21 · 二十一

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• Humiliation • Distrust • Harm •

• Humiliation • Distrust • Harm •

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The Year of the Rooster arrives. As usual for Lunar Year holiday, Mum, Nick, and I stroll through the busy streets of Beijing and dine at a crowded restaurant.

Mum goes to the counter to speak with the manager of the restaurant about something I didn't care what was about. Nick and I just sit in silence. Well, not actual silence as the whole restaurant was crowded with families. We simply just don't have anything to say to each other. I'm perfectly fine with it, though he looks awkward trying to pick up pork ribs with chopsticks. Must be from using forks and knives too much back in Hogwarts.

He opens his mouth and says something but was covered by the loud chatters.


"I said hi!" He yells, barely audible.


"How are you!"


"I'm fine too!"


And just like that, we resume back to eating.

What did we both expect? We haven't even said a word to each other for the past few months. If anything, this is just plain embarrassing compared to all of the other siblings in sight.

It was expected, though. For our family's public image and for Mum, we have to act like nothing is wrong and everything is rainbows and unicorns. That's how massive clans with status and rank works. We display ourselves as portrait-perfect families when in reality we are all as scattered from each other as the stars in the galaxy are.

He moves from his seat across me to where Mum sits between us.

"Hi!" His voice is slightly less louder.

"Hi again!" I say back.

"It was awesome what you did, putting Pansy Parkinson in her place like that. A few of the Gryffindors wanted you to join our House instead."

"Well I did receive a few nights of detention, but uh, thanks for the first part."

A pause.

"I'm dating Katie Bell."

I raise my eyebrows. "Oh?"


"So you've finally gave in to one of your fangirls?"

He slightly furrows his eyebrows. "Uh, sure."

I nod. "Well, congratulations, brother."

"Thanks." He smiles.

Nick has loads and loads of fangirls, each one dying for his ring on their finger. I know for a fact that they don't fancy him just for him. It's clear the majority of them are only after his status and inheritance. He is the wealthiest heir in the entire school currently, after all.

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