Chapter 15

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I looked at the boy now suffocating me with confusion. I awkwardly hug him back.

What?? At least I get a hug even if I don't know him.

He pulled away and the next he said shocked me to the core.

"O my gosh your our Luna? " I don't know what to answer. I mean, I don't know I'm Luna material. I don't even know how to ran a pack. Plus, who wants a Luna that is mute. Maybe Nate can find someone to be his Luna. Although thinking about Nate with another makes my heart sank.

I shook my head no, I smile, force smile to be exact. I look at Nate and he was pissed.

Why would he be pissed??

'Cause you don't want to be luna' Emily say.

' yeah I don't want people to do want I want, I want them to be free' I exclaimed.

'That's what I pack right? They follow their Luna? '

'But still.. '

"Why? " I look at the boy well man really, he's taller than me.

I just shrugged my shoulders. I took a ballpen and notepad before writing.

Not really my type.

I give him the notepad and he reads it. He has a shocked expression.

"Woman, who doesn't want to be Luna? " I took the notepad and write again.

I do, it's really not my first choice obviously.

"Fare point"he patted nate on the back while muttering good luck to him. Nate give him a glare.

I rolled my eyes at them.

Seriously what's the point of a Luna?

The boy looked at me in horror, " Bitch.. You don't have any idea what a Luna can do"he screamed and I flinch. That nickname again.

Nate smacked him in the head. "Oww.. What was that for? " He whined. "Your scaring her"

"Your the one whose scary" I stiffin a laugh.

Guys stop arguing and excuse me, not to be rude but who are you?

He face palm himself before beaming me a grin. Seriously, does his face hurt at that smile.

"Silly me, my name is Drake, beta of this loser here and best friend" Nate glared at him

He was about to speak when a scream was heard which make me flinch. Or was it a squeal

"You bastard. Why did you left me" I girl with brown hair spoke. She looks like a replica of Drake but a girl version.

"Sorry.. Nathan here wants me to meet the Luna" I face palm. Those he understand that I don't want to be Luna.

The girl looked at me before crushing me on a hug. I tense. I never like physical contact with anyone.

"Omg omg omg... You looked beautiful" I blushed at that. "My name is Dianne, twin of this idiot here.. " She pointed at drake.

Nice to meet you, my name is Alexa.

She looked confused but took the note pad anyways. "Why are you writing, I mean you can speak, right? " I smile sadly at her before shaking my head no.

She gasped. "When? " I show her my palm meaning five.

"Ohh.. Nahh let's get you some clothes, I'm sure king Nathan won't mind" She said before turning to Nathan giving him a puppy dog eyes.

Nathan sigh before handing us his credit card. "Just make sure , she's safe and spent her some clothes" He said sternly at her with she nodded.

I was about to protest but they both give me a stern look which I shut up.

She drag me to a room before rampaging on the closet and handing me an outfit. It was a dress. Great

I wore it, not complaining cause Dianne really wants to get to know me and I don't wanna be rude.

After our complications on the room, we got outside before heading to a car.

She gestures me to sit in the front so I sat and put the seatbelt.

Our journey to the mall was really fun, I mean I never had fun in ten years.

Once we arrived, Dianne literally dragged me all around the shops. I started saying that I don't need much clothes but she said that Nathan wants to spoil me.


After our crazy paronama in the mall, we went home. Saying tired was understatement, I was literally exhausted. That girl dragged me all around the mall.

I got a lot from the mall like hoodies, jeans, sweatshirt, dresses, heels, shoes, undergarments and even make up which I won't use.

I changed into something comfy before laying in the sofa of Nate's room. He still didn't let me move out so, I just have to sleep in this couch.

My mind was full of questions

Why did king Nathan give me all those clothes? I mean I didn't need to

Why we're they so nice? Alpha said that all alpha are mean

I didn't realize I fall asleep.

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