Inner Slytherin 6

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Griphook returned after an hour and a half, as Harry was on his third cup of tea and all the little cakes were gone.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Potter, I have been closing access to the other Potter account, which the Headmaster of Hogwarts has been using, supposedly on your behalf as your guardian, to pay your relatives for your keep. A steep sum for the cost of the keep of a small boy," he added.

"Be damned he did!" Harry yelled, and the chinaware started shaking and rattling as his anger channelled his magic. "I slept in a cupboard and wore cast offs and ate half the time out of the bin!"

"You would be prepared to give a pensieve memory of this?" asked Griphook, as Snape laid his hands on the boy's shoulders.

"I would," said Harry.

"Then we shall file proceedings against your relatives," said Griphook, happily. "We cannot do so against the headmaster as he sent funds in good faith, but anyone who treats a child like that deserves prosecution. Your family solicitor will handle it."

"Will he also handle a change of guardian to one approved by my parents and available to me?" asked Harry, his magic under control. "I believe the next on the list who is available is Professor Snape."

"I wouldn't be lenient on you; I'm strict," said Snape, narrowing his eyes.

"I'm used to more than strict," shrugged Harry. "We may not like each other much but I trust you to tell me the truth, and to be a guardian, not a manipulative old ..."

"Watch your language!" barked Snape.

"... man," said Harry. "Why, sir, what word came into your head?"

"Several and all of them anatomically unlikely," said Severus, grimly. "Don't pull the innocent puppy eyes on me, young man!"

Harry grinned at him.

"No, it doesn't work," he said. "Griphook, can I leave that with you? And is there legal action I can take over the use of a blood quill as punishment?"

"Would you repeat that, Mr. Potter? I thought you said a blood quill was being used as punishement," said Griphook. Harry held out his hand.

"I did," he said.

"WHO-HAS-DONE-THIS?" demanded Griphook.

"Delores Umbridge," said Harry.

Griphook's eyes narrowed.

"She is an enemy of the nation," he said. "I am sorry for your pain. However, for your pain you are honoured as a warrior of the nation for being an instrument to destroy her."

"Good," said Harry.

"Excuse me, a moment," said Griphook, leaving. When he came back, he was flourishing a parchment.

"If you will put your name to this document outlining what you require," said Griphook.

Harry read it through, nodded, and they left.

"I do not answer to Uncle," said Severus.

"No, of course not, Mummy," said Harry.

"Next time anyone asks why I call you Mr. Python, I shall tell them that it's because you're a lumberjack and you're okay," threatened Severus.

"Sorry, sir!" said Harry, quickly. But he knew he had not really annoyed the man.


Severus came out of Hermione's memory laughing out loud, something neither teen had ever seen.

"Miss Granger, Miss Granger, you have learned from rebukes and you have become a most devious girl. I believe I shall count you as an honourary Slytherin. That was beautifully done and quite, quite priceless. Do you mind if I make a copy of this and keep it for when I am down? It will always lift my mood."

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