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The lucious cherry lips stretched, forming a beautiful grin when the sapphire eyes fell on the newly bloomed pink flowers. The prince was hypnotized by the spellbinding beauty. The smile, he referred to it as a healer, for even a miserable person could feel alive if they were offered such smile. His heart bloomed with happiness making him feel light headed whenever he came across that smile.

"Sir Elias", called Harun from a distance despite Shahzaib did not respond. Might be because it was not his name or he was too lost in his daze state.
"Sir Elias", this time Sahir called out his disguised name which grabbed his attention towards the sound.
"We have to leave", the older said.
"Yes", replied the royal prince before returning his gaze towards the unmatched beauty just to witness the place was empty.

Heaving out a defeated breath, the prince ambled towards his fellow men who were listening to Hamad informing them about the beach and surrounding properties. They started moving towards the little bridge which was the exit of the Al-Amir estate when a woman's voice called for Hamad.

"Hamad", the lady called from the front door of the house, in a frantic voice which had the referred male to frown. The group of men stopped in their tracks and stared at the beautiful elderly lady rushing towards her husband clad in a pretty dress.

"What happened?", Hamad frowned in concern.
"Inaya", and that one name was enough for Hamad to let out a panick gasp.
"What happened to her?",
the other men present there could clearly see the panic in his voice which had them concerned.

"She isn't home.. Honey, my baby is not at home. I searched every where", she said in utter anxiousness.
"What? How? Did you check the garden?", Hamad said looking around in the garden which was in front of the house and empty at the moment.

The prince and others were utterly confused, however, seeing the panick state of the couple he could predict it was about someone close to their heart. Their ward, might be.

The prince walked up to them to console and ask what happened so that they could offer help but he halted in his steps when the lady called out the same name which managed to skip a beat in Shahzaib's heart.

"Inaya! Yah Rabbi", she hollard and sprinted towards the referred lady who just came out of, what seemed like a basement storage.

The prince for the third time and the generals were awestruck seeing the heavenly features the young woman possessed. It was really rare to witness such bewitching beauty.

The petite woman was startled at the sudden yelling of her name and her panicked mother rushing towards her. Her doe eyes were filled with confusion, lips forming a thin line not knowing what to depict out of the situation.

"Where were you? I was so worried..how many times I told you not to come out without informing me", she scolded but hugged the still surprised lady dearly.
"I just went to grab the shovel", the lady mumbled. And Shahzaib swore he felt his heart stopping for mere seconds.

"Papa.. Mama is being a mean unnecessarily", she complained looking at her papa with wide glassy eyes which melted everyone's heart witnessing the scene.
"No need to scold my angel, love", Hamad playfully scolded his spouse which had his daughter to giggling. The lady of the house just huffed with a bored expression.

The merchant turned his attention to his guests but his jaw clenched witnessing how the strangers were gawking at his daughter with wide eyes and mouth ajar.

"Escort her inside", Hamad's stern voice brought back the general's attention who turned their gaze away in guilt. These men were honorable enough to obey their Almighty's command to lower their gaze, they were just too stunned at this moment thus the audacity.

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