The depth of his emotion

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Matteo sat in the sterile hospital room, his icy gaze fixed on the floor. The air around him seemed to mirror his cold demeanor, lacking warmth and vitality. Dr. Jamison, entered the room, his presence bringing a fleeting glimmer of hope amidst the icy atmosphere.

"Matteo," Dr. Jamison began, his voice gentle yet authoritative, "How are you holding up?"

Matteo's eyes flickered with a brief flash of emotion, his cold exterior cracking ever so slightly. He leaned forward, his voice low and measured. "How much longer do we have to wait?"

Even though they should have been on good terms, Matteo was still not well acquainted with Jamison and he did not want to change that. He must admit the lingering gazes that this doctor had on Aurora gave him the gut feeling that their was more than just a friendly feeling in his heart for her but he could care less.

Dr. Jamison looked down. "I'm afraid I don't know that. Cordelia came at a very near time to when Aurora collapsed and results normally take about a few days but it's been just about two weeks."

Matteo's gaze lingered on Dr. Jamison for a moment before he finally spoke, his voice devoid of its usual frostiness. "Do whatever it takes to get those results sooner. If you don't have it by at least Friday, Jamison I swear..."

"Don't worry, I will do my best."

As Dr. Jamison prepared to leave, the door swung open, and Matteo's sister, Cordelia, stepped into the room. Her presence caught Matteo off guard, and he regarded her with a mix of surprise and apprehension.

"Cordelia," he muttered, his voice lacking its usual sternness. "What are you doing here so late?"

Cordelia's eyes filled with compassion as she approached her brother. "I know you need to be by her side at all times but've been here every single day. You need to rest."

Matteo's icy façade cracked further, revealing a glimpse of vulnerability. "I'm fine. I just need to know that she's okay."

Reggie, his voice filled with determination, stepped forward. "Matteo, it's time for you to go home and get some rest. You've been here day and night, and you're running on empty. We'll stay with Aurora and keep you updated."

Cordelia, her eyes filled with genuine care, added, "Matteo, you've shown incredible strength, but you need to take care of yourself too. Aurora needs you at your best."

Matteo's initial response was a stoic silence, his brows furrowed in resistance. But as he glanced at Aurora, her frail form reminding him of her fragile state, a flicker of vulnerability passed through his eyes.

Reluctantly, he nodded, his voice laced with a hint of gratitude. "Fine. I'll go home, but I expect regular updates. I won't rest until I know she's safe."

Reggie and Cordelia shared a knowing look, understanding the gravity of the situation and the depth of Matteo's unwavering commitment to Aurora. Reggie placed a hand on Matteo's shoulder, his voice filled with empathy. "We promise, Matteo. We'll keep you informed every step of the way."

"You really going to listen to us and not make a fuss?" Cordelia said in surprise.

"Don't make me second guess my decision." he narrowed his eyes at her. She held her hands up in mock surrender.

As Matteo gathered his belongings, his steps felt heavier than before. The walls of his cold facade had begun to crumble, revealing the embers of compassion that lay dormant within him. With one last look at Aurora, he whispered, "I'll come back tomorrow morning baby." he kissed her forehead.

Leaving the hospital room, Matteo walked alongside his friends, their support a lifeline in the depths of his weariness. The journey home felt like an eternity, every passing minute filled with both anticipation and trepidation.

When he finally arrived, exhaustion washed over him like a tidal wave. Collapsing onto his bed, Matteo succumbed to the embrace of sleep, his mind still plagued by thoughts of Aurora and Cordelia's impending test results.

The sun peeks over the horizon, casting a golden glow on the pool in the garden. Aurora emerges from the back door, wearing a flowy dress that brushes against the dew-kissed grass. She carries a basket filled with freshly baked pastries. Matteo, the rugged and stoic figure, stands by the tree, observing her with an appreciative gaze.

"Good morning, Matteo! I thought we could have breakfast outside today." she giggles at him, waving the basket in the air.

"Whatever you want, Aurora." Matteo replies but in his heart he was happy that she stood before him smiling her bright smile and having breakfast with him.

They venture into the garden, finding a cozy spot under a blooming tree. Aurora spreads out a checkered blanket, and they settle down, the scent of flowers and the sound of chirping birds surrounding them.

"You know, Matteo, I've always dreamed of having a picnic in a beautiful garden with my future husband like this."

"Dreams, huh?" Matteo asked with boredom.

Aurora playfully nudges Matteo's side, her innocent enthusiasm infectious.

"Yes, dreams. And you made them come true." she whispered with a slight blush coating her cheeks.

She opens the basket, revealing an array of mouthwatering pastries. Matteo's gruff exterior softens, and he reaches for a croissant, his eyes never leaving Aurora.

"You have a way of making the impossible seem possible, Aurora."

Aurora's eyes sparkle with delight, her innocence shining through.

"That's because love has no limits, Matteo. With you, anything is possible."

Matteo just stares at her for a while not saying anything. "You think of me as your future husband?"

Aurora blushed and nearly choked on her sandwich and Matteo, just faintly, let a smile appear on his face.

They savor the pastries, their laughter and shared moments painting the garden with warmth and happiness.

Matteo's gaze lingers on the memory, a gentle smile forming on his lips. The beauty of that day, Aurora's pure and unwavering love, has left an indelible mark on his gruff heart. He realizes that, despite his rough exterior, Aurora's innocence and belief in their love have softened the edges of his world, making it a more beautiful and vibrant place.

In that garden, surrounded by blossoms and embraced by love, Matteo experienced a glimpse of a life he never thought possible. His feelings for her continues to bloom, defying all odds and reminding him that in the sweetness of their connection, a grumpy man can find solace and tenderness.

Matteo had found his woman and he was content on curing her so that she could sleep once again next to him, not wanting to experience the cold side of the bed ever again. A smiling image of his beautiful girl appeared in his mind and he grit his teeth, trying desperately to keep the tears at bay but he closed his eyes and sighed.

He needed to relax and rest his mind.

In the depths of his slumber, the shrill ring of his phone pierced through the silence. Groggy and disoriented, Matteo fumbled for his phone, answering it with a hoarse voice.


The voice on the other end was filled with excitement and hope. "Matteo, it's Dr. Jamison. I have incredible news. Cordelia is a match. She can save Aurora."

Jamison was eager to say the news, he didn't even waver to ask Matteo to come to the hospital because he has important news. The excitement in his voice made Matteo's heart leap from what he had just heard about his woman.

A surge of emotions welled up within Matteo, a whirlwind of relief, gratitude, and a newfound tenderness. In that moment, he realized that even a heart once encased in ice could thaw in the face of love and the flickering flames of compassion.

I am obsessed with character ai.

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