ch 19

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 The door of the ward. Two worried doctors were talking in a low voice about the treatment of their patients, when suddenly, a strange voice sounded

beside them, interrupting their conversation:


The teenager in uniform, standing not far away, with bandages on his arms and legs, also appears to be the victim of the school accident.

"What's the matter? Can't find the way?"

one of the doctors asked kindly.

Shi An shook his head, raised his finger and pointed to the name tag sewn on his hospital gown.

When the doctor saw it, he was stunned.

Isn't this the name that the patients in this ward have been shouting for the past two days?

"I think there may be some misunderstanding between me and this classmate. Can I go in and see him?"

Shi An asked.

The young man in front of him looked young, his face was pale, and his eyes were dark and deep. Against the background of the large hospital gown, he looked slender and fragile, and he was pitiful. He was tall and big with the man in the ward. The freshmen who live there are not comparable.

This made them more and more certain that the new student was simply mentally stimulated.

The two looked at each other and subconsciously softened their tone:

"Yes, yes, but I don't think your body has recovered yet. Be careful that he hurts you in this unstable state."

Shi An replied obediently: "It doesn't matter, haven't you already tied him up?"

The magic worm hidden in Shi An's sleeve:


It is possible to hurt anyone, but it is impossible to hurt Shi An.

Others don't know, but it knows clearly, the reason why the human being here is now like this is completely the handwriting of the person in front of him!

Still, he deserved it.

Hearing the screams coming from the ward, the demon worm felt very comfortable.

——Who let the man behind his back!

inside the room.

Although he was tightly bound to the bed, Duan Hua kept struggling.

He felt as if his internal organs were starting to burn, and every inch of his body was hot, as if his whole body had been thrown into the fire to be roasted.

However, all the doctors who examined him said that it was not caused by any monster, and there was nothing parasitic.

They said he was mentally disturbed by overstimulation.


Duan Hua knew very well that the torture he felt was definitely not an illusion!

And it only started that night, after Shi An met him!

His eyes were split with hatred, and he gritted his teeth.

It must be him! That trash can't die with peace of mind, and even torturing him when he dies!

"Shi'an—" He bounced again, scorchingly, and hissed and howled.

At this moment, a soft and soft voice sounded in Duan Hua's ear:

"Hey, I'm here."

At that moment, although the body was still in severe pain from being burned all the time, Duan Hua felt his scalp explode. , from head to toe, he slowly and stiffly rolled his bloodshot eyeballs, looking in the direction from which the voice came from frame by frame -

the young man with a clear face was sitting quietly in front of the hospital bed. He lowered his head and stared at him with those dark, bottomless eyes, his pale lips curled into a gentle arc, looking elegant and soft, as innocent as an angel. Slightly aggressive.

The voice got stuck deep in the throat, making a gurgling sound.

Duan Hua's eyes widened in horror, and he started to tremble from head to toe: "No, it's impossible, aren't you dead? You should be dead! Impossible!"

Shi An raised a finger and placed it on the On his lips: "Shh."

He winked at Duan Hua: "This is our secret."

Secret... secret?

What's the meaning?

Duan Hua felt that his brain was stagnant, as if it was a rusted gear, and he couldn't react for a long time.

I saw Shi An lowered his eyes warmly and quietly, and his long eyelashes fluttered.

The originally dark pupils were instantly dyed with the color of fire. The pupils were narrow, inhuman and grotesque, with a kind of playfulness and cruelty of a predator at the top of the food chain. At this moment, he was looking down at him condescendingly.

Duan Hua's face turned pale, he suddenly opened his dry lips, and tried to scream in a shrill and frightened manner.

"You can't do this."

Shi An frowned in annoyance, shook his head reluctantly, and moved his fingertips gently and skillfully.

In the next second, Duan Hua felt as if his throat was being choked by an invisible force. Even though his legs were kicking frantically on the bed, he still couldn't make a sound.

The doctor standing outside the door heard the movement, raised his hand and knocked on the door, and asked with concern,

"How are you?"

No! not good!

This man is a monster! monster!

Duan Hua's face was distorted, and he screamed wildly in his heart. He stepped on the bed with his feet, trying to make a noise to attract the attention of the outside world.

"Of course."

Shi An replied and glanced at him lightly: "It's just that he was a little excited when he saw me."

Almost immediately, Duan Hua felt that his torso could no longer move.

An indescribable panic slammed into the head.

He lay stiffly on the bed like a corpse, unable to make a sound or move. He was imprisoned in this heavy body. He could only turn his eyes and stare at the devil with an innocent face in front of him in horror.

The sound of footsteps drifted away from the door.

Duan Hua watched in despair as Shi An returned to the position just now, and even adjusted the height of the chair unhurriedly so that he could sit more comfortably.

Immediately afterwards, Shi An lowered his head and looked at him curiously.

He asked,

"Why did you do this?"

Duan Hua trembled, as if seeing an evil ghost, staring at the other party with frightened eyes.

Shi An rested his elbows on the table beside him, rested his cheeks in his palms, tilted his head slightly, and seemed puzzled: "I understand that humans are very complex creatures, but it's really strange, we shouldn't know each other. If I eat monsters, what good will it do to you?"

"Aren't you going to tell me? That's fine."

After all, Shi An didn't really want to know the answer.

Humans are really weird, but when he regains his strength and takes that shiny human into his collection, he will never deal with humans again.

He will find another cave and continue his unfinished dream last time.

Shi An thought for a while and asked,

"By the way, how did you get those medicinal powders?"

He felt that this was not the first time he had encountered such a thing.

In the last simulation test, he encountered a few puppet worms. After losing their mothers, they could continue to survive. It was only possible that they could receive the supply of magic power elsewhere. , At that time in the simulation field, the performance of those puppet insects was very similar to the monster group in the actual battle that day.

Duan Hua was silent, staring at him with trembling eyeballs.

Shi An tilted his head, a little distressed: "Aren't you going to tell me?"

He stretched out his hand, and his cold fingers fell lightly on the other's wrist, just like that day.


Duan Hua shuddered violently, as if his whole body had been thrown into the flames and burned with a suppressed pain in his throat.

But he remained silent.

Shi An narrowed his eyes, and picked up his fingertips.


This time, Duan Hua barely made a sound. His eyes were white and he only twitched.

Shi An couldn't help but admire him.

Although he deliberately restrained the intensity of his flames, it was not easy for the opponent to endure two waves.

It seems that humans are not as weak creatures as he thought before.

Just when he was about to continue, the magic worm finally couldn't see it anymore, and it said, "Then I think it's not that he doesn't want to say it, he can't say it, right?"

Shi An was stunned.

Oh yes oh.

He suddenly remembered that he had restricted Duan Hua's vocal organs just now in order to prevent Duan Hua from screaming.

Shi An quickly retracted the restrictions, looked at the human being in front of him with some guilt, and whispered embarrassedly:

"Sorry, I forgot..."

Duan Hua: "..."

He didn't have the strength to roll his eyes.

"So, are you willing to tell me?"

The young man in front of him put on a negotiable expression, but Duan Hua now knew very well what a terrifying monster was hidden under that harmless skin.

Under such overwhelming power, he was like fish on the chopping board, and there was no other option except for cooperation.

He was almost afraid of the other party's repentance, nodded weakly, and said in a hoarse and trembling voice:

"I, I am willing, you can let me say anything... Please..."

Shi An walked out of the ward and put the room in the room. The door closed behind him.

The two previous doctors were walking down the corridor. When they saw Shi An, they greeted them with concern:

"How is it? Your visit is over? Has the misunderstanding with your classmates been resolved?" Before

waiting for Shi An to answer, The doctor suddenly realized that the ward where the wailing was heard all the time had become extraordinarily quiet at this moment.

I saw Shi'an smiling at them: "Well, it's resolved."

After that, he waved at the doctor and walked towards the direction where he came.

Behind Shi An, the two doctors opened the ward, only to see Duan Hua sitting up, rarely sane, but pale, eyes dodging and shrinking.

"How are you feeling, do you still feel hot?

"No, no. Duan Hua shivered and shook his head: "

Before, before, I was just frightened, so I was talking nonsense. In fact, these are all my hallucinations, I understand..." In the


He crawled out of his sleeve, a little resentful, "Sir, will you let him go now?

Shi An said lightly, "Yes . "

He glanced at the devil worm reproachfully: "What do you think I am? A murderer?"

Shi An said solemnly: "It's a society ruled by law now, and now I want to follow the local customs." Devil

worm: "..."

Is the legal program actually useful?

Shi An continued:

"And I left a drop of blood in his body, as long as he has any unruly thoughts or actions, no matter how far apart we are, I can immediately turn him into ashes, and I can guarantee The process is very long and painful."

Demon Worm: "..."

Well, it's useless.

Shi An showed a thoughtful look: "But that Shi Rui is a bit interesting." The

devil: "Bah!"

It was full of indignation: "I think he is a bad seed! He is definitely the one who stumbles behind your back! Xia Yin Dao! I just said, I didn't like him the first time I saw him!"

Just after he finished speaking, the demon worm regretted it again:

"Sir, don't burn him on impulse! It's not like that paragraph. Hua, this person is your nominal brother, we are being watched by Mu Heng, if this person dies, it will be very difficult for you to escape!"

Shi An sighed: "Okay."

Devil: " ..."

Feelings, were you really prepared to do this just now?

Well, this is a society ruled by law! Pooh!

Shi An: "He'd better pray that he won't be caught by me again."

The young man in front of him was puffed up with a rare fierce look on his face, but his facial features were soft and childish, and he seemed to be complaining and acting like a spoiled child.

But only the devil knows that this little evil star is serious.

If someone really annoyed him, he wouldn't even know how he died.

Thinking of Duan Hua's tragic situation just now, it shivered in fear, it was the first time that he was so glad that he took the soft clothes quickly.

After walking around the hospital building, Shi An returned to his ward.

In the past two days, he has been transferred from the high-risk ward and moved to the observation area. Lin Yanming was his roommate in life, and this time he became a patient again.

Lin Yanming put down the book in his hand and turned his head to look at Shi An: "Have you finished sunbathing?"

Shi An nodded without changing his face: "Well, it's over!" Lin Yanming

glanced at him suspiciously, then lowered his head to look Look at your watch.

It did go out for more than an hour.

He then let out his breath, took out the game console from under the pillow and handed it over, and warned anxiously, "Don't play for too long, you'll have to get up and do activities in half an hour."

"Okay!" Shi An cheered. .

He took the game console, jumped back to his bed, and started playing games intently.

...they didn't listen to the other party's words at all.

Lin Yanming rubbed his temples with a headache and picked up the book again.

According to the notice, the results of this time and the results of the classification should be announced tomorrow.

When the class is over, it's time to start the class.

You have to study well.

Lin Yanming turned to look at Shi An who was playing games.

Although now the only person who knows that the other party is not a waste but a genius is himself, but Lin Yanming believes that

when the school starts, Shi An will definitely become the strongest student in the entire class, and even the most dazzling new star in the entire academy!

Lin Yanming's eyes are relieved and kind, like an old mother who sees her child getting ahead.

The bed next door.

Shi An frowned at the characters on the screen, and secretly asked the magic insect: "What does this mean?" The

magic insect: "..."

"It means that this thing can cure blood bars." Ask: "Sir, do you have to start learning the human language?"

Shi An didn't lift his head: "Let's talk about it." The

demon worm looked at him sadly, his eyes full of worry, as if someone was looking at him without learning. The old mother whose child does not study art and plays games every day.

Tell me , what

are you going to do after school starts?

within the Authority.

Mu Heng's windbreaker was straight, wrapped in blood, and hurriedly walked in from the outside.

The frost and suffocation between his brows have not dissipated, like a blade whose killing intent has not retreated.

Mu Heng lowered his long silver eyelashes, slowly took off his blood-stained gloves, and threw them into the trash can beside him.

Zhuo Fu leaned over and said, "It's over?"

Mu Heng glanced at him lightly, as if he had no intention of answering the other's innocuous question.

Zhuo Fu was also accustomed to Mu Heng's attitude. He said:

"Basically, there are no high-level fluctuations in the city that require you to play. It doesn't matter if other people in the management bureau handle the rest."

He handed over the new task to Mu Heng . On the table:

"By the way, there are also a lot of new top-level tasks released by the big families recently, and the rewards are generous. Recently, they come every day to inquire if you are willing to accept them, and they can't bother Wen Yao, so I am here. , let me help bring these over to you."

Mu Heng didn't even think about it: "Push it."

Zhuo Fu flipped through the task list, and couldn't help but click his tongue: "Tsk tsk, you really treat money like dung, this is me. You're all excited, you don't even look at it?"

Mu Heng raised his eyes and glanced at it badly:

"Are you busy?"

Zhuo Fu hurriedly threw away the task list and said, "Okay, let's get down to business."

He asked sternly, "I heard that all the students in the college are sober. Now, has that little friend of yours called you?"

Mu Heng gave a slight pause without a trace of movement.

After half a second of silence, he said, "...No."

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