A cousin's quarrel

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Aurora yawned as she sat up on the bed. She let her arms stretch above her head and looked over to the empty spot next to her. She remembered how Matteo layer beside her last night, or more in particular how she stayed in his bed. Just thinking about the event that had transpired had her face set ablaze.

She was a bit disappointed that he wasn't next to her anymore, but she looked out the window and saw the sun already peaking through his curtains. It must have been late in the morning and he had left to do whatever it is he does away from home.

Another day without him, she thought. With that in mind she got out of bed and left the room. She was going to do what she does everyday by first going getting to the kitchen to see Malinda. Before she could do that she had to do her business in her bathroom and freshen up.

Aurora brushed her teeth and did her business but didn't seem to want to get dressed just yet. Leaving on what she had slept in being a royal blue silk set Matteo had gotten for her, she walked to the stairs. As she came around the corner she could hear faint voices, those belonging to men.

With confusion and not being able to comprehend what they were saying she descended the stairs. The closer she got to them the louder their voices had gotten, and the only thing her ears had caught was Matteo's voice.

He sounded really angry and resorted to speak in his language so she couldn't understand him. When the people finally came into view she took in all familiar faces and did not bother to hide her presence. It was indeed Matteo but he had his back facing her, but she knew it was him.

The other man in the room who stood at the opposite end of the room, glanced over Matteo's shoulder and their eyes locked. She felt her body light up with joy the moment she saw him and she could see the surprise in his eyes when he saw her.

"Aurora." he grinned.

"Chandler!" she exclaimed.

Ignoring the surprised and angry looking Matteo, she waltzed past him and moved straight into Chandler's awaiting arms. The two hugged and she realized how much she had missed him.

"I missed you darling." he said. "You haven't been to work in quite a while."

Aurora pulled a bit to the back, sighing. "Matteo said I c-couldn't work anymore."

Chandler looked behind her. "Did he now?"

She nodded her head. "I really want to go to work but he said I can't."

"Why would he say that?"

Aurora was pulled back harshly, knocking into someone's chest. Her eyes grew wide as she peered up at Matteo, his jaw clenched and his eyes hard staring at Chandler. She was so small that she had to crane her neck just to see his jawline.

She tried so hard to ignore the burning feeling of his hand on her waist, keeping her flush against his body. She knew her cheeks were stained with red due to their close proximity and she tried her best to keep her breathing steady.

"Chandler, I believe you were just leaving. Isn't that right?"

His voice took her back to that day in the restaurant. The day she caught Matteo nearly killing Chandler and the time they spent together in the office. She was so frightened by him and just hearing his tone made her think that he could be angry.

Chandler smiled. "I was but then I realized just how much I missed Aurora. I would like to spend the day with her, if that's okay with her."

Aurora opened her mouth to reply but Matteo spoke up.

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