an update.

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Hi everyone. I'm sure no one expected to see me posting here again.

To keep explanations short, I've been toying around with finishing this story since February. When I began writing it, I was still in college. COVID-19 hit. The trajectory of my life was sort of flipped unexpectedly and pandemic aside, it's just been flat out hard trying to figure out how to "adult" and maintain a side hobby like writing.

I've moved states, moved in with my significant other, gotten a full time job, gotten a new pet, the whole she-bang. February of this year came along and I thought, "I can finish this. I'm still passionate about it."

And then Taylor passed.

It's been hard for all us Foo fans. Strange, even, to imagine a world without Taylor Hawkins in it. It's taken me since March since I was able to actually watch concert footage of the Foos. Like a weird therapeutical device, I bit the bullet and watched the Wembley concert. It felt good, but it also felt incredibly sad.

Which brings me to this. I'm at a point in this story where Dave is about to embark on his next chapter in life with the Foo Fighters. As you can imagine, the chapters I'd planned out heavily involved Taylor. How could they not, being that Taylor was more than just a bandmate? He was Dave's best friend.

What I'm trying to say is that I don't know how to do this. I can't complete this story without Taylor, but I can't give up writing it without feeling this immense weight of sadness. Writing here, under this account, has brought me all the joy in the world, but I don't want to exploit the death of a public figure that we all cherish and love.

Old and new readers alike, I would love your opinions. Your advice. I am sincerely unsure of what to do, and even with your potential approval, I still cringe at the thought of writing Taylor with his passing still being so fresh. This unimaginable heartbreak for us fans, his bandmates, and especially his family feels so full frontal that it's difficult to type his name down in fictional scenarios while also putting fictional words in his mouth.

I am not looking for yes or no answers. Mostly, I just want your thoughts.

I hope you all are well. 🤍

OUT OF THE RED ↝ dave grohlWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt