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Kaitlyn stood at the railing, gazing into her dominion. Though she'd been down in hell for some time, probably around a month, it still felt bizarre, dream-like, so far away from everything she'd ever known, believed in or thought possible.

Occasionally she would feel a rush of sickness at all that she'd done but the feeling was becoming fainter and fainter as the days passed. Where once she used to think often about her angels, now she was starting to forget them. She had to repeat their names in her head: Zeke, David, Catherine, Samuel ...

Jacob. Jacob.

Kaitlyn watched as a geyser of flames soared towards the swirling grey sky. A bout of screaming followed the explosion. She hardly noticed it anymore. These days, it was like the birds singing in the morning. Not so nice, of course, but bearable.

Turning, she marched across the balcony, the jagged tip of her lover's castle disappearing into the coiling, seething clouds. Lightning struck across the sky, sparked by the volcano erupting nearby. There was a boom that made the balcony shake. Kaitlyn was so used to it she didn't need to steady herself. It didn't even raise her heart rate.

As she entered the castle, she gripped onto Lucifer's necklace. Why was it he didn't know? Why was it that he could have so much power, so much wisdom and skill as to dominate the world, and yet that same power did not seem to extend to her? He should know. It was important to him. It was connected to him in a way nothing else in this universe was.

A strange thing.

But that wasn't the strangest. Why was it that she should know? It had only been three weeks since her period. There had been no signs, no hints, no changes in her body. And yet ... she knew. She couldn't explain how.

She just knew.

Kaitlyn walked confidently through the halls, the usual shadow following behind her. She could hear its scuttling feet, the scratching of something dragging behind it. The flickering light threw its contorted shadow against the walls.

Kaitlyn looked back with an annoyed frown. She'd betrayed everyone she loved and given herself to Lucifer over and over again. And yet, his demons still stalked her. He might have removed his Fallen, but the presence of his dogs meant he still didn't trust her.

'I wish you'd leave me alone,' she told it.

The demon huddled to the floor, looking up at her with its one bloodied eye. Kaitlyn had seen this one before, with its monkey arms and twisted spine. Briefly, she wondered what terrible thing it had done for Lucifer to punish it so.

Turning on her heel, she stalked away. What did it matter? Hearing it follow, she sighed.

Exiting the hall, she stepped onto the bridge that crossed the lake of flames. All around her, fires as big as hills surged towards the sky like reverse waterfalls, roaring and throwing their heat around like water would its spray. It blasted against her face. It made sweat bead across the neckline of her gown.

This gown was white, though very similar in make to the black one: silky, slim-fitting, long sleeves that ended in a diamond shape at the backs of her hands. Another long train dragged behind her. One would think it would be a terrible colour to wear in such a place with so much smoke and grit. And yet, when she looked behind her, despite dragging through the ash, the train was untouched, gleaming brightly in the stark, deep redness of hell. For a moment, it reminded her distinctly of Lucifer's angel wings.

When she reached the other side of the bridge, she paused at the huge doors that led into his throne room. He hadn't invited her, but she no longer asked for permission. Hell was hers now. Just as much as his. She touched her still flat belly. Things were happening now. The prophecy was right. They could not be stopped.

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