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Jacob watched Kaitlyn as she showered, her shoulders hunched over, wet hair falling around her face as she tried to conceal her tears.

Closing the door quietly behind him, he glanced around the room, scowling at the bed. The sheets were rumpled and there was a wet stain in the middle of the mattress. He was trying his best to keep control but more and more Satan was pushing him to the limit. He didn't care so much when he hurt Jacob. But when he hurt Kaitlyn ...

And he kept hurting her in the most despicable ways.

He'd still been asleep when Satan had magicked him back into his little cell. It wasn't until Satan had rejoined him shortly after when Jacob realised his intention: naked and flushed and with a bulging erection that had told Jacob everything.

Before Jacob could say a word, Satan had magicked him back into Kaitlyn's bedroom with a snarl. Now his worst fears had been confirmed—Satan had tormented her, again. As much as he knew he ought to be the better angel, it was hard. He was still mortal, after all. More human than he cared to admit, even to himself.

'Lucifer!' Jacob cried as he marched down the hall. 'Show yourself! Or are you too much of a coward?!'

'Coward, am I?' echoed his voice. 'What do I have to be afraid of? You?' He laughed.

Jacob spun around. He was standing casually against the wall like he was bored, arms folded, naked as the day God had created him.

Jacob hissed. Lucifer was still unashamedly bearing an erection and he could see the gleam of cum all over his balls.

'Coward!' Jacob snarled, marching over to him. Seizing his throat, Jacob pinned him against the wall. 'Coward to assault a woman!'

Lucifer laughed. 'She enjoyed in Jacob. She wanted it.'

'You made her cry.' Jacob slammed the back of Lucifer's head against the wall. 'You hurt her. You raped her. Enough is enough. I will not have it. Your time is over—and you know it!'

'Do I? Do you really think that, Jacob?' He sneered. 'If you hadn't already noticed, hell continues to burn. The Damned continue to scream. And you and Kaitlyn remain in my possession. The Reckoning is far from over.'

Jacob squeezed his throat. Lucifer laughed again. Grabbing Jacob's wrist, he pulled his hand away. Gritting his teeth, Jacob fought against his unnatural strength to no avail—of course.

'Be grateful,' Lucifer hissed. 'Be grateful that I'm not violent. I could have her in pieces.'

Ripping his hand out of Lucifer's grasp, Jacob slammed his fist into his stomach. Lucifer bent over as though in pain, then snorted with laughter.

'I am sick of your games,' Jacob hissed.

'I won't leave her alone. Just as I will never leave you alone, Jacob.'

Shoving him back up against the wall, Jacob hit him in the face, again and again. Jacob knew he shouldn't be doing it—God would not like it—but he didn't care. Lucifer fell to his knees, laughing. The beating did no real harm, but it made Jacob feel better. He nursed his knuckles as Lucifer's sniggering rang in his ears. Jacob's heart was beating furiously. His thighs were tight. The tension in his wings made his back ache.

There was something maniacal about Lucifer's laughter, something helpless and desperate.

'Open your eyes, Lucifer, she is not for you.'

The fallen angel raised his blue eyes to Jacob. 'You're right. I do I love her—and I hate her for it. I need to destroy her.'

'Destroy her and destroy the prophecy. Turn your face away, Lucifer. Turn your face away to where it belongs.'

Satan's QueenWhere stories live. Discover now