War Ending

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Thorin stood high on the balcony beside Bilbo. Bilbo knew what his future brother looked for.

"She will be fine, Thorin. Amara is the strongest hobbit I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. She swore she would return. Amara does not make promises she cannot keep." Bilbo assured

"Hail Thorin, King of House Durin." Bard said loudly as Amara began to make her way to the front

Thranduil was stopping her. She knew why but she desperately wanted to see Thorin and Bilbo. Bard knew that Amara could smooth everything over but he could see that things were going to go bad with how King Thranduil was provoking Thorin. Thorin refused for them to enter until Thranduil grabbed Amara too hard and yanked her forward. The Company growled when they caught sight of Amara. Amara had not seen her reflection since the battle but she looked bad. Many were questioning how Amara was still standing.

"Our deal, dwarf, came from this one. If you refuse to uphold your end then I shall hold her until you do. I can be patient but I wonder how long she would last in our dungeons." Thranduil said as he began to see he was hurting Amara he loosened his grip

Thranduil had healed Amara to a point but she needed rest to fully heal plus there was stitching and bruising and such that needed time to heal. Thorin looked two seconds from jumping off the balcony to get to Amara.

"What have you done to her?!" Thorin demanded as Bilbo stared in horror

Amara looked like she had been dragged behind a horse for days before tortured. Her clothes looked bloodied and one could easily see the bandages.

"Me? You are the one who let the dragon free? You're mate felt the need to correct your blunder. If not for me, she would be dead." Thranduil said

Thorin stared at them before saying something and two chests were lowered off the balcony. A group of elves went and grabbed them. One was filled with the stones for the elves and the other gold for the Men. Amara was freed as Thranduil stared in shock that Thorin followed through on his deal. Amara made it to the wall.

"Bilbo lower a rope!" Amara called up

Shortly a rope was thrown down and Amara slowly climbed up. By the time she made it to the edge, she was in Thorin's arms being checked over by Oin.

"By Mahal, lass, what in the blazes did you do?!" Oin demanded and began changing her bandages that had become soaked in blood

"Oh nothing much fighting a dragon, acting as bait for said dragon, saving a town full of people, and orcs. You know nothing much." Amara said sarcastically as the others laughed at her

Oin was quick to give her something for pain. Amara was held up by Thorin. Thorin knew something was wrong. This ending was not right. He could see it in the way Balin, Dwalin, and Amara glanced at each other. Thorin heard his cousin appear on the scene and talk with the elves. Amara tensed as Gandalf said they had orcs incoming. Amara quick as a flash touched Thorin, Fili, and Kili. Balin and Dwalin nodded. The final battle had begun. Everyone rushed back into the mountain to get to the front gate. Thorin turned to Amara.

"Don't even think about it. I have fought this far and I will continue until the end." Amara said and was among the first out the door with a battle cry

The battle happened much like in the movie all the way until Fili being held off a cliff by Bolg, son of Azog. Amara was fighting and killing more and more orcs to get to Fili just as he was stabbed in his side by Bolg and tossed off the cliff as Kili and Thorin screamed. Amara barely caught Fili and pulled him to the path. Fili was losing a lot of blood. Amara prayed that the little healing magic she knew worked to save Fili. Dwalin came over to her as she wrapped her top jacket around Fili.

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