Rise of the Rouge Alpha

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Trevor's POV

"Marcus is here." Those words were enough cut our conversation short.

I immediately kiss Jasmine and pull away, "Stay here with your parents. This is going to be messy." I tell her. Jasmine is scared. That kiss was to help comfort her.

"Okay. Please be careful." She mumbles. I nod and turn to Dr. Annie. "Take them to the basement." She bows, "Yes, Alpha King." I smirk.
I am the greatest and most powerful Alpha King of this realm. No half brother of mine will take my world that I spent centuries creating.

I give Jasmine a final kiss and the words couldn't of come out of my mouth any faster.

"I love you angel." I say breathlessly. She stares at me in shock by another kiss. "You never even asked me to be your girlfriend!" She jokes. I crack her a smile, "When I come back, just you wait." She nods.

"Stay safe, Trevor." I nod and run out of the medical wing.

I quickly transform into my wolf, shredding my clothing.

All warriors report to the main entrance and be prepared to attack. I command through mind link.

Rouges are inside the castle. Derek reports.

There must of been over three hundred wolves. Marcus is an idiot.

His army does not compare to mine. I bare my teeth at the rouges that used to be loyal to me. One weak brown wolf tries to swipe at me, but I dodge it without struggle and instantly snap his neck.

One dead and it brings me closer to Marcus.

My wolf is pumping anger through my whole body. He is faster than a bullet and stronger than any animal. He is out for blood.

My warriors and I are fighting left, right and center of the castle. Pitiful rouge wolves fighting for their independence under a sadistic faux ruler.

My only purpose of living is in a cellar of the medical wing, waiting for my safe return.

Get the wolfsbane. I command bitterly.

One of my warriors in human form spray wolfsbane with a hose. A dozen of rouges crumble and whimper in pain. That will surely slow them down.

I felt like a predator going after its prey with every rouge I snapped in half. These measly rouges were no match for me.

After going through many groups of rouges, it was time to defeat Marcus.

I give Marcus an evil smile. "Submit, or we do this the hard way." Marcus laughs at my statement.

"Oh brother-" He starts, "Half brother." I interrupt. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. You are vulnerable." I let out a nasty growl.

"This game of cat and mouse has to end. It has gone too long for centuries now." Marcus says through his wolf. My eyes grow angry.

Is he trying to distract me?

His grey wolf is no match for my tall, muscular black wolf. My hairs with sticking up along my spine, waiting for him to make a move.

"I am going to kill you." I threaten, letting loose another thunderously growl.

"Not before I mark and kill Jasmine first." With that response, my wolf was triggered and gained control. My human self was forced to cower in the back of my mind, as the natural predator in me engaged at his prey.

As I lunge forward, a ear piecing screaming stops me in my tracks.

I stop and stare at Marcus and turn my head to see Landon holding my mate with a knife at her throat. I freeze and shift into my human self to be able to communicate with the filthy human that is touching my mate.

"Let. Her. Go." I growl at him. Marcus laughs after changing into human form as I examine Landon's features. Despite the fear on my poor angel, Landon does not look confident. He looks just as scared as Jasmine.


I can use his fear to be able to release her.

"If you try to make a move, Jasmine is dead." Marcus says bitterly. "Nooo!" Jasmine cries out. My heart stings at her distress.

"Over my dead body." I give a sadistic smirk in return.

"What a shame if the Alpha King lost his mate too." Marcus pouts. I roll my eyes.

A presence tries to reach my mind and I allow it to pull through.

Alpha King. Cole calls out.

Yes? I holler back.

I will take care of Landon and Jasmine. You focus on killing Marcus. Internally, I smile.


"How about we make a deal?" I offer, Marcus looks at me with a pointed look. "A deal?" Marcus laughs as if I told a joke.

"We fight till the end. You win, you get everything-including my mate. I win, you are dead." Marcus shows trickery in his eyes. "I suppose so."

After a moment of silence, Marcus smiles, "Deal. Oh Alpha, how you will regret this." He says confidently as if I can't beat his a*s.

We both shift into our wolves and in the corner of my eye, Cole gives a sneak attack and knocks out Landon. Again, another wrong move on Marcus' part. He let a weak human watch over my mate. My wolf snickers at that thought.

Marcus and I are circling one another. He snarls in angry as he finally noticed that I'm winning as Cole knocks out Landon and takes back my Jasmine.

I make the first move, attacking Marcus by biting his leg. He yelps and lunges toward me. aimlessly. Coward.

I give a snarl as he actually scratches his claws at me. I suppress a whimper of pain. I jump on him and our wolves are rolling in the dirt. I let out a long howl, is that all he got?

Without further ado, our paces quicken as we snap back and forth at one another, with snarling teeth. Marcus' eyes turn black- symbolizing that is wolf is near surfacing. I take a bite of his flesh and rip the piece away. Marcus stares at me wide-eyed.

Finish him off. My wolf encourages. Instead, I had a different plan.

I allow my human self to diminish to the back of my mind. He's all yours. I tell my beast.

My wolf takes over and all of the anger, power and lust is consuming me. F*ck you. My wolf howls at him and in one swift motion, we chomp down on Marcus' neck. As our teeth sink into him, it sounded like a tree branch break as we punctured through his skin and breaking through his bones.

I shift and look at the dead wolf in front of me.

I am the Alpha King, and no one ever touches or threatens what is mine.

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