Chapter 24

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"Hello everybody and welcome to the general department at UA. I am your teacher.. "

Why was she doing this again? Oh yeah, to get her life back and make sure Tenko didn't turn into a villain.


Going back to high school, a high school filled with superpower teenagers. A part of her felt scared and another felt like pulling her hair in frustration.

She twirled a strand of blonde hair. Blonde huh.. she sighed trying to catch any of the words coming out of the teacher's mouth.

Nope, no can do.

Obviously she couldn't join the hero department, mainly because she missed the test timing, but now she needed to sneak with class 1A to the USJ somehow. Easy peasy.

She kept twirling the blonde hair looking forward before a smile came and her fist hit her palm, "I can just get on the bus going there with invisibility."

"Excuse me?"

And that was her teacher and everybody looking at her.

"I meant nothing! Nothing at all hahaha.." her sentence ended with an awkward laugh that drifted into silence before she caught a snort from behind her.

"Hmm I see. You are..?" The teacher looked in the list of attendance with that look that said he was noting her down in the list of potential trouble-makers.

Joy! Not so different from my old high school experience!

"Nishimura Kira!" She said smiling innocently. Now that she had introduced herself out-loud for the first time, she realized how stupid it was to use a name this similar to hers..

"Nishimura-san. Please focus in class. It's still the first day." Yup, he's labeled me as a troublemaker.

She nodded smile still painted. When he turned, her face relaxed.

Hours went by horribly slow. By the time it was lunchtime, Keira had counted how many students in class and how many desks and how many chairs there were along with how many strands of hair she could see at the head of the girl in front of her.

Her eye twitched in irritation before she stood up going outside. She looked at the tall classroom door she passed – very huge - before speed walking away to the grand hall.  There was no need to talk with anybody. She had to stay focused.

"Mmmmmm!!" she stuffed another piece of the tonkatsu. "How ish thish sho yummy?!" She grinned at the taste. Wait what was she doing again—oh yeah!

She scanned the hall while eating. It took a minute before she spotted them. A hedgehog and a broccoli.

The main characters, Midoriya Izuku and Bakugo Katsuki.

She paused realization setting in as she just watched them. They weren't sitting together. In fact, they were pretty far from each other. But still. Everytime she saw a piece of the main places and characters in the anime, she just stared.

They're real... Just like Tenko and All might.

Her eyes drifted away to the food. She shook her head once before continuing to eat.


The rest of the day went on. English class was the easiest since she had a clear advantage. Even though most of the students here are pretty high-level in their studies.. that's an elite high school for you.

The bell rang finally marking the last class for today. Keira's head dropped with a sigh.

"This was exhausting." She muttered. Their teacher picked up his things before heading out, to which she immediately ran after him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2023 ⏰

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