Untitled Part 53

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  Seeing that Mu Heng hadn't come, Shi An raised his eyes and looked towards the door.

I saw the other party standing silently at the door, frowning slightly, his expression condensed and unpredictable, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Shi An put his chin on the pillow in his arms, and tilted his head in confusion: "What's wrong?"

Mu Heng gave him a steady look, but finally averted his eyes and walked into the room:

" Nothing."

He stepped to the side of the bed and sat down.

The bed in the master bedroom is very large and can accommodate three or four people at the same time. Although they sleep in the same bed, the distance between them is still far away.

Shi An had no opinion on this.

Seeing that Mu Heng had walked to the other side of the bed, he happily unfolded his quilt and drilled in, skillfully tucked the edges and corners, and rolled himself into a round bucket.

Shi An pulled the quilt under the tip of his nose, raised his eyelashes dyed golden brown by the light, and said obediently, "Good night."

Mu Heng's eyes touched the dark and clear eyes of the other party, and the rhythm of his heart was slightly disordered. shoot.

He looked away: "Get up first."

"Why?" Shi An narrowed his eyes cautiously, and shrank under the quilt: "If you promise, you must do it, and you will not regret it."

Mu Heng: "... ... your hair is still wet." The

boy's half-moist black hair spread out on the pillow, wetting the pillow surface, showing a slightly darker color.

Shi An pulled the quilt under his eyes: "It doesn't matter, as long as you leave it alone, it will be done soon!"

Mu Heng waved at Shi An: "Come here."

Shi An: "..." The

firmness on Mu Heng's face The ice melted slightly, showing a helpless look: "I don't regret it."

Shi An then dubiously got out of the quilt and moved towards Mu Heng.

Mu Heng stretched out his hand to him and stopped at a distance away. In the next second, the water vapor was instantly controlled to evaporate.

He was not wearing gloves, and his fingers were pale and slender, with well-defined knuckles, and long and powerful.

Although it was not directly touched, the heat of the human palm was still clearly and vividly transmitted. Shi An's eyes narrowed slightly, and he subconsciously put the sticker in the direction of the heat.

The soft end of the boy's hair brushed past Mu Heng's fingertips.

Mu Heng's hand was very steady, never trembling even at the juncture of life and death, but at that moment he trembled involuntarily.

He quickly retracted his hand without a trace: "It's alright."

Shi An rubbed his dry head and narrowed his eyes with satisfaction: "Thank you."

He drilled into the quilt again, and rolled himself up as before. Ba Tuan Ba, shrink into a ball.

The familiar cold breath was warmed by the temperature in the room, lingering on the nose.

The ups and downs of emotions all day, and the exhaustion caused by excessive consumption of magic power came like a tide at this time, engulfing Shi An's whole body.

He raised his heavy eyelids, and in the blurred vision, a human's gleaming silver hair could be vaguely seen not far away.

Shi Anxin yawned contentedly, buried his head in the soft pillow, muttered something in a vague voice, and then fell into sleep very quickly.

The room fell into a dead silence.

After a long time, the man's low and hoarse voice sounded:

"...Good night."

When Shi An opened his eyes the next morning, the sky was already bright, and the bed beside him was empty, so he should have left long ago.

He stretched and rolled on the big bed, lying on the soft quilt as if he had no bones.

Ah... I really slept really well.

A large part of the magic power that was originally consumed has now gradually recovered and replenished.

It's a pity that he can't pile up the treasure he just got, otherwise it can be regarded as a perfect sleep.

Just don't know why... He seems to have dreamed of the scene where he was pinched by Mu Heng's tail that night.

But it should be just a dream, after all, his tail has long since been retracted.

Shi An leaned down and touched the phone.

As soon as the screen was turned on, a series of messages popped up, terrifying him.

Although Shi An's knowledge of human writing has increased day by day, it is still difficult to read a large amount of text. He is too lazy to read, so he simply called Zhao She directly.

As soon as the call was connected, Zhao She's irritable and loud voice came over: "My God, I found you, last night you disappeared without saying hello, which surprised me, after you disappeared I was mad, and only after I found the person in charge did I find out that the Administration took you away, what's the matter, what happened? Are you okay now?"

Shi An silently took the phone a little further away:

"It's okay . It's just that some of the previous matters have not been dealt with."

Zhao She breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

He continued: "Speaking of which, do you know that there is a big incident at Ai Wen College, do you still remember the principal who spoke that day? Well, he seems to have been attacked and is still in the hospital now, I don't know exactly what happened, but it seems to be quite miserable..."

Shi An snorted coldly.

- This is what he deserves!

Zhao She didn't hear clearly: "What?"

"I didn't say anything, you heard it wrong." The boy's voice was soft and clear, and he couldn't tell that he was the mastermind behind the attack on the principal.

Zhao She: "But speaking of it, there is something I can't figure out..."

Shi An: "What's the matter?"

Zhao She's voice was a little puzzled:

"This time the news is blocked very strongly, although I am very concerned about it. I don't know much about it, but it should involve something very important. Apart from me, after such a serious accident, the academic exchanges in the Strength Department should be postponed or canceled. After all, to put it bluntly, we also know that strength The academic exchange of the department has always been ignored... However, someone came to notify today that the academic exchange meeting will be held normally."

Shi An showed a thoughtful look.

Zhao She's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Speaking of which, will you still participate in this academic exchange?"

Shi An regained his senses and said, "Of course, if there is any news, let me know in time."

"Of course."

After confirming again that Shi An was fine, Zhao She hung up the phone.

Shi An sat up with a mess of hair.

Could it be... will this trapping plan have anything to do with the exchange?

He jumped down bare-legged, and clattered out of the bedroom on his slippers.

Mu Heng's residence in Aiwen District was very large, and Shi An turned around twice to find the location of the study. After confirming that there was no magic tracking and prevention thing in it, he opened the door and walked in.

The study is very clean, and it doesn't look like there is any trace of office work, and there are no important task documents left.

But Shi An was not discouraged, and finally let him find a suspicious-looking object.

It was a small map with many strange symbols and lines drawn on it.

Shi An tilted his head and looked left and right, but he didn't see any eyebrows or where it was.

Although he couldn't figure out what the function of this map was, for the sake of safety, Shi An still took a picture of the map with his mobile phone and saved the pattern in the album.

Might be useful.

Mu Heng handles official business in the Administration.

After the incident of Lu Yuanyi's attack, although it was only the second day, many Ai Wen dignitaries who attended the meeting yesterday came to contact them privately and agreed to cooperate with their plan in exchange for the protection of the Administration .

They seemed to have heard the news of the conflict between the Aiwen District Chief and Mu Heng the day before. This time, no one dared to make a similar request.

At this moment, Wen Yao knocked on the door and walked in.

"Although the injury is not serious, Lu Yuanyi's vital signs have stabilized."

She briefly reported the current contact process to Mu Heng. More than half of the people are willing to cooperate, even if the remaining people do not participate, it does not matter.

"The bait is ready."

If you want to trap a powerful fantasy species, it is not enough to rely on the right bait. It is impossible for the other party to directly put his head into the noose, so what they need to do is to set up an illusion , let the other party mistakenly think that he can retreat completely, when the dragon relaxes its vigilance, it is when they close the net...

Wen Yao said: "The proposal from the Aiwen District can actually take advantage of this academic exchange at Aiwen College. Yes ..."

Unexpectedly, Mu Heng didn't think much about it, and refused directly:


Although the exchange meeting was indeed a good time, after all, the sources of magic power were mixed, and the participants also came from all over the continent, so it was very convenient to covertly. Arrangement and operation, it is not that he has not considered this direction.

But the problem is that the participants of the academic exchange are all students. If the dragon is really attracted, it is very likely to cause uncontrollable casualties.

Mu Heng tapped the table with his fingertips: "According to the original plan, release the news of the auction."

Wen Yao: "Yes."

She turned and walked out, but hesitated before going out, turned to look at Mu Heng: " Sir, do you need to send someone to protect Shi An?"

Mu Heng's eyes paused slightly.

He shook his head: "No need."

Wen Yao: "But—"

Mu Heng said calmly, "I have already taken people to me."

Wen Yao: "..."

Well, that is really unnecessary.

After Wen Yao left, the office returned to tranquility.

Mu Heng lowered his eyes, and his eyes fell on the document in front of him, but he did not move for a long time.

The name Wen Yao accidentally mentioned just now was like a stone, disturbing his calm heart.

He almost couldn't help recalling what happened last night.

Mu Heng originally thought. With other people by his side, he must not be able to fall asleep, but what he didn't expect was that in the darkness, the boy's deep and steady breathing came from his side, and he actually slowly fell into a deep sleep.

As if his body had already remembered this feeling, he actually did not reject it at all.

When Mu Heng opened his eyes at a fixed time, the morning light outside the window was faint, and it came in hazy.

A fluffy head rested on his shoulder, and the small breathing sounded like a feather scratching the side of Mu Heng's neck, bringing a small itch.

Mu Heng froze, his mind went blank for a moment.

He realized with hindsight that his hand... at this moment was tightly attached to the other's back waist.

The hem of the boy's shirt was lifted up because of the indecent sleeping image, revealing a narrow and soft curve, as if it was just right for someone to squeeze with the palm of his hand and play with it.

What , what...


Mu Heng froze in extreme shock, and completely lost his ability to think.

He turned his head slowly and looked sideways.

——The distance from before falling asleep has long disappeared.

The quilts of the two of them have been spread out at some point, and only one bed is left. The slender body of the young man is very close, and the small half of his face is buried in his scattered hair.

The other party's body temperature is very low, but it is cool and flexible, like a snake that is afraid of the cold, snuggling close to him.

Mu Heng's fingertips moved subconsciously for a moment.

The skin under the palm of the hand was delicate and soft, and it was warmed up a little, as if it could melt in the palm of his hand.

The next second, there was a grunt from the boy's throat, he subconsciously curled himself tighter, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and he muttered softly and aggrieved: "Don't, don't mess with it... I 'm




Heng's gloved fingers suddenly tightened uncontrollably.

Mu Heng's expression was stern, his lips were tightly pursed, and his body was stretched like a bowstring.

The man's eyes were solemn and gloomy, and the cold murderous aura escaped.

The document in his palm was pinched and crumpled, the edge was torn by uncontrollable force, and the fine scraps of paper fell and scattered on the table.

He really didn't expect that he would be such a jerk.

Actually... in his sleep he will be a hooligan.

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