35. The Road to Oblivion

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Rear Admiral Tekkar looked on as 750,000 ships carrying Helmeshi refugees headed for the Tuadah Cluster of star systems, deep inside Amarthian space. Gazing at the row upon row of those apparently endless ships was both calming and terrifying for the newest addition to the Admiral.

The combined forces of the Helmeshi, Amarthians, Xacreths, backed by the Manwatus raged against the invaders for almost three quarters of a year, losing one third of their combined forces in the process, before finally relinquishing Helmeshi space to the Kaya in its entirety. Now, all that remained of the Helmeshi were onboard those ships.

This was Tekkar's first day in her new station. She was attending a roundtable conference of the senior-most commanders of the Hermesh Alliance.

Another time, Tekkar might have felt some joy and pride in her own achievement. After all, no commander in the history of the Zaarnan Imperial Force had ever risen up the ranks so rapidly; not even her own mentor. However, this was also the day the last Helmeshi colonies fell to the enemy and the total death toll of the war crossed 2 trillion.

Tekkar was acutely aware of the magnitude of losses suffered by her side, so far and how woefully short they were of experienced senior officers. Therefore, she assumed, simply by surviving this unrelenting conflict, Tekkar was being pushed up the chain of command.

As she looked out into the darkness outside, Tekkar heard General Zahn Diir, a tall, thin restless Amarthian officer speak out in a haggard voice. "We have received confirmation that the Kaya have entered Manwatu space. Both Warsin and Solryn are under siege. Reinforcements are being dispatched as we speak."

"What's the hold out projection?" General Naaroke Barmin enquired.

"One to two quarters. Phase 2 of the evacuation of the Manwatus is on track for their outer systems. Unless there is any major setback, we should be able to complete Phase 3 in time."

"Before we get into that, I wish to talk about the relocation of our people. There are certain concerns, I would like the committee to address." The hesitatant voice of Admiral Marooke'Tahun's translator echoed around the room. "The 27 worlds currently being used are already overflowing. They're running out of both space and resources. We really appreciate all the help given to us. But…"

Marooke'Tahun stopped abruptly, as the once politician, now again a commander, locked eyes with 1st Admiral Herrek'Nole.

"Yes it is a problem. However, the decision to relocate them to those remote systems, farthest from the frontline was made on our insistence." Nole said, his beady eyes hardening.

1st Admiral, I appreciate that. However, keeping so many of our people under such conditions in check is proving increasingly difficult for the civilian administration. I've a request from the Second Administrator Elect of the Urcaan settlement to send in a few detachments of the..."

"No armed forces will be sent to subjugate the very same innocent lives that they are fighting to defend," General Barmin roared back, "Not on my watch!"

Marooke'Tahun looked at the General with apprehension, before pushing on with determination. "General, with all due respect, if the civilian authorities collapse and the colonies descend into chaos and anarchy, those innocent lives will be the first ones to be at risk."

General Barmin was about to reply, when the Manwatu commander Nikanu stepped in. "There is a proposal to build settlements in the abandoned mining outpost in Grohir."

Startled to hear the Manwatu speak, of his own volition, both the General and the Admiral fell silent.

The General was the first to compose himself. He replied, "Grohir is a viable option. The abandoned settlements can potentially house millions."

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