Does he know?

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(Some mentions of an eating disorder)
I woke up with the feeling of aches all over my body and like I'd just done a 10 hour intense training session. I turn over to see Harry's tanned complexion staring back at me. I smile with a warmth all over my body. The image of Harry Potter staring back at me, the first thing I see when I wake up. I must be dreaming. 

I kissed his lips tenderly, feeling a burst of joy over my body as I see his dark eyelashes blink at me; a deep green peering into my own. "Goodmorning my love" he smiled with that cheeky, know it all grin. Oh how I love his smile. "Did you sleep well?"

I groaned beneath a giggle as I shifted to be closer to him "I slept like a rock... I'm aching all over" we laughed together, him with a sympathetic moan.

"I'm sorry... I was too rough on you, wasn't I?" He smiled sympathetically. I felt bad, it was good of course, and with that I should bear the aftermath. But he was having none of it. "I'll carry you to the bathroom, wash you up and we can go get some breakfast?" He pushed back the hair that was slowly peering into my eyes. He lifted me slowly out of my bundle, containing the blanket around me and walking me, in a swaddle, to the bathroom.

He ran the water to the oversized tub. I peered in and frowned at the thought of the gryfindor treatment compared to what I once lived. Our bathrooms were tiny, compared to these. Even with my fathers words, it did nothing in comparison to what these gryfindors enjoy. A large and warm common room with fires and worn out soft chairs. Ours are leather, rigid and cut. Our common rooms freeze us with a wide ache of loneliness among the marble walls and lake which surrounded us. It was vast, and ever so empty. But Harry... I have Harry now. I'll never be alone.

We'll always have Harry...

And you. I will always have you.


I reached out for him as he leaned to check the temperature of the water. I leaned on his shoulder, rubbing his arms and cuddling against him. He laughed at my clinginess, wrapping his arms around me and kissing my head "it's almost ready" he unwrapped me from my oven of covers and helped me stand. I could barely keep my self a-foot but he helped me into the water, following me close after.

I laid against his chest in pure bliss, letting the water coddle me and sway against my pale complexion. His wide arms swaddled me again, I felt so at peace. Until...

"HARRY! 'Arry you in 'ere?" I could hear his loud, lanky legs stomping around our room. "'Arry, mate, ye hidin?" He laughed. He can't help but be loud.

He's your mates best friend. You shouldn't be so critical.

I know I know but... MERLIN is it so easy.

"Gimme a minute, ye?" Harry groaned, sinking further into the water. He leaned out for a second to root into a drawer, pulling out a pack of cigarettes "just wait downstairs, lad, I waynt be long" he lit it and then moved the cigarette away from me. I pulled his arm back and took a puff while it was still in his hand. He looked down at me with a surprised look "didn't know you smoked?" He whispered, before we heard the door shut and a brief "see ya" from Ron.

"Have since 3rd year... it helped. Surprisingly..." I took it from his grasp and took another puff

"Oi!" He laughed "you can have your own, yenno?" He took it back and puffed away, putting his other arm around my chest.

"I don't want my own." I sighed and relaxed "I want yours..." I traced his arm softly with the tips of my fingers. I felt his chest move as he laughed again and kissed the side of my head.


We dried off and changed, it isn't a school day and so we are able to relax. We don't have to wear a uniform anyway as we are returning to redo our last year. I knicked one of Harry's knit jumpers and we left to the common room. Ron was there, waiting for us.

"Bloody hell, took yer time, lad" he sat up from the chair he was perched on and I saw neville and Blaise appear as well. "C'mon, let's get some breakfast."

Harry put his arm around my shoulders as we walked to the great hall. Ron seemed oblivious and ignorant. He didn't seem to care, although I don't think we're so bothered about keeping it a secret anymore. But what if Harry is berated for it? He may have done that little speech but I doubt anyone truly believes in giving me a second chance... they're just pretending because Harry told them to.

We got to the gryfindor table and I immediately cringed. Why must it always be gryfindor?

Draco, you said yourself the gryfindors have an advantage. Maybe even the foods better?

I wouldn't say that's a good thing.

We sat down and hermione glared at both Ron and Harry "why have you two taken so long? Breakfast is nearly over." She questioned with an empty plate.

"Oi! Don't blame me, ye? Blame Harry" he pointed to Harry.

I glared at him with crystal globes of blue "don't point your chubby, giner finger at him." Before continuing to eat my scrambled eggs.

Ron slowly lowered his arm, staring at me nervously. I could hear Harry chuckling beside me, desperately trying to contain himself. He covered his mouth with his hand and I could feel his body vibrating with it. Ron shot Harry a look and we began eating. I'd barely eaten much of my food and Harry attempted to coax more into me.

I leaned onto him, aiming to distract him from making me eat. It worked, he put his arm around my waist and his other hand laid on my thigh. Ron stared at us, at first I thought he might have realised. I was wrong. He called us 'good buddy's'

Wow. He's slack.

I know, right?

We'd done with breakfast and made our way back to gryfindor tower. Harry wrapped his arm around my shoulder and kissed my head, Ron came up to us and put his arm around Harry's shoulders...

"What we doing then, fancy going down to hogsmeade, maybe? Or we could just chill in common room an play chess?" He flicked his longing hair out of his face.

"Uh... me and Draco actually have plans..."

No we don't

He nudged me to agree and of course I answered "yes, yes! We have something to do. Together." My words seemed jumbled but... it's Ronald.

"Oh... tomorrow then? We ant got classes till Monday or nuffin" he shrugged, Blaise coming beside him (hopefully to take him from us)

"Yeah yeah, no worries lad. Of course." He nodded, smiling in agreement. They left us and we continued walking to the common room.

"So... we have plans?" I smirked, nudging him as he did to me before

He rolled his eyes jokingly, nudging me again "I mean... we do?" He tried to hint to something which I made obvious implications I had no idea what he meant "If you want... I have an idea of what we can get up to?" He smirked again, that knowing smirk he makes.

"Oh... I think I may know what you mean... the chess game Ronald suggested?" I smirked as well, knowing that's of course not what he meant. Let's not make it too easy for him.

Careful, Draco. Teasing your dom... well, actually, we'll see how it goes.

Wait, what, what do you mean by that??

You'll see

"Don't make me say it" he groaned, rolling his head back a bit.

Okay but that was hot

Don't, I'm obsessed.

"Say what? I have no idea what you're talking about, Harry. You have to be more specific." I pouted, it's so exciting to see him get rilled up...

"You'll see..." he began walking faster, pulling me with a more attentive grip. Now I'm scared...

~authors note~
I already know yous are excited about the next chapter.
I PROMISE I will try hard to get the next chapter out soon but I'm going to be busy a lot lately so I will try hard to get the next one out.
See yous soon!!

Cotton candy boy (a drarry fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon