Leaving for Bree

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Amara and Bilbo were packed and ready to leave. The dwarves kept an eye on them unsure if they would really be of any real help. Amara was dressed in

The dwarves didn't know that their packs had an expansion charm for inside the bags

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The dwarves didn't know that their packs had an expansion charm for inside the bags. Bilbo's bag carried all forms of vegetables and poisonous plants to get them through the first couple months of their journey. He had all of his camping gear, weapons, and clothes as well. Amara's bag carried the cooking gear, weapons, and clothes but hers also carried the things that were blessed by Mahal and Yavanna. Amara was quiet and distant. She hadn't gone to Bree since their parents died. The dwarves needed to stop there to refresh their gear. It was a three day journey. For three days they trekked. Bilbo had a death grip on his pony but Amara seemed calm and collected. If no one were to know better, people would think Amara is older than Bilbo. The dwarves were wary of Amara. She wasnt like Bilbo, who hung around Bofur and Bombur. She was always by herself. Always watching the woods with her sword and bow close at hand. She never relaxed or tried to get to know the company. One day Bilbo and the others were sitting around the fire watching her while she took first watch.
"She wasn't always like this you know." Bilbo said quietly
"What was she like before, laddie?" Gloin asked curiously
"Amara was a lot like our mother. All she wanted to do was this. She wanted adventures around every corner. Amara lived with the coming of a new day. Amara and my mother were what was called true Tooks. She could be gentle and kind. The children of Hobbiton love her. She taught them to fight and steal. Amara hated Men. They would often come to Hobbiton and get drunk in our inns, but she grew rich off their ignorance. Amara would swindle them out of all their cash because they believed that a 'fur footed mouse' could possibly be better than them. She would then turn around and give majority of the money to the innkeeper to pay for the damage caused by the Men. Amara has always been protective of us. No one can beat Amara with a bow or sword. She is creative and fast. She does not often miss her target. When our parents died, Amara seemed to die with them for awhile. Everyday I woke up and begged her to come back to me. I begged her not to go to Yavanna yet. She would simply stare at the ceiling without acknowledging me. I prayed for Yavanna to spare her and not leave me alone. For two months I prayed. One day she finally looked at me and seemed to simply crumble apart. The bravest, sweetest little sister one could ever ask for, she cried and all I could do was hold onto her. The white orc took something from her that day. More than our parents deaths, he took her light and happiness away. She won't rest until she can take it back." Bilbo told
The dwarves looked down and realized that Amara's story sounded alot like Thorin's. Amara who had been in tree heard everything and continues to stare into the trees. Amara could hear wargs in the distance and had been using her gifts to surround them in tree branches killing the wargs and their riders. Hours later Thorin had been at the bottom of the tree and assumed Amara would be asleep. He was startled when she landed down next to him.
"There have been warg scouts following us. I suggest getting to Bree and staying there for a few days. I have a few friends that will be able to give us a place to stay in exchange for a little money and labor." Amara said
"Can they be trusted?" Thorin asked
"More than other innkeepers who love to run their mouths."
"Then we will speak to your friends first."
The dwarves gathered their things and made it to Bree before dinner time. Amara had sent a sparrow ahead to let her contact know they were coming. The inn that Amara led them to was not overly large but easily overlooked which was perfect. There were few people in it. A woman sashayed over to Amara and spoke in whispers. Amara handed her a pouch and the woman led the company to an alcove of rooms. The woman turned to them and her entire demeanor changed. Amara slipped away back outside. Where at first she was flirty and seemed likely to be a barmaid now they saw the business woman of the inn.
"These rooms are yours for the week. No more no less unless Amara comes up with more payment. She has already paid for food but if you wish company you are expected to pay for it." The woman said before turning to walk away
"Where had Miss Baggins gone?" Dwalin demanded
"To secure the reat of my payment. She said you dwarves tend to be a rowdy bunch with few manners so she was charged extra." The woman said before leaving
The dwarves did not feel right that Amara was paying for them, and Thorin went to find her. Amara was at a bar playing cards among Men. She picking them clean one at time or all at once. Finally one man jumped up and drunkenly pulled a knife, Thorin went to jump forward but the bar tender caught him and shook his head.
"Your cheating! There is no way that some fuzzy mop head of a ferret can beat us every hand!" The man roared drunkenly
Amara took a sip from her bottle of water before faster than the anyone could see she had the knife and the man's arm bent at an awkward angle. He began to holler for his friends to help him.
"You're just mad that you couldn't cheat and beat me unlike these men here." She said before shaking his arm and cards falling out before releasing him and shoving him away
Suddenly the rest of the men at the table began shouting at the man. Thorin was the only one to notice that the offending man was being pick pocketed to the extreme. All Amara left was his beer and blood stained clothes. She took her winnings and left. Thorin caught up to her at the dock where a woman with a black stood with a baby and a young boy.
"Your husband will not be coming home tonight if you were smart, you would take all you can carry and all of value and leave. Start fresh elsewhere. This is some starting up money. Head towards Rivendale they can heal you up there. Good luck. May Yavanna watch over you." Amara said kindly before touching each child's head and finally the woman's
"May the Gods bless you. Thank you...thank you." The woman sobbed before scurrying away to pack her things
Thorin came from out of the shadows and Amara turned to him.
"You are going to need the money for the journey you cannot afford to give it away." Thorin said
"As long as I am not hindrance to the company, I can do with my money as I please." Amara said coldly before going to walk away from him
She tossed a larger bag at him. It was filled with money.
"To cover the cost of maintenance for Bilbo. He means well but his conkers are not in the best of shape. Please look into them. We have a week here we need to make it count." Amara said before walking back to their inn
The dwarves invaded blacksmith areas and clothing stores. Bofur had Bilbo with him updating both of their gear. No one bothered Amara as she nightly went and gambled for extra money for their journey. The week passed quickly so with full bellies and hope refreshed they went to travel once more. Gandalf met them at the entrance of Bree. Amara stayed as far away from him as possible. She could be seen weaving patches as they rode. They traveled onward for many miles and stopped at farmers house. The house was ransacked the dinner still on the table. Amara realized what part of the story they were in and hoped that everything went similar to how the story went. They sat and made camp while Bombur went through what he could make for dinner. Amara watched Fili and Kili from a distance but waited for Bilbo to go give the boys dinner and knew it wouldn't be long now.
"Trolls! Trolls have Bilbo and some of the ponies!" Fili shouted coming from out of the woods
Amara went to prepare but Thorin stopped her.
"Stay here." Thorin said
"No." Amara said going for her sword
"Protect the camp. We will bring Bilbo back." Thorin said softly
He felt like he finally understood why she was on this journey. Bilbo said he wanted to do this for her but Amara only agreed because Bilbo agreed. She was here for her brother. She was his protector. Amara stared at him hard.
"You have until just before sunrise or I will be coming after you. Save my brother." Amara said frustratedly
She was back to being helpless and she hated it. This was no longer just a story for her. This was her life. She loved her brother. He was her rock. Amara refused to loose him. She summoned an owl to go fetch Gandalf. She waited until almost dawn before going to find Bilbo and the company. She saw it had almost gone completely like the story but eventually they got tired of Bilbo they nabbed him to chuck him in the pot. Amara used a sling shot and found some night shade and began shooting it in the pot. The dwarves were trying to get free and Amara was beginning to panic because Gandalf was moving too slow.
"Hey brother, you smell that." One of the trolls moaned sniffing the air
The other two sniffed before groaning themselves.
"Yea a woman. How long since we had a decent on of those?" The other troll said
"Roasted over the fire with some sage." The other troll said before moving into the forest
Amara was already running and weaving through branches, but the trolls had longer legs and were taller so she was eventually caught. She was taken out to the troll camp and tied to a branch above the fire. They began roasting her. Amara was cursing Gandalf. Amara was about to be set on fire. The dwarves and Bilbo screaming to let her go. Amara couldn't help breathing in the smoke. Finally one by one the trolls began testing their soup. They apparently liked the taste and said it would faster to toss her in the fire and char her a bit. They lifted and shifted her closer to the fire and Amara screamed as her coat caught on fire. Trees and fire don't mix so she couldn't get free. The rope was too tight and she wasn't strong enough.
"Amara!" Bilbo screamed
"May the dawn take you all!" Gandalf shouted from the ledge
"Who's he?" Troll 1 asked
"No idea." Troll 2 answered
"Can we eat him too?" Troll 3 asked
The trolls were turned to stone. Gandalf quickly put out the fire and untied Thorin. Thorin ran to an unconscious Amara. Thorin saw her face was beginning to blister slightly but the burns were across her chest and legs.
"Oin!" Thorin shouted
Oin quickly ran over. He beging trying to get the clothing off of her but the closer he got to her legs he began to squirm and cry out. Oin looked to be close to tears. He was already seeing old scars. The burns made them stand out angrily. The dwarves staggered back to camp where Oin worked on Amara with Bilbo. Oin tried to be as gentle as possible and remove the rest of the clothing. The company decided to wait a few hours after Oin finished up with Amara. Bilbo seemed to be in deep thought and kept glancing at the woods.
"What are you looking at, Bilbo?" Bofur asked catching everyone's attention
"Amara doesn't often talk about it but she was blessed by Yavanna. I saw her once after a trip with our mother go into the meadows by the Shire and just sit there. She seemed at peace and she seemed to glow almost. Maybe if I find a lot of flowers and cover her in them maybe it'll have the same effect and heal her." Bilbo wondered
"It can't hurt. I'll help." Bofur offered and followed Bilbo into the forest
Bombur and Ori agreed to help out. Bilbo educated them on plants. Hobbits used flowers for more than just looking pretty but to also send messages. Flowers have meanings just like stones and gems do to dwarves. The flowers they were picking were for healing, staying strong, and get well. They came back with armfuls and buried Amara up to the neck. Bilbo stood back and waited as did the company but they all merely sighed when nothing happened.
"No. There has to be something I missed." Bilbo whimpered falling to his knees beside her going into flashbacks from 20 years ago
Slowly Bilbo began to pray to Yavanna.
"Great Mother I pray to you. Please help your chosen. She cannot ask for your assistance herself so I shall in her stead. Please I beg thy Yavanna. Heal my sister." Bilbo prayed
There was a sudden gusts of wind that blew past the dwarves taking them by surprise. Bilbo looked startled until the wind mixed with the flowers surrounding Amara. To the shock of the dwarves she began to glow. The burns began healing and scarring as well her bruised rib cage. Her face fully healed momentarily and the other injuries healed mostly enough so she would be able to travel. The wind died down and the flowers drifted off with the wind. Oin quickly went to check Amara.
"Her ribs will be tender for awhile and the burns are starting to scar, but as long as we move slowly she'll be okay. She needs to rest now." Oin said
"We leave tomorrow. Everyone rest up." Thorin said softly
Bilbo pulled up close to his sister and was immediately asleep. The adrenaline finally caught up to everyone so they slept. They would go look for troll hoard in the morning.

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