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The maid guided my mate and me to the dining hall the next day to eat breakfast.

The warriors will be eating respectively in their assigned rooms while the witches have the decision to come to eat with us if they want to.

The handsome man whose name I learned from the maid, Ryder, was seated in the dining hall.

A rectangular table with chairs tucked in and different foods placed on the table.

Ryder sat at the front of the table while Conrad and I sat at the side, beside each other.

The witches entered the dining hall after we settled and sat on the other side of the table, facing Conrad and me.

Ryder kept on smiling and said, ''We can start eating.''

Conrad removed the plate covering my food before he did his own, and we started eating.

We kept eating in the awkward and tense silence before Ryder broke the silence still with a smile on his face.

''So... Can Miss carmen and the Lycan king tell me why you visited the vampires?'' He said, dropping his cutlery.

Conrad had stopped eating while I dropped my cutlery on the plate to stare at the smiling man.

'Sometimes I feel behind that smile is a snake looking for where to strike,' I thought, calming whatever uneasiness in my heart.

''I thought you knew?'' I asked.

''No, I did not,'' He said, still smiling.

''I would like to see your oracle,'' I demanded, not wishing to play whatever games he had in mind.

He stared at me with the same smile that was getting annoying and replied, ''Okay.''

The maids cleared the tables as they appeared the minute we finished our meals and disappeared.

''This way, please,'' Ryder said, standing up.

I wondered if rose and the paled Amelia would follow.

It seems rose knew of my thought and smiled at me, ''We won't follow you.''

I nodded and left with Conrad.

Ryder guided us deeper into the castle and stopped in front of a big two-black-colored door with one black bat wing on each side.

Immediately we stepped in close to the door. I felt something weird about this area, like protection, but I didn't think much about it.

The door opened when Ryder stood in front of it.

We entered the room, and the door closed immediately.

Conrad and I looked at the closed door before glancing at each other and looking forward.

Ryder stood in the empty room before speaking.

''I brought her.'' He said in the empty room

Immediately he said that, the empty room changed into a very dark room with strange red symbols lighting the dark room on the wall.

I looked at the symbols and felt they were similar.

'Ambrogio,' I thought as I read the symbols on the wall.

A memory appeared when I said the name in my mind.

A place with this symbols and myself held in chains appeared in my memory.

I felt a stinging pain and held my head with furrowed brows.

Conrad noticed and held my hand, looking at me worriedly.

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