Epilogue: Bonus (01)

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"One Old Fashioned, please. Four Roses," you tell the bartender, who works on your order immediately.

"Hmm, never thought of you as a whiskey kind of girl," an annoyingly familiar voice gets your attention. "I was thinking more of champagne. You know, something safe, boring."

You turn towards her. Memories of almost 2 years ago come rushing back, the scene of how she humiliated you and shamelessly flirted with Jungkook at an event causing your blood to boil.

But you take her on with confidence - thanks to that time he apologized for that night, and to your commitment to each other in helping dispel whatever insecurities you might still have about being each other's partners.

"It's for my husband, actually," you put on your measured smile.

You bite back any snide remark that breezes through your head, not wanting to embarrass her the way she did you.

She's about to respond until her eyes lock in on Jungkook's figure - breathtakingly handsome in an all-black ensemble, following him as he stands by your side, an arm immediately wrapping around your waist.

"Hey, babe." He takes the glass you give him and turns when an annoyingly familiar voice sensually calls his name.

"Mia, hey," he smiles, acting surprised, as if he didn't see her just seconds ago, judgingly eyeing you again, and he just had to step away from the conversation he was having with his friends to go to you.

"It's nice to see you," she says, walking closer. "The guys were adamant you'd come but I didn't think you actually would, given your duties and all."

She cocks her eyebrow at your direction, the insinuation not lost on you and Jungkook.

"Yeah, well, ___ and I just came from a trip to Alberta for our second year anniversary," he says, sipping his drink. "We just had to cut it by a day so we could come to New York. I wouldn't hear the end of it if I missed Mark's wedding."

"Canada, I see. Did you have fun?" She asks, emphasizing the last word.

"Oh yeah," he looks at you. "Right?"

He chuckles, recalling how he fell on his butt multiple times during the glacier tour, and how you nursed him in several ways after that.

"We did," you giggle, knowing what he's thinking.

"We did a bunch of tours. And ___ did a lot of painting while on the balcony. That was pretty special."

His smile softens this time, recalling the mornings he'd woken up, the scene of the mountains as the perfect background to the view of you, looking immaculate as you create beauty with your paint brushes.

"Hmm," she responds bitterly. "Not bored, are you? You never got back to me after we made those plans. I was waiting for your call."

You know she wants to rattle you, coming up with a lie to make you feel small and insecure again. But you know better. Jungkook has been nothing but honest about her, and neither of you are bothered.

"Never had a reason to," he shrugs. "Between work and my wife, I barely have time for anything else. And I'm perfectly happy with that."

You feel him trace patterns on your waist, and you relax in his hold, knowing that this encounter is nothing like the first time. There's trust and respect now, and more than anything, so much love.

Mia crosses her arms and straightens her face, and coupled with her look of annoyance, it seems like she's waving the white flag, your husband prompting it without much fanfare.

Much as Jungkook wants to say more - make her suffer even just a fraction of how she made you, he knows it's not even worth both your time.

"You're a changed man, Jungkook," she shakes her head, the faint smile as her last effort to find humor in the situation, something she didn't expect at all. "I never thought I'd see the day."

"That's what being in love does, I guess. You should try it some time."

You almost choke on air with the jab, and you'd smile if it wasn't mean.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have to brag about my wife to my other friends," he says, taking your hand and leading you to a group of men who are smiling back at him.

"Sorry about that," he whispers, kissing your hand.

"Absolutely nothing to apologize for," you shake your head, wanting to put the Mia drama behind you. "I met one of your friends though, Andrew?"

"Yeah, I saw," he pouts.

"He's a sculptor and really talented!"

"He's a flirt, that's what he is," he furrows his brows.

It takes all of you not to kiss Jungkook right now with how adorable he looks when he's a tinybit threatened.

"No reason for jealousy tonight, honey. You know I'm all yours," you assure him.

"Good," he kisses your lips, deep but quick. "He's still a flirt though."

You laugh, basking in his touch and the way he proudly introduces you to his college mates.

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