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i have returned besties, I GOT LOGGED OUT IM SORRY!!!! some stupid hoe hacked me... ANYWAY. Then summer came up and finals also and I forgot about the story and guys I'm just so sorry but here you goooo.

detention was over and i sure was tired from hyunjin and i's previous session. ''psst wakeup'' i heard slowly opening my eyes having the hard light coming through the window hit my face ''w-what'' i replied to hyunjin trying to wake me up gently, ''i'm still horny'' he said, 'are you fucking seriou-'' i replied before getting cut off, ''i'm joking, detentions over and felix said i gotta take you home cause he doesn't trust you and knows you're gonna do some stupid typa shit just to get yourself out of trouble, so let's go'' he smiled gently, ''hyunjin please let me stay over at yours, being grounded at mine is HELL'', ''no you're grounded, but i'll come over'' ''YOU ARE ALWAYS OVER BRO IT WON'T CHANGE ANYTHING'' ''ill buy you mcdonalds and watch a kdrama with you, and maybe ill see if even myself or felix can allow you to invite hana over'' he said, ''bitch why am i even grounded again?'' i asked with attitude, ''hmmmm let's see so felix in this text says on the gc not long ago ''nah jina's not going anywhere she got some attitude and fucks around to much, also got fingered and fucked by hyunjin and purposely walked in on me having sex, also not to mention she got high with chaewon two nights ago, with the weed i bought' and i quote felix, i replied 'laaaame' to him, still didnt help your case though'' ''fuck you'' 'gladly'' "I can't do this Hyunjin being grounded is torturing because FELIX IS DEFINITON OF GROUNDED IS PRISON BASICALLY" I yelled, "shhhhh I'll try to help you out I promise, but if I do you need to stop fucking around, i didn't tell your brother about the alcohol with chaewon the first night she came over I won't refrain from telling him if you don't stop, am I understood?" He said looking deep down into my eyes, "mhm".

Hyunjin and I got home, I was exhausted all I could do was fall asleep, "liiiix I got her hooome just as you asked!!" Hyunjin yelled across the house hoping felix had heard him.
After a couple seconds I saw chaewon come down with no bra, felix is shirt and panties "ahah" she said scratching the back of her head, "Felix will be down in just a minute.." she said once again, "YOU HAD SEX!? AGAIN?? Chaewon why would you do this to Hana you know she likes him..." I said kinda pissed off, I mean I haft to defend my best friend am I right? "Yeah but she doesn't even have a chance with him, you have a boyfriend so it's easy for you to say Jina" she replied, I glared her very pissed off, "if I learn my brothers dick is inside of you once again I'll tell Hana and don't worry she knows how to sabotage someone, and I won't stop her from doing it" I spat, meanwhile Hyunjin was just standing there, dumb looking. "I'll tell your brother you slept with Jack back in australia" she replied in an arrogant tone, I turned around with shooting eyes, "you did what?" Hyunjin asked confused and eager to find out if she was lying or not, "you know you're lying I never did that" I denied, "but you still tried to.. don't try me jina, you may think you're the Blair Waldorf of this world but you're really not", "oh please if anything I'm much more then a Blair Waldorf then you'll ever be, little J" I said, "you slut" she replied, Hyunjin at first didn't really care, he was just listening to the conversation sat down on the counter eating an apple, but when he heard that, he got up immediately, knowing a problem was about to happen "what did you just call me?" I asked, "a slut, I just called you a slut" "get out of my house, now"..

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