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"so he let you go out with him?" hana asked. "YES HANA I CAN HAVE A BOYFRIEND!!"
"Yes hana I do know now we can finally talk about boys without felix going insane!"
"Finally, took him long enough. Anyways jina there's a party tonight, and it's going too be ALL hot ass seniors from our school. The girl hosting it is Rita and she couldn't find you so she asked me too tell you that WE ARE BOTH INVITED!!" She squeaked.
"Urgh not her, I'll haft too ask felix if I'm aloud to go, gosh I can't wait till my parents get back from their buisness trip then felix won't be in charge anymore, he gets so overprotective when their not here it's driving me  nuts"
"Dude we like haft too go, it would be so stupid not too, WE ARE JUNIORS, invited too the SENIORS is party. Jina are you realising this, gosh I love the fact that you're felix is sister that means we get too be invited at every senior party."
"I mean I'm pretty used too it, we get invited too these parties alot of the time though."
"Yes but this is Rita's party jina, aka this high-schools most popular girl, everybody is terrified of her"
"Girl who's everybody? Cause if youre including me in 'everybody' then check me off that list girl. I'm no where near scared of a 5'11 bitch who thinks she can scare me"
"I mean she is pretty tall."
"LOL either way I'm not scared of her ass and I'm not begging too go to her party either. Ill see if I can even go"
"Urgh okay, gosh you're so cool girl, not letting anybody bring you down as you should"
"Pfft, speaking of the devil there's m-my brother AND RITA KISSING?" I screamed, I shouldn't really have brang that too hanas attention I knew rhat she would be super heart broken if she knew, "o-oh.." hana said looking down. "Girl don't you dare he Is not worth it,  don't you dare start crying because I will slap you, you are so much better then a bitch who fucks any girl that he sees dont let him bring you down like that, as a matter of fact he's doing it too piss you off so wipe those tears girl and let's go there immediately and you better show him that you're doing fine without him" I said dragging hanas arm with me too felix.
I tapped felix is shoulder disrupting he makeout sesh. Felix extremely pissed off that was here again pulled back rolling his eyes. "What" he said. "Sorry too disrupt but this girl your fucking around with here yeah, she invited me too her party. Can I go?"
"What? Which one? Oh rita-" he answered
"Baby what do you mean which one" she whined
"Girl you really think you're the only girl he fucks with? Babe last night that girl with the red hair was in his bed"
"JINA-" felix screamed
"It's okay baby I forgive you, you only love me right?" Gosh these girls are such low lives, at least a minimum of self respect. Cant they tell he's using them for their body? Felix not answering Rita instead just stared her up and down blankly clearly not wanting too say he loved her. Because once again people he's fucking around with her feelings.
"Oooh, no hard feelings bby he's a jerk" I said making fun of Rita. It was my payback too him for doing what he did too hana. I wasn't an idiot I knew je was just making out with Rita because he saw me and hana come towards them.
"Anyways can I go too her party?" I asked once again
"Who Ritas party? I um guess yeah, but be careful with the alcohol, 2 shots max." he replied
"Yay thank you, I'll be going with hana, FYI she'll be coming with a hotter cooler sexier guy, he's in college and owns a ferrari" I said completely lying
"I.. okay? Good for her?" Felix said clearly not caring. "Just make sure you ask hyunjin if you can go" felix added
"What why would I need too ask hyunjin?" I asked
"Um jina something I didn't tell you about hyunjin, when he gets into relationships he's serious about he tends too get very um... possessive, maybe even a little toxic.. just a little heads up, so from now on you might want too wear full coverage clothes and not speak too any boy that you know" i mean I won't lie that's kinda hot, I could handle it.. right?
"Um, okay... I'll just ask him then I guess"
"Wait so like, you and hyunjin are like, really serious now? I guess people were right saying you were meant for each other" Rita said
"I mean they practically grew up with each other it was pretty obvious they were going too end up together" felix added
"Girl watch him leave you right after he fucks you"
"W-what?" I replied too Rita feeling heart drop.
"Wait a second, why am I hurt over a girl who literally has no type of self respect whatsoever. You throw yourself too any of these 8 guys. Your just jealous I grew up with them and you didn't. Babe, i used too take showers with them as babies that's how close we are. So don't start saying that he'll drop me, don't be jelly he dropped you."
"Jina enough" felix said in a serious tone.
"Are you serious rn? You're defending that instead of your sister. Wow I guess shes not the only one with no self respect"
"I'm not defending her I'm saying enough, leave, now." I felt my blood boil, was felix being serious? "You dick what the fuck felix". Felix took a deep breath before he grabbed my arm pulling me away from hana and Rita.
"What are you doing leave my hand alone"
"Jina what the fuck is up your mind lately, when I say leave it means GET LOST"
"Get a grip"
Felix rolled his eyes and pushed me one last time "ouch".

My Brothers Bestfriend | HYUNJIN FFWhere stories live. Discover now