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Hello my beloved people!

I had plans of finishing this book by the end of this month but I don't think that is happening anymore.

Now, let me tell you that I haven't been lazy in my vacation okay! As silly as it sounds- I have a real struggle writing romance (and I used to think that this genre was a piece of cake :p)

This is my third (and the final) attempt at this chapter. I wrote this chapter twice, only to scrap it and start from the beginning again.

Uploading with the hope that third time is a charm! :D

Stay Whimsical..! ;)



If I were living in a romance novel then this would have been the most exciting chapter of all!

The midnight blue sky was complemented with the gold flooding from the street-lamps as I paced through the wide roads of Mumbai. Soft music lulled in the background and windows of my car were rolled down to let the cool winds brush my face.

Four days. It had been four long days to the last time I had seen Kshitij. On the day of baby's birth, we were about to leave the cafe for my apartment when a call from his father summoned him back home to take an immediate flight to Chennai.

His meetings with clients there had left me restless and craving for four days. We had managed to talk on the phone a couple of times in that period and there couldn't have been a more awkward conversation if I had to reveal him that I was a blood-sucking vampire. It wasn't shocking that none of our calls lasted for more than forty seconds.

He was returning by a late-night flight tonight. So with an unwavering grin on my face, band of butterflies in my belly and harrase of horses in my heart; I was on my way to surprise him at the airport.

Great romances always had airport-scenes and I was going to make sure that mine had one too. I had planned on reaching at least an hour early before his flight lands so there was no way I was going to miss out on him.

Everything was perfect!

Just as I sighed with satisfaction, the speed of my car started breaking down. It gave a few familiar jerks and I prayed the Lords for it to not be a flat tyre. I dragged the car by the side of the road and stepped out to confirm my horrifying doubts.

"Dammit!" I bent down to pull out a sharp nail from the flattened tyre.

A car puncture was certainly not a part of the plan but I still had an hour of buffer time. I opened the rear of the car to look for a spare tyre.

"The situation isn't out of hands yet." I consoled myself.

"I-can-still-make-it-to-the-airport-in-time!" I exerted a pull on the heavy-ass spare tyre with every word and it fell off from the car, on to the ground with a dull thud.

I caught my breath for a moment before digging back in to find car-jack and other tools to change the tyre. The phone in my pocket rang and I stood up straight to fish it out. The screen was illuminated with cafe's contact number.

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