With You

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Are the screams heard

The shouts and cries

Are the tears seen

As the droplets fall and die

Drowning in the sea

Falling from a cliff

Spare a glance from the mirror

Look at my pleading lips

They say space is silent

Is this world a void too

Because my pleas are useless

Nobody can hear my screaming  truths

They say chivalry is dead

Is kindness at its end too

Because nobody searches for me

Am I lost to this world too

They say prison feels eternal

Do the minutes become days

Because I've waited for centuries

To bask in sun rays

Can I walk by myself

Hope feels like a crown

But how to even stand

When my feet can't find the ground

I crawl through this endless night

But wait, the dark feels different today

Before I was haunted

Now it compels me to stay

Knowing what this is, I sigh

Your hand engulfs mine

Suddenly I'm at peace

As I think of that first drawing

The warmth comforts me

To memories my thoughts cling

Because even the most brutal winter

With you, it feels like spring


I know it's long... But anyways so long guyz..XO


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