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• Déjà Vu, Darling? •

• Déjà Vu, Darling? •

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Due to the deafening cheers of the audience in the Quidditch Pitch, Draco and Blaise were abnormally screaming directly in my ears from either sides, stating their predictions for how the Slytherin versus Gryffindor match would go.

Daphne eyes me with pity, but also looking relieved that she isn't in my position.

I try and maintain my composure, while the railings I was gripping on was slowly cracking.

"SHUT IT!" I ended up screaming at both of them. They instantly chomped their mouths shut.

My few moments of peace was ruined once the Slytherin Quidditch team appears in the Pitch. I groan as Draco starts shrieking for his idol, Marcus Flint, louder than he was screaming in my ears. I lightly cheer as Nick flys out from the Gryffindor team.

My own attention was captivated once Marcus Flint brutally grips Oliver Wood's hand.


Hah, we lost.


"That filthy Potter with his filthy privilege and his filthy luck!" Draco throws another rock onto the frozen lake, causing yet another tiny crack on the ice.

"Draco, in no way will you ever be as dramatic as Tia nor Blaise, but it's been literally a month," Daphne calls out into the distance. "Even Blaise has gotten over it."

"No I haven't. I grieve in silence."

"Then leave him to grieve in anger and agony in peace." I walk up and sit down in-between them on a big log. "It's not every day the 'vicious bloke' you idolise gets defeated."

The three of us watch as Vince and Greg pick out rocks from the snow for Draco to throw.

I could really care less about Quidditch, but I was happy that Nick got to show off his new skills from his fierce training.

"This is so boring to watch," Daphne whines, readjusting her scarf.

", completely! He called us all out just for this? Tossing rocks? At least perform some ballet-on-ice while he's at it."

"You know what'll make it not boring?" I reach down to the snow and form a snowball with my hands, which were protected by mittens. I stand up, secure my target, and launch the snowball straight to the back of his head.

Vince and Greg pulls up Draco who had face-planted into the snow. He spins around, and meets my eyes with a vicious glare.

My prideful smirk doesn't last long, when the three of them starts rapidly launching snowballs at us too.

"Oddio, now you've done it, Tia!" Blaise shrieks as the three of us rushes to hide behind trees.

Soon enough, a snowball war broke out between our two trios. We use the gigantic trees as shields and they use the big log we were sitting on to take cover.

As Daphne and Blaise gets brutally violated with the other trio's strength, I shape a pile of snow in my hands into a flat pie. I take the chance for an opening and sprint up to them behind the trees from the side. I smash my snow pie onto Draco's face from behind, making him fall back onto his arse.

I cackle and dash onto the frozen lake, doing my best not to slip and fall. I yell over my shoulder, "Déjà vu, darling?!"

He jumps up and chases after me onto the frozen lake as well, "Well let's hope Hogwarts has a search party ready-"

A splash echoes, and a hole appears in the ice.


"Y-y-you," He glares at me gritting his teeth, still shivering under piles of feathery blankets, "will p-pay."

"Sure." I sit down next to him on the couch in the Common Room, handing him a cup of steamed pumpkin juice. "Millions or billions of Galleons, have all you want. I'll never run out of them regardless."

He struggles to even roll his eyes as his whole face was still practically frozen. He takes the cup with a shaky hand and drinks it.

"Can you light up the other fire places?" He asks, his stuttering magically disappearing.

"Do I look like your house elf?"

"Can't tell, my vision is still frozen."


Soon enough, Yule comes around. Christmas wasn't a Holiday that most East Asians traditionally celebrates for, but we do shamelessly take whatever chance we get to send and receive presents.

Once again, Vince and Greg steals the food trolley and brings it to our compartment. A new addition was my beloved new bird, Helios, who was sleeping standing up in a corner.

"Also, I expect that you all are attending the Annual Malfoy Yule Ball. This year's theme is 'Fairycore Beauty', or whatever the hell that one's about," Draco's tells us.

Blaise teasingly grins. "Daddy Lucie's becoming more creative each year."

"Piss off, Blaise," Draco chucks a few hard sweets at Blaise's head, "besides, it's always Mother's idea."

"Your Mother certainly has a passion for events," I say, noting how Missus Malfoy holds several prominent charity events each year. And they tend to be... a little boring.

"Obviously she's determined to match up to your Grandmother's Tan Hua Gala," He tells me.

"Merlin, that Gala's bewitching," Daphne exclaims, covering over her mouth while she chews on her sweets. "I do recall how we all met there."

"I also seem to vividly recall how you were walking around with a piece of melted chocolate in your hair?" Blaise eyes me, unsure of himself.

"Blaise, please, that's ridiculous, and you were around four. None of us could have possibly had such vivid memory at that age," I confidently assure him, enough to make him doubt himself instead.

Draco tries to cover up his chuckle with a cough from beside me. I roughly kick his ankle, making him grimace in pain.

"I suppose you're right..." Blaise nods, before shrugging it off and continuing to munch on his sweets.

"Oh, but I do hope our fourth year comes by fast," Daphne gushes. "Always earning the title 'Event of the Decade'. No one could afford to not attend."

"They can however," Blaise raises a finger, "afford to not attend Malfoy's ball."

Draco jumps up, a handful of rock-hard sweets in hand, "ZABINI YOU LITTLE-"

For the rest of the ride, Draco and Blaise were having a violent sweets fight, while using the trolley as a wall for protection. Daphne casts a silence spell before she quickly snatches a silver tray from the trolley to shield her head. Vince and Greg were on either sides of the trolley, clueless as to what was happening, but also helping themselves with the stashes of sweets that fell on the floor. I was taking pictures with a camera—that I had Vince steal from a Hufflepuff first-year—and cheering louder than I did for any Quidditch match.


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