41. The Final Choice

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The two faint apparitions materialised at the same time as the transparent ship that slowly descended, with its three occupants. They were on a cold dark solitary planet that had once been pulled out and left abandoned in the void outside Hermesh.

The partial face of  Commodore Erra,  visible from within the atmospheric suit, revealed an expression that was a curious combinaty of apprehension, confusion and curiosity. Sheel stood, navigating the ship. To Erra's right stood General Naaroke Barmin, dressed only in his dark blue military uniform.

Upon landing,  Sheel was the first to step out, followed by a reluctant Erra. After exiting the ship, the Commodore spun around to watch the General walking through the transparent wall of the ship and out into the open.

“This way,” Sheel said as he started to walk towards the two shadows that were lurking in the darkness ahead of them. A short walk away the three entered a deep valley flanked by jagged mountains. Waiting at the centre of this valley were two beings.

The first, Erra recognised as one of the two beings he had seen in his dream. The other being, however, appeared quite alien with its larger wings and elongated face and body. Yet, upon looking at her, Erra felt he immediately knew who she was.

“Reemon Erra, allow me to introduce you to Shubhankor and Ishtar," Sheel said standing between the four.

Looking intently at Ishtar for a few long moments, Erra said, “You…you're the entity that was there in Valree; on top of the Sacred Mountain."

"I was there in Lummer too, Reemon Erra."

The Commodore heard a mesmerising voice speak right inside his head.

"Then you saved my life. And you have been warning me of the future ever since." Erra replied, betraying his gratitude with a healthy dose of confusion.

Ishtar nodded gently.

"But who are you?" Erra asked.

"I was once the last Asur. Now they tell me, I'm something else," Ishtar answered. "But I'm glad that you came and we finally met.

"Thank you for everything." Erra said, bowing to the creature, "But I only agreed to be a part of this meeting to meet someone else."

Turning to Shubhankor, the old Amarthian cocked his head, “So you are the one who started the war that engulfs Hermesh now.“

“There are some who believe that, Reemon Erra.” Shubhankor replied.

“And you would say differently?“

“We sought the answer to a question, without fearing the possible consequences. And when the consequence finally confronted us in the guise of a war, we stood our ground and fought.“

“How very brave and noble of you.“ Erra crossed his arms, the sarcasm in his voice not lost to the small gathering. “Wish we had the same choice. Whoever sent the Kaya offered us only consequences."

“Reemon Erra, creation and destruction have coexisted since the beginning of time,“ Shubhankor said, his face inscrutable. “Only that which is created can be destroyed. And only destruction can trigger the need for new creation.“

“I wouldn't know,“ Erra replied, oozing hostility, “All I have seen so far is destruction. If all this somehow brings about creation, I don't believe I will be around to see it.“

“But I did,“ Ishtar unexpectedly replied, “I saw my entire race die in front of me only to be reborn in a different form."

“This...this is not the same.“ Erra said, shaking his head, “We're being exterminated now for whatever would have  happened 4000 years later.“

ONE: Epilogue of HermeshOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara