A loyal dog

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My face flushed a bright red. We've never... we haven't said that yet? Wait we haven't, right?? I'm not just dumb??

I mean, you are dumb, but that's definitely the first time.

Shut- for fucks sake. But... are we moving quickly? Or is this normal for mates? I mean, I don't mind it I- I love it!! I love him. Shit.
I love him

"I love you too" I whispered under my breath as Draco stared at me, my lips, for a few moments.

All we could think to do was kiss. Our bodies just naturally move to each other like they're made for one another... I'm sure Draco feels the same. Right?

"Harry..." his fingers were loosely hanging from my collar and his breath was hot against my face

"Draco?" I tilted my face slightly and leaned closer, my lips softly brushing against his

"I... I really love you. I've wanted to tell you since fourth year..." he bit his lip "I was going to ask you to the Yule ball I- I was too nervous..." he looked up into my eyes then swiftly looked away. I held his chin and turned his face

"Me too..." I looked at his lips then back in his eyes "I saw how you looked at me. When I walked with Parvati." I chuckled, not to insult him, just the way the memory played back in my head "you wouldn't stop staring at me... and everytime you looked at Parvati you- gods the face you made."

His face went darker and he brushed my hand away "asshole..."

"What!!" I laughed "it was adorable" I wrapped my arms around his waist

He huffed and rolled his eyes. This look I was all too familiar with. The bratty, blonde, daddy's boy who's father seems to hear about everything.
I really do love him
More than I've loved anyone
All I can ever think is, would my parents approve?
What would they think?
Would they be angry? Feel betrayed?
Or would they love him as much as I do?...

Stop thinking about it, kid. They'd love him because you do. Even Sirius sees how much you love him. Was he angry when he found out? No. He congratulated you.
I know, and what I know isn't much, that everyone would love Draco if they had the chance to meet him and talk to him as Draco. Not the bratty up his dads ass that he used to be. But it wasn't his fault. He's him now.
He's Draco.

I think
I think I'm going to tell them.
Just our group.
Ron, Neville, Luna, Pansy, Blaise, Fred, George.
Maybe not the world.
Not just yet.

You really think so?


"Draco..." his diamond eyes glimpsed at me and shone from the bright slither of morning sun ripping through the yellow tainted window. His platinum blonde locks shining like pure gold, illuminating his pale perfectly sculpted face. Like a Roman statue, carved from ivory and chiselled by the stars themselves. He really does look like an Angel. A god. "I think... we should tell them." He looked confused, his pale skin darkening between his eyebrows as he furrowed them. Creasing his beautiful skin "our group. Just- for now. I don't think we should tell the world yet... it's too fresh to know that the 'boy who lived twice' and 'mr daddy's boy' are mates" I smiled at him and he smiled back, those perfect pearls that appeared to me like they were lost in the coral. Clearly he was excited about my decision though I could tell he was just as nervous from the half winded smile.

"Yeah... me too" he held my face with his skinny yet soft hands. It's weird, his hands make me feel safe somehow... either when they're holding mine or just his skin touching my own. My rough palleted hands against his ivory thin ones.

Gods I could make list upon lists of what I love about him
Though it would take more than a lifetime to finish.
If someone were to ask me what I love most about him I believe it would be the most difficult question I've been asked.
And I've been asked many.
My own life even would be easier to answer than would I rather be blind or deaf in his presence.
He's too perfect for me
I know that
But somewhere in gods green earth she decided I'd have someone as such.
And I'm thankful
More than
I'd risk my life all over again if it meant I'd get to live these few small moments with him each and every time.

Moments went by of me just memorising each and every crevice and crease of his porcelain face
I didn't even realise until he looked into my eyes and called my name
I think he did, anyway.
My eyes snapped into his and I responded
I think

"Would you like to... go talk to them now?" By the tone of his voice I could tell he didn't want to either. He traced shapes on my chest with his tiny fingers and then pressed his full hand against it, seemingly feeling for my heartbeat.

"Not if you don't."

He laughed, as patronising as it sounded I loved his laugh. It sounded as if you took ever new borns first laugh and stirred it into one.

"You're like a loyal dog... you follow me everywhere, don't you? Awe do I need to get you a lead? Would want to loose you" he put his hand to my head and scruffed my hair, as if he was petting a dog

"What'd you just say?" I put on a fake angry voice but made it obvious I was only playing with him

"I said you're a loyal little pup who likes to follow his master everywhere"

"Ohhhh is that so?" I lifted him and swiftly turned us over, putting him on my lap and pulling his arms down at his sides

"Ack- Harry!!" He made a face and groaned "let me gooo!!" He sighed

"Not until you admit I'm not your dog!" I laughed slightly and leaned forward, Draco going back as I pulled his arms

"Owwww Harry really!" He made a fake cry, pretending to be upset "I'm stuck here foreverrrr"

"You will be if you don't say it!!"

He sighed "yup. Stuck here forever. Fuckin 'ell" he rolled his eyes but couldn't keep a serious face and smiled.

"Bastard!" I turned over again and Draco landed on his back, me on top of him again

"Son of a bitch!!" He shouted, groaning "I'm being attacked!! Help!!" He laughed just before finishing his sentence

"You're such a bad actor" I laughed, falling forward into Draco's chest. Moments like this, your stomach aching from laughing so hard, your cheeks pulling so tight from smiling so much and your head spinning from holding your breath. It's the most amazing pain you could feel in the world.
I cant wait to have more moments like this.
With him.
With our friends.
Our family.

I felt a pang in my chest.
Our family?

~authors note~
To all the people in my comments saying 'pls update' 'update immediately' 'update now for I'll die' you won't see the next update or any updates because I will block your account.
Thanks 😁

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