Chapter 22: BURN IT ALL!!!

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🖤Ch 22 (song/노래): Soda by Nothing But Thieves🤍

⚠️Warning Before proceeding to read. This chapter contains suicidal tendencies and behavior. If you know someone or are in need of help. Please call 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. They're available 24/7.⚠️

Y/n's POV

Two weeks ago:
Friday 금요일 (geumyoil)— - -
The man of my dreams finally walked away from me. The man I believed I could have a perfect life with is just...gone. I had to kick him out I had protect myself he was going to.... No, no, no I don't want to think of that, I can't remember him in a negative manner because I'm the one that caused his backlash, his behavior, his feelings, so I shouldn't think it's his fault, it's honestly mines..

It's my fault that I abducted him, it's my fault that he has these problematic issues now, it's my fault he's fucked up and I hurled him out to the lion's den saying: Now, that you're a loony, I'm done with you, become independent, knowing that you're sooo fucking dependent upon me, it's my fault that he will never be normal again, he will forever be haunted by my face, my voice, my fragrance, this house....

This fucking house. God, this house! He will never run away from this horrid place. I will never be able to move past this and I don't know how to...remove it....

Snapping my attention back to my imprudent reality. My eyes observing Minjun's old room and sensing a soft item within my grasp, not registering I held onto it firmly up against my chest and nearly buried my entire nose in it. Pulling the item in front of my face to conceal the sentimental value.

I laugh a bit. How ironic! It's his shirt, I'm gripping onto his clothing as if I'm a miserable, heartbroken girl who just got dumped by her ride or die boyfriend.

Immediately, I drop the clothing onto the floor. Scanning the environment, this room, this shirt smells exactly like him and I need to purge it out of my life.

My feet already trailing over to the external storage closet on the back of the house. Opening the door to automatically seize the red canister filled with a particular flammable substance. I only had this when the generator runs out of fuel, however I won't have to worry about that anymore.

Suddenly, I open the door to my nightmare—this house, gripping tightly onto the handle of the canister. I start dumping the fluid like a madwoman all over on the furniture, on the floor, on the walls, literally on anything and anywhere I can get it on.

The foul odor rapidly begin to contaminating the house up within seconds every time I swish my head to the side the smell was there. Tailing behind every fragrance, eating at every flora scent I had for the house. It's all gone because of this head achingly smell.

My eyes shifting over to the curtained windows. The sky starts to gradually generate this warm orange-tannish hues interweaving in a summer blue/cornflower blue tint. The sun's no longer in sight, simply the sky's accompanied with no signs of clouds. Inhaling deeply in the intoxicating reality of mines.

He will never be able to forgive me. He's going to go straight to the police and tell them everything that I abducted him, harassed him by stalking him, locked him up, isolated him from the world, nearly killed me twice out of self defense, and coerced him into having feelings for me.

My body commences on shifting over to the kitchen proximity the only place I didn't pour gasoline in. Determined by the impulsive thoughts to terminate every single thing that reminds me of him. Those sweet uncorrupted memories to those chaotic, sinister memories of our lives together in the spam of two months.

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