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When she next woke, Jacob was still holding her tight. Kaitlyn's heart gave a little leap as she thought of the day ahead—of the months and years ahead. She suddenly felt so light. Everything seemed so much brighter.

'Good morning,' he said.

Kaitlyn smiled at him, her mouth watering at the sight of his lips. She couldn't resist leaning in and kissing them. Sliding her hand under his sweater, she kissed the nape of his neck. He tasted so good.

'When are we going to get out of here?' she said almost desperately. She jerked upright. 'I'm supposed to leave for that commune today!'

Jacob chuckled. 'You don't really think you're still going there, do you?'

Kaitlyn slumped back into her pillow. 'Thank God.' She laughed. 'Honestly, I don't know how long I would have lasted. I probably would have run away.'

Kaitlyn couldn't be happier to see all her angels together again as they prepared to leave later that morning. She clasped her hand in Jacob's, feeling so happy that she felt she could outshine them all.

'Will you come?' she asked hopefully. 'Just for a little while?'

'Until you get home,' Zeke said.

Home—it was still a mystery.

They left in the same car they'd arrived in, Kaitlyn looking back through the rearview mirror at the priests quietly watching their departure. She was sure it was a meeting they would never forget.

Kaitlyn turned back, hand tucked in Jacob's as he sat to her right, fitting so much better without his wings. On her left was Zeke. Catherine sat in the passenger seat, and as usual Samuel was driving.

It was so much like old times, this time without the drama, and it made her buzz with excitement. Kaitlyn couldn't care less how long it took to get to their destination. Let this last forever.

Kaitlyn surprised herself—she spoke a lot. She spoke of hell and all she'd seen. She spoke of why her heart had turned away from them, the journey through the ocean, of all the crimes of the Damned and how close she'd been to falling into darkness. It poured out of her like a waterfall—and she felt nothing, no guilt or remorse or terror, only fascination over what she'd lived. Whatever Lucifer had done to numb the pain, it worked better than she ever could have hoped for.

The angels listened, she hoped with fascination too, though their expressions didn't show it. Jacob was relaxed and unperturbed as only his angel self could be. She didn't speak of everything, of course. All her intimate moments with Lucifer would stay locked away forever in her mind.

Kaitlyn tucked her hand in her pocket, finding Lucifer's necklace. No longer did she feel so guilty about keeping it, not after her talk with Zeke, but she knew she would never wear it again and would keep it safely hidden away from Jacob for as long as she lived.

Hours swept by but to Kaitlyn it felt like no time at all as she gazed out of the window, as she studied her angels, taking in what might possibly be her last adventure. They stopped only twice so that Kaitlyn could eat and relieve herself. It was then that she truly came to understand what the priests had meant about the danger she was in.

Kaitlyn hadn't really taken their warnings seriously until she stepped out of the toilet block and had her first encounter with the general public: a woman. She just stood there, staring.

'Are you all right?' Kaitlyn asked.

She was odd and definitely rude as she stared. She was older, probably in her fifties with bleached blonde hair that stuck out a little wildly. She wore too much make-up.

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