Choices 5: The fun begins

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Harry had been correct about all things. The only reason he was returning to Hogwarts for his fifth year was because he had to take his OWLS so that he could then leave Hogwarts and be privately tutored. Although he could take his NEWTS at the Ministry he'd probably would do that because he didn't need NEWTS to get a job being as wealthy and powerful as he was.

He studied Magic for his own purposes, thirst for knowledge and personal enrichment. It was the same for Neville who would also be leaving Hogwarts once he got his OWLS.Hermione Granger had been so desperate to make amends with Harry as she, like so many other Muggleborns, needed a protector and Harry was her only hope.

She had thought things had been bad during fourth year but the end proved her wrong as, it was said, Voldemort had resurrected himself from the dead and there was going to be another war.As a Muggleborn she was most at risk but she had to return to Hogwarts to take her OWLS before she could flee Britain or else have her magic bound and her wand snapped. This was all due to the various laws which Dumbledore had passed not to protect Muggleborns like he always inferred but to keep them under his control as Headmaster of Hogwarts.

For the past nine months the Wizengamot was hard at work reviewing ALL laws which had been introduced, supported and passed by Dumbledore to right the many wrongs he had done throughout his career, but despite the danger, laws concerning education were far down on the list so Hermione and others were in a difficult and dangerous position. Since so many Muggleborns went to Gryffindor and Harry had "disowned" his former House, he was still Hermione's and others only hope for protection.Her parents were making arrangements to sell their house and practice and move out of the country. They and other parents of Muggleborns had been advised by Amelia Bones to move from their current address while selling up for further protection because as Muggles they were not entitled to the protection of wards, the use of portkeys or even to have floo service to escape. Besides the Death Eaters always used anti-portkey, anti-floo and anti-apparation wards when they attacked a target so only by hiding would the Muggles have a chance to survive.The fact that Voldemort was back had only been revealed by accident. When Harry and the other three champions left the maze Cedric had won. All he had had to do was to find the Cup and bring it back to the Tournament Judges to be declared the official winner and get all of that fame and glory he had sought. Of course he still had to get passed the traps to get to the Cup which explained why it was taking him so long to get back to the stands.However, after an hour had passed Amos Diggory started worrying and asked the Judges if an Auror could look for his son just in case he had been caught in a trap and was helpless in the maze. Since Fudge was having such a good time eating, drinking, smooching and buttering up potential campaign contributors and foreign dignitaries he merrily told Amos "Don't worry, I'm sure everything is fine and Cedric will be along any moment now."Then another hour passed and Fudge was out voted. Something was wrong and Aurors were sent into the maze to look for the boy. He was missing. An Auror flew to the middle of the maze and cast a few spells only to find out that a portkey, mostly likely the Cup itself, had been activated to parts unknown. That wasn't supposed to happen. Fudge was at a loss but fortunately Amelia Bones was on hand and she asked Amos Diggory, "Does Cedric have an elf of his own, one who can always find him like a nanny elf?""Mibbles is our main house elf and she could always find him anywhere.""Then I think you should summon Mibbles, explain the situation and see if she can locate him."The elf was called, briefed on the situation and popped out away from the stands. Ten minutes later a very hysterical elf returned carrying the bloody, broken body of her young master. The boy was barely alive and it was clear he had been left for dead. Fortunately the Chief Healer of St. Mungo's was on hand and Cedric was saved but just barely. It would be three painful, angst-filled days before the boy regained consciousness and could tell some of what happened to him.Amelia had told him to "just skip to the basics and tell us who did this to you."The boy said "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named used my blood...the blood of an a ritual to resurrect himself. It was supposed to be...Potter...and that's why his name was entered in the Tournament – oh please tell Harry I am sorry that I didn't believe him but...even Dumbledore said he lied and cheated and deserved whatever abuse we gave him...encouraged it. I'm sorry, so sorry" he gasped out with the last of his strength.And with that said he passed out again for another day. He'd tell more when he woke up but it gave Amelia Bones all she needed to know and had feared since the night of the Tournament. After Cedric was seen to, she had the elf show her and some Aurors to the place where she found Cedric. Although a clean-up of evidence had been done, it was apparently done in haste and that was probably the only reason that Cedric had survived. He had been badly tortured for "fun" but someone or something had interrupted that fun and those who harmed him probably thought he was dead or on the verge of it so hadn't killed him.Amelia went to Azkaban to check to see if the dark marks on the arms of the Death Eaters had darkened. She had her answer before she could ask it as Bellatrix Lestrange and a few others were happily shouting the news that "Our Lord is back. He is back just as he promised and He will lead us to final victory." The arms were checked anyway.Amelia couldn't decide what was worse: the joy of those insane, evil excuses for human beings shouting out the good tidings and screaming about what tortures they were going to do when their Lord rescued them or the smug face and pronouncements of Albus %*#*&%*##* Dumbledore. She decided it was the latter.To get to the lower levels she had to go passed the level one cells. Apparently Dumbledore had found out about the dark marks returning and had bullied one of the Aurors into getting Amelia to speak to him as he had very important information. Long story short, he told her "I warned that Voldemort would be back and be back soon and I was correct wasn't I?" He didn't give her time to reply but quickly said, "And as I mentioned at one of those ridiculous trials ONLY I KNOW HOW TO DEFEAT HIM so unless you release me and let me help you, THIS TIME HE WILL WIN."He glazed at her with a smug look on his face as if expecting her to order his release that very moment. However the smug smirk was soon wiped off his face when she looked at him and told him "In your dreams you miserable old %*##*^%#&^#&. You created Voldie for your own reasons to gain further glory, he got out of hand, mostly because of YOUR INEPT LEADERSHIP AND SABOTAGING OF THE MINISTRY'S EFFORTS TO CATCH HIM AND HIS FIENDS, BUT THIS TIME WE'LL WIN BECAUSE YOU ARE STAYING WHERE YOU ARE.""You are condemning British children to a fate worse than death," he said directing his best look of grandfatherly disappointment at her, "your own niece, the last of your family and all you have left in the world will probably die – or worst - because of your stubborn indifference. Remember your brother Edgar who fought valiantly at my side....""ZZZZAAAAPPPP" was the sound the hex made as it hit the old wizard and "AAAIIILLEEE" was the sound of his scream when it connected with his ancient body but who cared because that %*&*#&*#& had said the very worst thing he possibly could in his attempt to get her cooperation.Yes she remembered her wonderful brother Edgar. He was the ultimate Hufflepuff, loyal and hardworking but his wife, who was from a family of ardent Dumbledore supporters, had convinced her husband to join the Order of the Phoenix and fight Dumbledore's way as it was a noble and compassionate organization just like its founder. Dumbledore only wanted to help Death Eaters to see the errors of their ways and it was his view that if they were shown mercy and put on the path of the Light as defined by Albus Dumbledore, "they would be saved."Dumbledore had even "convinced" the Minister of Magic and other important members of the Ministry to not allow the Aurors to use "dangerous spells" because a Death Eater might be badly hurt or even killed so how could they be reformed and saved if they were dead? For some insane reason it became Ministry policy that the Aurors only use stunners and spells and charms which even Hogwarts students knew in in life and death circumstances while the Death Eaters did their best to hurt, injure, maim, torture and then KILL Aurors and civilians. It was an absolutely, positively ridiculous way to conduct a war and resulted in many people being hurt, maim, driven insane due to torture and killed.Edgar had been one of them. His life had been needlessly sacrificed because he had joined the Order and used stunners and jinxes against the full Death Eater arsenal of hellish magic. Then because he was a known Order member his family had been killed to teach lessons to blood traitors. Then their brother Henry and his wife's location had mysteriously been leaked and they were killed. Susan had only survived because a house elf had managed to whisk her away.At their funeral Dumbledore had had the nerve to once again try to get Amelia to join his Order to avenge her family. "Think of your niece Susan and join the Order to protect her." Amelia had, which is why she cursed Dumbledore at the cemetery yelling for all to hear "It's your fault they died because Edgar joined your useless Order and somebody leaked Henry's location. Only Henry, Edgar and me knew where they were and I didn't tell anybody and neither did Henry. You made Edgar tell you didn't you? What did you do – promise him you'd protect Henry if he told you where he lived? Just like you 'protected' Edgar's family?""Now Amelia your grief has made you irrational so why don't you come with me back to Hogwarts and we can discuss this further. I'm like to offer my help to you and since there is only you left of Clan Bones and you work in such a dangerous occupation, I'd like to become Susan's guardian just in case anything....""Why so you can control her, use her vote in the Wizengamot, marry her off to one of your poor scumbag followers for her fortune. Never! You are the reason we are losing this war. And Susan already has several potential guardians."Amelia hadn't been able to prove that Dumbledore had leaked the location of Henry's home until his last trial. He claimed that there were traitors in the Order and they were the ones who sold out poor Henry and his family. That was why he wanted to be Susan's guardian just in case something happened to Amelia because he felt he might have contributed to her parents' death and wanted to "make amends." He had been unable to name the traitors due to some oaths he took but they were dead so couldn't be punished.She had demanded that he swear on his life and magic that he was telling the truth but he had replied that he never swore on that because everyone knew he was an honest, noble and incorruptible wizard who had dedicated his life, etc. and therefore his word was good enough. She stated it wasn't especially considering the things he had been caught doing, but he refused to swear. That was what had "gotten him" in the end.The Head Judge demanded that he swear on everything otherwise it would mean he was guilty "No one trusts you any more so swear or be convicted." Dumbledore continued to be outraged and refused to swear on his life and magic even after told that if he didn't he would be judged guilty – it was that simple."You are so guilty you can't even swear to whether you have told the absolute truth on anything," she had spat out at him. "You can't swear because you would lose your magic and your life." And he couldn't, so he was finally convicted. Considering all of his many crimes and the atrocities Amelia knew he had committed but couldn't prove without his swearing, he was given a very lenient sentence. The miserable bastard would probably survive the five years then get out and start everything all over again.Now with Voldemort really back, he thought he could con them all into releasing him because he said so. He was staring her in the eye fully expecting his freedom and the return of all of his positions because of the bull he was spouting out. But that was Albus Dumbledore, master manipulator and an unabashed and unrepentant nasty old man who just couldn't give up no matter if the world would burn under his command. As long as he got to accomplish HIS goals and run the world as HE SAW FIT that was all that mattered. He didn't care who was hurt or if an ancient culture was destroyed or religious rituals were outlawed, knowledge was lost or Magic dumbed down, if Albus Dumbledore deemed it so, it would be done and to hell with everyone else.After she had cursed him she left as she had to watch what she said as the walls had ears. She had to go back and brief the sensible people as to the situation. She also put Azkaban under lockdown hoping beyond hope that Dumbledore wouldn't be able to get a message out to have his minions stir up the masses and spread panic and the lie that only Dumbledore could save them from Voldemort. There were enough fools who would believe it and demand that he be released.But that wouldn't happen as the witch would have him killed first before she would allow that to happen. Even if it cost her life the sacrifice would be worth it to save their world from the likes of Dumbledore.When she got back she called an emergency meeting of the Wizengamot and Ministry. She also had Harry and his advisors come to the Ministry despite the danger as he was a Lord with several votes. He also needed to know what had happen and to prepare for the panic, accusations and everything else that would be happening when the news broke. He wouldn't be going home on the Hogwarts Express and neither would Neville. Neville would have to stay to take his exams and then leave for the safety of Harry's fortified home.She was also going to ask him if he would consider letting Susan live with him this summer for her protection since Amelia would not only be incredibly busy but her life would be at risk almost as much as Harry and Neville. Even though she had helped and supported Harry in everything it was still a lot to ask considering the way Susan had treated him and like Cedric, despite everything that had been revealed Susan held Harry Potter in contempt and probably would continue to do so.As expected Fudge panicked as did certain members of the Wizengamot. A few of the fools were saying that Dumbledore should be released but they were quickly shot down, especially when Amelia stated, "So he can 'defeat You-Know-Who' like he did so well and so quickly in the last war? Surely you remember how well that went and how many lives were lost both Auror and civilian because our Aurors could only use stunners against Unforgiveables."Wilfred Whitcomb was a wishy-washy, cowardly excuse for a man who always voted for the most popular opinion. He usually voted for anything Dumbledore wanted passed only because it was Dumbledore demanding it. He could be swayed if enough pressure was put on him or someone like Malfoy threatened him. Despite being useless every so often he spoke up during a session if only to remind people he was still alive and now was going to be one of the moments."Dumbledore was the only wizard You-Know-Who ever feared. Perhaps we should let Albus free but not give him any positions of power and just use him as a...consultant I think the word is. He could be our figurehead, a symbol of hope.""Don't be ridiculous" another member said, "Albus would never settle into such a position and within a week he would be back in power and abusing us all worse than before.""Let me make this perfectly clear to everybody," Amelia said. "Albus Dumbledore has been convicted and is serving a very light sentence in Azkaban considering his crimes. He is in for five years and . . . . He will not be anything but a prisoner.""Well he did save us the last time.""No he didn't" another member stated. "It was a 15 month old baby who 'saved us' from You-Know-Who the last time. Even a fool like you should remember that.""Well he didn't do it right when he should have and now You-Know-Who is back so we need Dumbledore."A loud noise was heard in the chamber. That noise was Harry Lord Seven quickly getting up from his seat and then making his way over to where Whitcomb was sitting. The "boy" as he was still being called walked up to Whitcomb and looked him right in the eye his killing curse green eyes boring into his mud brown eyes."What did you just say?" the boy hissed out."I said...I said that baby should have done it right the first time."It was now so silent you could hear the proverbial pin drop."For your information you old, pathetic fool, I was that 'incompetent baby' don't you recognize the scar" he said moving his bangs to reveal it to the old doddering man who was now shaking in his shoes."Oh yes, the great Albus Dumbledore told the world that Voldie was defeated by a 15 month old baby and you all believed it. But how did he know when it is a matter of record that Albus Dumbledore wasn't anywhere near Godric's Hallow until November 10th when he allowed the Ministry to dedicate the house as a national shrine. In fact, the only people who knew what happened were James Potter, who was killed by the killing curse, Lily Evans Potter, who suffered the same fate, Voldie and me, the incompetent baby.""So how did Dumbles know what happened if he wasn't there? It was only found out this past year that after the deaths, Severus Snape arrived too late to save Lily's life. He admitted he heard me crying for my Mum but totally ignored me because he was too busy crying over Lily's body. He then left by apparation when he heard Hagrid arriving to collect me. At the same time Hagrid arrived so did Sirius Black. It was Sirius who fetched me out of the house and took me down to Hagrid who was under orders of Dumbledore to take me to Dumbledore. Black ran off to get revenge against Peter Pettigrew who had betrayed us instead of doing his duty to me, his godson. He ended up in Azkaban for 12 years after being framed. Hagrid took me to Dumbledore who illegally placed me in an abusive household.""Yes, we all know the 'sad story' of your purported abuse," another member said nastily. He was a Death Eater who had always worn his mask and thus had not been caught."I am telling my 'sad story' for a reason. Dumbledore wasn't there, so how could he know what happened. He just called a full assembly of the Wizengamot and told you what happened and you believed it without question because he said so. It is a matter of record that when he finally allowed Aurors to enter the premises – two days later – to recover my parents' bodies for burial, they were not allowed to do any tests for spells. Therefore none were done so how did anyone know what really happened?""Shut up and sit down boy you are wasting our time," the Death Eater said. He wanted to vote to get Dumbledore back because he knew that Dumbledore would do the same thing as before and his Lord could easily win this time as Dumbledore would be too busy getting revenge on those who brought him down. They were also the only people who could stand up to his Lord and once they were gone, the Ministry would fall faster than Dumbledore could offer a lemon drop.However, by that time Harry had turned his attention to the member, went over to him and simply laid his hand on the man's left arm. He then hissed out some snake-like sounds and the man screamed in pain."What did you do to him you Half-blood bastard" another member shouted.Harry answered by ripping the sleeve off the man's robes revealing the dark mark. "I'm using my evil parseltongue to expose one of Voldie's secret followers. And before you say anything I did not just give him a mark as my wand is in my pocket and the Auror-at-arms can confirm it.""Now to get back to what I was saying, you only have Dumbledore's word for what happened that night and we all know – or at least should know now – just how little that is worth. As the only living witness to the events, when I was being healed before I could claim my Lordships, an Unspeakable did a regression spell on me. Simply put, it allowed him to enter my mind and look back on those events so now we – the chosen few – know what actually happened.""So what happened," Whitcomb asked."None of your business as it is information which is under the need-to-know basis rule. In other words, it is top secret and none of you will be told as most of you can't be trusted. Since we know what happened that night, we know how Voldie was defeated the first time and it can be done again – but not if Dumbledore is allowed back in power. That %*##*&*#* would have dragged things out if I hadn't been freed and if I had been used to resurrect Voldie. Dumbles has to build up the tension, get people frightened so he can calm them, allow and even arrange for deaths to occur so that he can win people over and make them dependent on him. He did all that and more in the last war."While Harry talked an Auror had gone to cuff the Death Eater, but once that was done the Auror got a bit careless because he started listening to Harry's tale of what had really happened. The Death Eater knew he was doomed having been exposed by the miserable little bastard and he would be questioned with Veritaserum then sent immediately to Azkaban. However he could do one more service for his Dark Lord. While the Auror was distracted, the Death Eater managed to get his extra wand out of its holster and yelled, "Shut up you Half-blood bastard – Avada Kedavra" and he made a direct hit on Harry Potter.The Death Eater was roughly subdued but he had just made a name for himself and didn't care. However, mere seconds after his cast the curse, the man fell down stone cold dead.Potter had hit the floor with a bang and panic reined. Amelia took charge while Harry's solicitor ran over to his client. Tears fell from the man's eyes as he had just seen the promising, noble, heroic hope for the future be so cruelly cut down. As he cradled the boy in his arms his tears fell onto the boy's face. Suddenly, like something out of a novel the boy's eyes snapped open causing the solicitor to let out a shriek of surprise. The boy looked up at the man, shook his head a bit as if to clear it and then smiled up at the man and said "You can't kill me."Not all of the details of that Wizengamot session would be revealed to the public and many things needed to be said and done as soon as possible. A unanimous vote was taken to NOT LET DUMBLEDORE OUT OR HAVE HIM 'ADVISE' ANYBODY ON ANYTHING. Things were decided and began to be carried out. Except for the three wizards who had to be hospitalized for shock and one mild heart attack, everyone went back home or off to do their assignments.However, although people were told "not to spread rumors" the next morning's edition of the Daily Prophet printed the amazing news that once again Harry Potter survived the killing curse and apparently it bounced back onto the Death Eater who cast it on him just like it had done to You-Know-Who. It was neither confirmed nor denied by the Ministry and naturally Harry was unavailable to give a statement, not even to Xeno Lovegood.Harry had gone straight to his new home/fortress. Neville took his exams and then immediately left to join him. Su Li and Luna Lovegood had been invited to stay the summer as well as their "spy in Slytherin" and fellow outcast, Millicent Bulstrode. But Millie declined as she was still spying on her fellow Slytherins. She was issued an emergency portkey "just in case" and she could also call one of Harry's many house elves to come to her rescue if need be.Susan Bones went unwillingly to a safe house after refusing to have anything to do with Harry-the-lying-cheater-Potter even if it meant she'd die. She was especially furious when Hannah wasn't allowed to come with her. The Abbotts had made other arrangements which had not included Susan, but Susan didn't believe her Aunt until Hannah had been allowed to send her a letter saying "Sorry but that's life and my parents are mad at your Aunt so you have to suffer."Harry was living in Castle Black the main ancestral home of the Blacks where Arcturus Lord Black had spent his last days. It had ancient wards out the wazoo as well as a few more added recently for extra safety and security. NOBODY could get in the Castle unless Harry wanted them there. Even if someone had found Millicent's portkey and tried using her to get them in, the portkey was so designed that she (and her cat) would get through but not anybody else.Despite Narcissa's desperate pleas, an interview with Ragnok himself, Harry's most vicious solicitor and Dobby his former house elf slapping him silly, Draco Malfoy had decided to channel his inner Ron Weasley and do the most stupid thing he could possibly do. He badmouthed Harry Potter not only at Hogwarts but he summoned Mindy Micklemuck and gave her an exclusive interview regarding what he thought about that %*#&#*&%*#*#** *#*( (*(& & who was impersonating a Lord of an Ancient and Noble House and the others "he has been lying about having."Narcissa had fainted dead away when she read the article. Draco had been beaming so much as he sat in the Great Hall watching other people read his comments that as one "wit" opined "his face would light up a room in the dungeons."Draco's interview took up an entire page in the paper. Granted it was on page five but the fact that it was printed in its entirety (Draco had written it himself) and that the world would get to share his thoughts served to swell the boy's ego even bigger than it already was.At one point Draco had been considering taking his Mother's advice because Blaize Zabini (one of the few "friends" who Draco actually liked and admired...a bit) had told him in no uncertain terms that he would be dumber than a Weasley if he went against a Lord with Potter's power. But then Draco received "the sign" he had been waiting for. The Dark Lord had come back and now the world would once again be "set right" and the Malfoys would once again sit at the right hand of the Dark Lord.Naturally the first thing the Dark Lord would do would be to get Lucius out of Azkaban as well as all of the other Death Eaters. Lucius Malfoy was his right hand wizard and the most important and powerful member of his Inner Circle. Lucius used to brag that the Dark Lord couldn't do without him. By then Draco would have made his escape and would join his father. Maybe Draco would be rewarded with the dark mark even though he wasn't of age yet.Then Potter would be captured and horribly torture by the Dark Lord but also by Draco. Hopefully Draco would be allowed (due to his high status) to torture Potter for months or even years before the Dark Lord got around to finally killing him. Draco would prefer to do it himself but his Father had always told him "Potter is the Dark Lord's and no one else" so Draco would just have to content himself with doing all that terrible torture on his worst enemy.Draco waited for his housemates and the rest of the school to finish reading his article. He prepared himself for the onslaught of congratulations he would receive for his brave stand. No doubt many would want to join him and offer to become his vassal so that he could introduce them to and sponsor them when he joined the Dark Lord.However instead of being mobbed with congratulations he was being ignored. No doubt this was probably due to people just being cautious since Potter was lurking around the school somewhere. Of course Draco KNEW he was HIDING and shaking in his boots now that the Dark Lord was back. Potter knew he was doomed and who knows, he might come crawling to Draco and beg him to intercede for him and use his influence to get a quick and painless death. But Draco wouldn't. He would tell Potter about what was going to happen to him and by Draco's hand.Blaize wasn't speaking to him and went out of his way to ignore him until after the last class of the day when they returned to the common room before dinner. "What the hell were you thinking?" Blaize asked."I was thinking like a Malfoy," Draco bragged. "Potter is probably off somewhere shaking...""His head in disbelief and/or disgust," his friend finished for him. "Do you realize what you did?""Of course, I've beaten Potter, have him on the run and....""No you dork, you've screwed your entire life up or at least what's left of it. Potter is the Lord of your Mother's House hence your Lord also.""The only House I owe allegiance too is House Malfoy – which I am the heir to. I recognize no other higher house or Lord – except maybe for the Dark Lord – and I have nothing to fear," he stated proudly."Whether you recognize it or not the fact remains that as your Mother's son, you are a vassal of House Black and thus under Potter's control. You are his vassal you twit!""No I am not and never will be," Draco whined.An argument began but ceased when Draco felt a sharp pain, mostly in his torso but it slowly spread to other places."Is something wrong," Blaize asked. "Are you sick?""It's nothing probably just indigestion," came the reply but Draco was trying to put on a brave face as the pain continued. "Now where were we?""You were saying that Potter doesn't have the balls to do anything to you and how he fears you and the House of Malfoy and...."Draco passed out ending the conversation.When Draco woke, he was in the Infirmary and his Mother sat at his bedside. She was crying but he was glad. She had probably been inspired by his article and finally come to her senses and was now crying because she realized what a frightened fool she had been. No doubt she would beg him to take her back and intercede with Lucius – and the Dark Lord – on her behalf as she knew that when Potter fell, she'd be brought down with him. Well he wasn't ready to forgive her yet – if ever – so he'd let his Father decide her fate.She finally noticed he was awake and instead of begging or groveling she yelled "You stupid, arrogant puppy. I warned you, Ragnok warned you – even Blaize Zabini warned you. But what do you do? The absolutely worst thing possible and now you will suffer dearly for it, probably for the rest of your life.""What are you talking about woman," Draco said snottily.Narcissa quickly dried her tears and then actually glared at her son. "That intense pain you have been feeling, do you know what it is?""Indigestion?""No. Lord Seven kept his promise. He dissolved my marriage to your Father, called back my dowry and property and claimed me and you as his chattel because YOU PUBLICALLY INSULTED HIM AND THUS THE HOUSE OF BLACK. As promised, you are no longer the Malfoy heir but the CHATTEL of House Black. Lucius or anybody else can't adopt you because LORD BLACK has decreed it so. I am now Narcissa Lyra Black and you are Draco No Name. You've even lost your middle name as it is the first name of your former Father.""No I haven't!"" .HAVE. Not only have you disgraced yourself but you have dragged me into the mess you have created and....""Father and the Dark Lord will save us – or rather me since I've already told you that I'm done with you.""Lucius is in Azkaban.""The Dark Lord will soon get him out and then rescue me.""No he won't.""Yes he will."" .won't."" .WILL.""No he won't as Lord Seven has sent a letter to the Dark Lord and they have made a deal."" .haven't.""Yes they have.""No they haven't because the Dark Lord wants to kill Potter. Therefore, if any deal was made it was because the Dark Lord is treating Potter like the fool he is and is luring him to his death.""No he isn't.""Will you stop it you 'dunderhead' – you never did understand politics.""Oh I understand politics very well and much better than you. I told Lucius he should start training you early instead of letting you just rely on his name and his power. But did he listen to me? No and now you are suffering for it."Draco was getting annoyed. His Father had always told him that women didn't understand politics because – they were women and didn't have the brains, talent or finesse for it. Now here was his Mother PROVING just how right his Father had been (as usual).Since she couldn't help it – being a stupid woman – since she was his Mother he would try to explain it to her, slowly and carefully so she would have a chance to understand at least some of it.So he did but first he told her what he was going to do and exactly why he was going to do it. He then began to talk very slowly to her as one would talk to a young child, a Weasley or Hagrid. She let him go on for about a minute before she took out her wand and hexed him silly."Why'd you do that? I was trying to help you, you dumb blond." That was the worst thing he could have said. Well there were probably many others but she wasn't in the mood to stay and listen so she left. He'd learn – the hard way – but he'd learn.And he did. He spent the rest of the night in the Infirmary. When he came down to breakfast the next day he was handed a copy of the Prophet by a smirking Theo Nott. The Prophet went into great detail reporting what Lord Seven to his vassal Draco No Name. Before Draco could finish reading the article, Lord Falmouth sent for him. They went to the Headmaster's office where Lord Falmouth told him what he would be doing for the summer.In short Draco No Name would be picked up by an Auror who would take him to a special summer camp where Draco would spend the summer. To his horror, it was a Muggle summer camp for troubled and criminal children. The Auror thoroughly briefed him how the camp worked and what would be expected of him. Naturally his wand would be confiscated and he would be issued Muggle clothes. Whether he was allowed to return to Hogwarts would depend on his behavior. If he was uncooperative or caused any trouble, he would be sent to another Muggle establishment to learn not only manners but the true way of the world.Draco had no money, no owl and nothing to really call his own. He was taken to a room and handed a booklet entitled How to Act like a Muggle and was told he had one hour to read it as he couldn't take it with him. He was given breakfast, read the booklet, dressed in some Mugglish clothes and off he went. No goodbyes were permitted and no complaints would be tolerated.The camp consisted of abused children, "problem children" and delinquents. Counseling was a regular part of the day and no bullying was tolerated. Of course if a bully or two weren't caught, the lives of some of the abused children were made very difficult until the bully was discovered. The bully was punished according to the amount of harm he had done before being caught.Upon arrival each child was given an orientation and was told what was expected of him. "Everybody in this camp is equal. Nobody is better than anybody else. The only difference is intelligence level and talents. Some of you might be able to draw very well, average or not at all but that doesn't mean a thing. Everybody has talents and they just must be discovered and allowed to grow."Draco hadn't decided yet how he was going to act. Despite not knowing much about Muggles other than what he had heard (mostly from his Father) or read in the booklet, Draco was confident that he was a superior being and the others would soon recognize it. He would soon be the leader and would manipulate the filth into doing his will.But again he was in for a very big surprise and an awful lot of pain, especially after he met the resident bully named Dudley Dursley. Draco would quickly learn the real way the world worked in both the Muggle and Magical Worlds and he wouldn't be the only one to learn terrible lessons.The Magical Britain he knew would soon be radically changing as powerful wizards fought for control. The main ones were of course Albus Dumbledore, two cabals not associated with Voldemort but who were vying for Dumbledore's former power and surprisingly... Harry Lord Seven.

Although people knew Voldemort was back he was busy. He was recovering from the stress of his wraith condition, contacting allies and selected Death Eaters and doing the assorted other things which a Dark Lord had to do. Meanwhile he would just sit back and watch the "fun" as Dumbledore and the cabals fought for power and Harry Potter fought for survival and his freedom. It would be interesting to watch and more entertaining than a Muggle adventure/action film.


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