Reese and revealed how my feelings were slipping for Landon as I grow closer to Trevor.

"I had no idea that you had a thing for older guys, Jas!" Reese jokes. I roll my eyes and laugh. Reece needs to get with the program.

"He's not that much older." I say. "Mmhm." I give a small smile.

"So what are your thoughts? Am I crazy or..?" I ask nervously. Reese takes a deep breath in, "You're not crazy, Jas. This is apart of growing up. I am very skeptical of this Trevor because he seems really controlling. Who in the world tells a woman that he is going to take her on her graduation? Sh*t don't add up." I let out a breath of relief.

"However, I do believe if you are falling out of love with Landon, you should end it before he gets too invested." Guilt and anxiety flutter in my stomach at that response.

"I did love him a-lot. I don't know... I just feel hopeless around him, you know?" Reese gives me a small smile.

"I hope this doesn't affect our friendship." I nod in agreement. "Me too, Reese. Me too..." I mumble.

"You should rip it off like a bandaid to Landon. I'd do it before he tells his plans for your relationship." Tears begin to prick my eyes. Reese looks at me pitifully.

"I'm sorry. I am just so scared of his reaction. I hope he isn't upset with me." I state.

"Well you did try to. Its always the first time thats the hardest. You got this, trust me." I sniffle a bit and nod. "Thanks, Reese. You know always what to say." Reese smiles.

The bell rings and we both stand up.

"Stay here and call Landon up here to talk. Let me know how it goes." I nod and give Reese a hug. "Thank you." I reply. Reese nods and heads out, "See ya, Jas."

I sit contemplating my next move. I take out my phone and text Landon.

To Landon (1/1)

Hey can you come meet me at the rooftop?


I anxiously wait for his response.

My phone dings and I see that Landon responds.
From Landon (1/1)

Yes, I'll be there shortly :)

I close my phone and put it in my backpack.

I also close my eyes to avoid anymore tears from shedding.

A couple minutes pass by and I head faint footsteps. Landon has a large smile on his face, but something seems off. He looks different.

"Hey Jas!" Landon smiles happily.

"Hey..." My energy was not matching his at all.

Landon comes up to me and plants a kiss on my lips. My distaste for him grew since I last saw him.

"Are you ok?" He asks sweetly. I look at him weirdly, "I'm fine. But I have to talk to you." He laughs, "For good or bad?" He sits besides me and places his hand on my lap.

"Landon, I don't want to be with you anymore. I don't think its good for me to be a relationship before starting college." I heard a small noise but ignored it as I search Landon's face for any sign of emotion.

"Why Jasmine? I thought we had a connection?" He asks. I sigh, "This is really tough for me, but I rather be friends- I talked with Reese-"
"Wait, you talked to Reese? What the h*ll Jasmine?!" I lower my eyes to the floor.

Landon places his hand on my chin and roughly lifts my face to meet my eyes. Since when was he so... strong?

"F*ck Reese. Focus on us, Jasmine." Landon takes a deep breath. "Do you need some water? I don't want to make you cry." My tears were already shedding at this point.

"Yes please." I mumble. Landon hands me a water bottle.

I open it and take a large sip to lessen my nerves.

"Jasmine. you are mine. Not Trevors. And you're coming with me, forever." I look at him wide-eyed.  It was as if I was talking to a different person.

"Huh?" I take another sip of my water.

"Shhh." Landon says. My eyes start to flicker and a wave of exhaustion hits me like a ton of bricks. "La-Landon... What is happening?" I mumble as my eyes completely shut.

"Trevor will never have you." With that, everything turned black.

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