Reading For Wonders

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To wander across seas                                                                               

To live through stories

Is one of the greatest joys                                

Man can hope to enjoy     

From the vast mountains                                        

To the smallest of islands

Every story untold                                                                     

Is a wonder to behold

Some may agree with me                                

Books are the real time machines

For the words inside contain treasure                       

Nothing else can begin to measure

The feelings range from sorrow to joy                      

Emotions change from low to high

Sometimes burdened with grief                                        

It gets hard to breathe

When even the morning sunshine                                         

Can create the perfect rhyme

We travel through the chapters                          

On our way, discovering wonders

The life I live is one                                  

The moments I treasure in millions

Nightmares can haunt the night                            

Still we wake to see the light


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