Chapter 15

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The next morning..

"Tencchan, I made your favorite meal!"

"Tencchan, look at this nice onesie I got you!"

"Tencchan, I made All might sign up to be your piggyback ride for a month!"

Nope! That last one is the hardest to do.. she scratched out the ideas. Every time she stared at the paper in front of her with the title:

Make up with Tencchan :)

She felt angrier at that smiley face. She could feel it mocking her. Why had she written it there anyways? She ruffled her hair frustrated. How the heck do you make up with kids?

She tapped her chin in thought. Maybe she should take him to Tokyo disney land again. she sighed shaking her head. This was her official first fight with Tenko. And she was officially feeling horrible.

Last night, after the talk with All migh-- Toshinori, she had passed by Tenko's room only to find him curled on himself and acting asleep. She had closed the door sighing and went to her room with thoughts about Tenko, Her quirk, and All might's words.

"I have a friend. He's been wanting to be my sidekick for a good while and he's currently working with me. Maybe he can train you. What do you think Shane-san?"

She shook her head before closing her journal and going to Tenko's room. She stood behind the door, her hand raised the door to knock. She hesitated for a second.. and then decided to go to work and handle this later.

Today was already full enough. Especially with meeting Sir Nighteye! That thought made excitement go through her.

Sir Nighteye huh.. She jumped excited a huge grin on her lips. "So cool!!" With all the stuff that's been going on, she hadn't seen anybody from the storyline except All might and Tenko. But this will be so cool. I'm looking forward to it already! I'm sure it will go great!

She got dressed up and went out humming happily.


It was very awkward. Or is that just me?

One hour after she had finished work, she found herself standing in front of All might and Sir Nighteye.

"This is Shane Keira?"

"At your service!" she blurted out laughing nervously at the unimpressed look from Sir Nighteye and the bewildered smile of All Might. Let me just shut up..

Nighteye came closer circling around her, and she felt like her entire soul was being rated on a 1 to 10 scale. "So.. Shane-san, is it? or should I call you by your first name like Americans?"

"You can call me whatever you like." Oh God.. Both of them gaped at her. If she could gape at herself, she would too. The constipated look that she sported was a close one though. 

"Ahaha, It's a joke!" She laughed nervously before clearing her throat.  "You can um.. call me Keira or Shane-san.. whichever is more comfortable." she smiled.

Another unimpressed look.

"No sense of humor" he muttered still peering at her with the same look.

"Now now Nighteye. Like I told you, Keira is--"

"Keira?" All might flinched at the accusing tone while Keira curiously looked between them. "You call her by her first name All might?" 

The silence that followed was so heavy and Keira felt she was in a drama tv show where she was the character standing between the main character and his love interest. Ooh what will happen if I call him Toshinori?

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